Hosted Engine Migration fails
by Soeren Malchow
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Dear all,
we ahve a setup with several hosts running fedora 10 with the virt-preview =
packages installed (for snapshot live merge) and a hosted engine running ce=
ntos 6.6-
We are experiencing a problem with the Live Migration of the Hosted Engine,=
in the case of setting the host for the Engine into maintenance as well as=
a manual migration.
I tried this on the "ovirtmgmt" network and when that failed I did some res=
earch and tried to use another network interface (separate from ovirtmgmt o=
n layer 2), this also fails.
It looks as if the migration is still going through the ovirtmgmt interface=
, at least judging from the network traffic, and I think the error that I f=
ound (RHBZ#919201) is actually the right one.
vdsm.log:Thread-6745::WARNING::2015-02-16 03:22:25,743::migration::458::vm.=
Vm::(monitor_migration) vmId=3D`XXX`::Migration stalling: remaining (35MiB)=
> lowmark (15MiB). Refer to RHBZ#919201.
vdsm.log:Thread-6745::WARNING::2015-02-16 03:22:35,745::migration::458::vm.=
Vm::(monitor_migration) vmId=3D`XXX`::Migration stalling: remaining (129MiB=
) > lowmark (15MiB). Refer to RHBZ#919201.
vdsm.log:Thread-6745::WARNING::2015-02-16 03:22:45,747::migration::458::vm.=
Vm::(monitor_migration) vmId=3D`XXX`::Migration stalling: remaining (42MiB)=
> lowmark (15MiB). Refer to RHBZ#919201.
vdsm.log:Thread-6745::WARNING::2015-02-16 03:22:55,749::migration::458::vm.=
Vm::(monitor_migration) vmId=3D`XXX`::Migration stalling: remaining (88MiB)=
> lowmark (15MiB). Refer to RHBZ#919201.
The ovirtmgmt interface is 2 x 1Gbit (LACP connected to Dell Switches with =
MLAG) and by far not fully utilized.
Can anyone help me where to go form here ?
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<div class=3D"WordSection1">
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Dear all,<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">we ahve a setup with several ho=
sts running fedora 10 with the virt-preview packages installed (for snapsho=
t live merge) and a hosted engine running centos 6.6-<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">We are experiencing a problem w=
ith the Live Migration of the Hosted Engine, in the case of setting the hos=
t for the Engine into maintenance as well as a manual migration.<o:p></o:p>=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">I tried this on the “ovir=
tmgmt” network and when that failed I did some research and tried to =
use another network interface (separate from ovirtmgmt on layer 2), this al=
so fails.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-US">It looks as if the migration is=
still going through the ovirtmgmt interface, at least judging from the net=
work traffic, and I think the error that I found (RHBZ#919201) is actually =
the right one.
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE"> --<o:p></o:p></sp=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE">vdsm.log:Thread-6745::W=
ARNING::2015-02-16 03:22:25,743::migration::458::vm.Vm::(monitor_migration)
vmId=3D`XXX`::Migration stalling: remaining (35MiB) > lowmark (15MiB). =
Refer to RHBZ#919201.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE">vdsm.log:Thread-6745::W=
ARNING::2015-02-16 03:22:35,745::migration::458::vm.Vm::(monitor_migration)
vmId=3D`XXX`::Migration stalling: remaining (129MiB) > lowmark (15MiB).=
Refer to RHBZ#919201.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE">vdsm.log:Thread-6745::W=
ARNING::2015-02-16 03:22:45,747::migration::458::vm.Vm::(monitor_migration)
vmId=3D`XXX`::Migration stalling: remaining (42MiB) > lowmark (15MiB). =
Refer to RHBZ#919201.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE">vdsm.log:Thread-6745::W=
ARNING::2015-02-16 03:22:55,749::migration::458::vm.Vm::(monitor_migration)
vmId=3D`XXX`::Migration stalling: remaining (88MiB) > lowmark (15MiB). =
Refer to RHBZ#919201.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE">--<o:p></o:p></span></p=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE">The ovirtmgmt interface=
is 2 x 1Gbit (LACP connected to Dell Switches with
MLAG) and by far not fully utilized.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE">Can anyone help me wher=
e to go form here ?<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE">Regards<o:p></o:p></spa=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-a=
lt:auto"><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"T=
imes New Roman",serif;mso-fareast-language:DE">Soeren
9 years, 11 months
HostedEngine Deployment Woes
by Mikola Rose
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
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Hi List Members;
I have been struggling with deploying oVirt hosted engine I keep running i=
nto a timeout during the "Misc Configuration" any suggestion on how I can =
trouble shoot this?
Redhat 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64
Installed Packages
ovirt-host-deploy.noarch =
1.2.5-1.el6ev =
ovirt-host-deploy-java.noarch =
1.2.5-1.el6ev =
ovirt-hosted-engine-ha.noarch =
1.1.6-3.el6ev =
ovirt-hosted-engine-setup.noarch =
1.1.5-1.el6ev =
rhevm-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine.noarch =
3.4.4-2.2.el6ev =
rhevm-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine-common.noarch =
3.4.4-2.2.el6ev =
Please confirm installation settings (Yes, No)[No]: Yes
[ INFO ] Stage: Transaction setup
[ INFO ] Stage: Misc configuration
[ INFO ] Stage: Package installation
[ INFO ] Stage: Misc configuration
[ INFO ] Configuring libvirt
[ INFO ] Configuring VDSM
[ INFO ] Starting vdsmd
[ INFO ] Waiting for VDSM hardware info
[ INFO ] Waiting for VDSM hardware info
[ INFO ] Connecting Storage Domain
[ INFO ] Connecting Storage Pool
[ INFO ] Verifying sanlock lockspace initialization
[ INFO ] sanlock lockspace already initialized
[ INFO ] sanlock metadata already initialized
[ INFO ] Creating VM Image
[ INFO ] Disconnecting Storage Pool
[ INFO ] Start monitoring domain
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Misc configuration': The read operation =
timed out
[ INFO ] Stage: Clean up
[ INFO ] Generating answer file '/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/answers.conf'
[ INFO ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO ] Stage: Termination
2014-12-29 14:53:41 DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.sanlock.l=
ockspace lockspace._misc:133 Ensuring lease for lockspace hosted-engine, ho=
st id 1 is acquired (file: /rhev/data-center/mnt/
2014-12-29 14:53:41 INFO otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.sanlock.lo=
ckspace lockspace._misc:144 sanlock lockspace already initialized
2014-12-29 14:53:41 INFO otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.sanlock.lo=
ckspace lockspace._misc:157 sanlock metadata already initialized
2014-12-29 14:53:41 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:138 Stage mi=
sc METHOD otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.vm.image.Plugin._misc
2014-12-29 14:53:41 INFO otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.vm.image i=
mage._misc:162 Creating VM Image
2014-12-29 14:53:41 DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.vm.image =
image._misc:163 createVolume
2014-12-29 14:53:42 DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.vm.image =
image._misc:184 Created volume d8e7eed4-c763-4b3d-8a71-35f2d692a73d, reques=
t was:
- image: 9043e535-ea94-41f8-98df-6fdbfeb107c3
- volume: e6a9291d-ac21-4a95-b43c-0d6e552baaa2
2014-12-29 14:53:42 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.tasks tasks.wait:=
48 Waiting for existing tasks to complete
2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.tasks tasks.wait:=
48 Waiting for existing tasks to complete
2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:138 Stage mi=
sc METHOD otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.vm.boot_disk.Plugin._misc
2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:144 conditio=
n False
2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:138 Stage mi=
2014-12-29 14:53:43 INFO
orage storage._disconnect_pool:971 Disconnecting Storage Pool
2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.tasks tasks.wait:=
48 Waiting for existing tasks to complete
2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG
torage storage._spmStop:602 spmStop
2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG
torage storage._spmStop:611
2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG
torage storage._storagePoolConnection:573 disconnectStoragePool
2014-12-29 14:53:45 INFO
orage storage._disconnect_pool:975 Start monitoring domain
2014-12-29 14:53:45 DEBUG
torage storage._startMonitoringDomain:529 _startMonitoringDomain
2014-12-29 14:53:46 DEBUG
torage storage._startMonitoringDomain:534 {'status': {'message': 'OK', 'cod=
e': 0}}
2014-12-29 14:53:51 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.tasks tasks.wait:=
127 Waiting for domain monitor
2014-12-29 14:54:51 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:152 method e=
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/otopi/", line 142, in _e=
File "/usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/scripts/../plugins/ovirt-hoste=
d-engine-setup/storage/", line 976, in _disconnect_pool
File "/usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/scripts/../plugins/ovirt-hoste=
d-engine-setup/storage/", line 539, in _startMonitoringDomain
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ovirt_hosted_engine_setup/
", line 128, in wait
response =3D serv.s.getVdsStats()
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 1199, in __call__
return self.__send(self.__name, args)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 1489, in __request
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 1237, in request
errcode, errmsg, headers =3D h.getreply()
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 1064, in getreply
response =3D self._conn.getresponse()
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 990, in getresponse
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 391, in begin
version, status, reason =3D self._read_status()
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 349, in _read_status
line =3D self.fp.readline()
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 433, in readline
data =3D recv(1)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 215, in recv
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 136, in read
SSLError: The read operation timed out
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<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"=
<body style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-lin=
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<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
>Hi List Members;</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
>I have been struggling with deploying oVirt hosted engine I keep run=
ning into a timeout during the "Misc Configuration" any sug=
gestion on how I can trouble shoot this?</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
>Redhat 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">Installed Packages</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">ovirt-host-deploy.noarch &nbs=
p; &n=
bsp; =
; &nb=
sp; 1.2.5-1.el6ev &=
nbsp; =
p; @rhel-6-server-rhevm-3.4-rpms&=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">ovirt-host-deploy-java.noarch =
; &nb=
sp; &=
nbsp; 1.2.5-=
1.el6ev &nbs=
p; &n=
bsp; =
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">ovirt-hosted-engine-ha.noarch =
; &nb=
sp; &=
nbsp; 1.1.6-=
3.el6ev &nbs=
p; &n=
bsp; =
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">ovirt-hosted-engine-setup.noarch &nb=
sp; &=
nbsp; =
p; 1.1.5-1.el6ev &n=
bsp; =
; &nb=
sp; @rhel-6-server-rhevm-3.4-rpms
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">rhevm-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine.noar=
ch &n=
bsp; =
; 3.4.4-2.2.el6ev &=
nbsp; =
p; &n=
bsp; @rhel-6-server-rhevm-3.4-rpms
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">rhevm-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine-comm=
on.noarch &nb=
sp; &=
nbsp; =
3.4.4-2.2.el6ev &n=
bsp; =
; @rhel-6-se=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> &n=
bsp;Please confirm installation settings (Yes, No)[No]: Yes</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> St=
age: Transaction setup</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> St=
age: Misc configuration</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> St=
age: Package installation</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> St=
age: Misc configuration</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Co=
nfiguring libvirt</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Co=
nfiguring VDSM</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> St=
arting vdsmd</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Wa=
iting for VDSM hardware info</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Wa=
iting for VDSM hardware info</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Co=
nnecting Storage Domain</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Co=
nnecting Storage Pool</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Ve=
rifying sanlock lockspace initialization</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> sa=
nlock lockspace already initialized</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> sa=
nlock metadata already initialized</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Cr=
eating VM Image</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Di=
sconnecting Storage Pool</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> St=
art monitoring domain</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #c33720" class=3D"">[ ERROR ]</span> Failed =
to execute stage 'Misc configuration': The read operation timed out</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> St=
age: Clean up</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> Ge=
nerating answer file '/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/answers.conf'</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> St=
age: Pre-termination</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""><span style=3D"font-variant-ligature=
s: no-common-ligatures; color: #2de621" class=3D"">[ INFO ]</span> St=
age: Termination</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:41 DEBUG otopi.plug=
ins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.sanlock.lockspace lockspace._misc:133 Ensurin=
g lease for lockspace hosted-engine, host id 1 is acquired (file: /rhev/dat=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:41 INFO otopi.plugi=
ns.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.sanlock.lockspace lockspace._misc:144 sanlock =
lockspace already initialized</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:41 INFO otopi.plugi=
ns.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.sanlock.lockspace lockspace._misc:157 sanlock =
metadata already initialized</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:41 DEBUG otopi.cont=
ext context._executeMethod:138 Stage misc METHOD otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:41 INFO otopi.plugi=
ns.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.vm.image image._misc:162 Creating VM Image</di=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:41 DEBUG otopi.plug=
ins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.vm.image image._misc:163 createVolume</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:42 DEBUG otopi.plug=
ins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.vm.image image._misc:184 Created volume d8e7e=
ed4-c763-4b3d-8a71-35f2d692a73d, request was:</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">- image: 9043e535-ea94-41f8-98df-6fd=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">- volume: e6a9291d-ac21-4a95-b43c-0d=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:42 DEBUG otopi.ovir=
t_hosted_engine_setup.tasks tasks.wait:48 Waiting for existing tasks to com=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.ovir=
t_hosted_engine_setup.tasks tasks.wait:48 Waiting for existing tasks to com=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.cont=
ext context._executeMethod:138 Stage misc METHOD otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.cont=
ext context._executeMethod:144 condition False</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.cont=
ext context._executeMethod:138 Stage misc METHOD otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted=</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:43 INFO otopi.plugi= storage._disconnect_pool:971 D=
isconnecting Storage Pool</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.ovir=
t_hosted_engine_setup.tasks tasks.wait:48 Waiting for existing tasks to com=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.plug= storage._spmStop:602 spmStop<=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.plug= storage._spmStop:611</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:43 DEBUG otopi.plug= storage._storagePoolConnectio=
n:573 disconnectStoragePool</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:45 INFO otopi.plugi= storage._disconnect_pool:975 S=
tart monitoring domain</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:45 DEBUG otopi.plug= storage._startMonitoringDomai=
n:529 _startMonitoringDomain</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:46 DEBUG otopi.plug= storage._startMonitoringDomai=
n:534 {'status': {'message': 'OK', 'code': 0}}</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:53:51 DEBUG otopi.ovir=
t_hosted_engine_setup.tasks tasks.wait:127 Waiting for domain monitor</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">2014-12-29 14:54:51 DEBUG otopi.cont=
ext context._executeMethod:152 method exception</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">Traceback (most recent call last):</=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib/python2.6=
/site-packages/otopi/", line 142, in _executeMethod</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> method['method']()</di=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/share/ovirt-h=
osted-engine-setup/scripts/../plugins/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/storage/sto=", line 976, in _disconnect_pool</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> self._startMonitoringD=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/share/ovirt-h=
osted-engine-setup/scripts/../plugins/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/storage/sto=", line 539, in _startMonitoringDomain</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> waiter.wait(self.envir=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib/python2.6=
/site-packages/ovirt_hosted_engine_setup/", line 128, in wait<=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> response =3D
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 1199, in __call__</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> return self.__send(sel=
f.__name, args)</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 1489, in __request</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> verbose=3Dself.__verbo=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 1237, in request</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> errcode, errmsg, heade=
rs =3D h.getreply()</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 1064, in getreply</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> response =3D self._con=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 990, in getresponse</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> response.begin()</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 391, in begin</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> version, status, reaso=
n =3D self._read_status()</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 349, in _read_status</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> line =3D self.fp.readl=
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 433, in readline</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> data =3D recv(1)</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 215, in recv</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> return
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> File "/usr/lib64/python2=
.6/", line 136, in read</div>
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D""> return
<div style=3D"margin: 0px;" class=3D"">SSLError: The read operation timed o=
<div class=3D""><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
><br class=3D"">
<div style=3D"margin: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Menlo;" class=3D""=
9 years, 11 months
Sync Error on Master Domain after adding a second one
by Stefano Stagnaro
I'm testing oVirt 3.5.2 nightly with 1 host for engine, 2 for virt (v10,v11) and 2 for GlusterFS (s20,s21). The Master Data Domain (named DATA) rely on GlusterFS.
I've added second Data Domain (named DATA_R3) in order to switch the Master role and remove the old one. Every time I try to put the old Data Domain in maintenance I got the following error:
"Sync Error on Master Domain between Host v10 and oVirt Engine. Domain: DATA_R3 is marked as Master in oVirt Engine database but not on the Storage side. Please consult with Support on how to fix this issue."
Same error if I try to put DATA in maintenance from the shell:
# action storagedomain '62a034ca-63df-44f2-9a87-735ddd257a6b' deactivate --datacenter-identifier '00000002-0002-0002-0002-00000000022f'
I cannot switch to the new Master Data Domain neither I can put the Data Center in maintenance.
I'm not sure if it is related to bug 1183977. I've already upgraded to ovirt-engine-3.5.2-0.0.master.20150224122113.git410d88b.el6.noarch but the problem still happen.
Stefano Stagnaro
Prisma Engineering S.r.l.
Via Petrocchi, 4
20127 Milano – Italy
Tel. 02 26113507 int 339
e-mail: stefanos(a)
skype: stefano.stagnaro
9 years, 11 months
Help understanding Gluster in oVirt
by Groten, Ryan
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I was planning on making a Gluster Data domain to test, and found some grea=
t information on this page:
The article the author uses the CTDB service for VIP failover. Is it possi=
ble/recommended to not do this, and just create a gluster volume on all the=
hosts in a cluster, then create the Gluster data domain as localhost:<glus=
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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xmlns:m=3D"" xmlns=3D"http:=
//"><head><meta http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=
=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"><meta name=3DGenerator content=3D"Micros=
oft Word 14 (filtered medium)"><style><!--
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nk=3Dpurple><div class=3DWordSection1><p class=3DMsoNormal><span style=3D'f=
ont-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Century Gothic","sans-serif"'>I was planning o=
n making a Gluster Data domain to test, and found some great information on=
this page: <a href=3D"
/</a><o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><span style=3D'font-size:10=
.0pt;font-family:"Century Gothic","sans-serif"'>The article the author uses=
the CTDB service for VIP failover. Is it possible/recommended to not=
do this, and just create a gluster volume on all the hosts in a cluster, t=
hen create the Gluster data domain as localhost:<gluster_vol>?<o:p></=
o:p></span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><span style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-fa=
mily:"Century Gothic","sans-serif"'><o:p> </o:p></span></p><p class=3D=
MsoNormal><span style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Century Gothic","san=
s-serif"'>Thanks,<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><span style=3D'=
font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Century Gothic","sans-serif"'>Ryan<o:p></o:p>=
9 years, 11 months
[ANN] oVirt 3.5.2 First Release Candidate is now available for testing
by Sandro Bonazzola
Hash: SHA1
The oVirt team is pleased to announce that the 3.5.2 First Release Candidate is now
available for testing as of Feb 27th 2015.
The release candidate is available now for Fedora 20, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6
(or similar) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (or similar).
This release of oVirt includes numerous bug fixes.
See the release notes [1] for a list of the new features and bugs fixed.
Please refer to release notes [1] for Installation / Upgrade instructions.
New oVirt Live and oVirt Node ISO will be available soon as well[2].
Please note that mirrors may need usually one day before being synchronized.
Please refer to the release notes for known issues in this release.
- - --
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
Version: GnuPG v1
9 years, 11 months
VM failed to start | Bad volume specification
by Punit Dambiwal
I try to start the VM but it's failed to start...and through the following
error :-
VM vm1 is down with error. Exit message: Bad volume specification
{'index': 0, 'iface': 'virtio', 'type': 'disk', 'format': 'raw',
'bootOrder': '1', 'address': {'slot': '0x07', 'bus': '0x00', 'domain':
'0x0000', 'type': 'pci', 'function': '0x0'}, 'volumeID':
'60c73bf0-d190-420b-917c-04aa00e52f10', 'apparentsize': '1073741824',
'imageID': '8ca66096-bd47-460d-9e09-2966e45b471b', 'specParams': {},
'readonly': 'false', 'domainID': 'e732a82f-bae9-4368-8b98-dedc1c3814de',
'reqsize': '0', 'deviceId': '8ca66096-bd47-460d-9e09-2966e45b471b',
'truesize': '1054048256', 'poolID': '00000002-0002-0002-0002-000000000145',
'device': 'disk', 'shared': 'false', 'propagateErrors': 'off', 'optional':
Please help me to solve this issue....
9 years, 11 months
AD time sync issue.
by Shadow Hunt
Thanks for the add, anyone have experience adding the ovirt engine to
Windows active directory? I keep getting a time synchronization error and I
can't figure it out.
9 years, 11 months
oVirt Manager problem
by Massimo Mad
Here is the result of the command actually tables "audit_log" are very large
What can I do to prevent the file system fills up?
psql engine -c "SELECT nspname || '.' || relname AS relation,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(C.oid)) AS size
FROM pg_class C
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)
WHERE nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
ORDER BY pg_relation_size(C.oid) DESC
LIMIT 20;"
relation | size
public.audit_log | 826 MB
public.idx_audit_correlation_id | 159 MB
public.idx_audit_log_job_id | 114 MB
public.idx_audit_log_storage_domain_name | 114 MB
public.idx_audit_log_user_name | 114 MB
public.idx_audit_log_vm_name | 114 MB
public.idx_audit_log_storage_pool_name | 114 MB
public.idx_audit_log_vds_name | 114 MB
public.idx_audit_log_vm_template_name | 113 MB
public.pk_audit_log | 90 MB
public.idx_audit_log_log_time | 90 MB
pg_toast.pg_toast_2618 | 1336 kB
public.vm_dynamic | 680 kB
public.vm_statistics | 496 kB
public.disk_image_dynamic | 288 kB
public.vds_interface_statistics | 256 kB
public.vm_device | 208 kB
public.vds_dynamic | 128 kB
pg_toast.pg_toast_2619 | 120 kB
public.pk_disk_image_dynamic | 104 kB
(20 rows)
Regards Massimo
9 years, 11 months