unable to remove cluster because of blank template
by Jorick Astrego
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Testing today =3B-=29
How do I move/reassign the blank template=2E
I have two clusters and wish to remove the first one that used to be the
default cluster=2E
I get the following message=3A =22Error while executing action=3A Cannot
remove Cluster=2E One or more Template=28s=29 are still associated with it=
When I check=2C I see the Blank template assigned but I=27m unable to remov=
or edit this=2E
2008-Mar-31=2C 23=3A00
Blank template
Met vriendelijke groet=2C With kind regards=2C
Jorick Astrego
Netbulae Virtualization Experts=20
=09Tel=3A 053 20 30 270 =09info=40netbulae=2Eeu =09Staalsteden 4-3A =09KvK=
=09Fax=3A 053 20 30 271 =09www=2Enetbulae=2Eeu =097547 TA Enschede =09BTW=
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Testing today =3B-=29=3Cbr=3E
How do I move/reassign the blank template=2E =3Cbr=3E
I have two clusters and wish to remove the first one that used to be
the default cluster=2E=3Cbr=3E
I get the following message=3A =22Error while executing action=3A Canno=
remove Cluster=2E One or more Template=28s=29 are still associated with=
When I check=2C I see the Blank template assigned but I=27m unable to=
remove or edit this=2E=3Cbr=3E
=3Ctable style=3D=22width=3A 100=25=3B table-layout=3A fixed=3B=22
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ellipsis=3B white-space=3A nowrap=3B=22
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ellipsis=3B white-space=3A nowrap=3B=22
=3Cdiv title=3D=22=22 style=3D=22outline-style=3A none=3B=22=
=3Cdiv class=3D=22=22 style=3D=22overflow=3A hidden=3B text=
ellipsis=3B white-space=3A nowrap=3B=22
=3Cdiv title=3D=22=22 style=3D=22outline-style=3A none=3B=22=
=3Cdiv class=3D=22=22 style=3D=22overflow=3A hidden=3B text=
ellipsis=3B white-space=3A nowrap=3B=22
=3CBR /=3E
=3CBR /=3E
=3Cb style=3D=22color=3A=23604c78=22=3E=3C/b=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22c=
olor=3A=23604c78=3B=22=3E=3Cfont color=3D=22000000=22=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22=
mso-fareast-language=3Aen-gb=3B=22 lang=3D=22NL=22=3EMet vriendelijke groet=
=2C With kind regards=2C=3Cbr=3E=3Cbr=3E=3C/span=3EJorick Astrego=3C/font=
=3E=3C/span=3E=3Cb style=3D=22color=3A=23604c78=22=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cbr=3ENetbul=
ae Virtualization Experts =3C/b=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Chr style=3D=22border=3Anone=3B=
border-top=3A1px solid =23ccc=3B=22=3E=3Ctable style=3D=22width=3A 522px=22=
=3E=3Ctbody=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=
=22=3ETel=3A 053 20 30 270=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bf=
ont-size=3A 10px=22=3Einfo=40netbulae=2Eeu=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22wid=
th=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3EStaalsteden 4-3A=3C/td=3E =3Ctd sty=
le=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3EKvK 08198180=3C/td=3E=3C/tr=
=3E=3Ctr=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3EFax=
=3A 053 20 30 271=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=
=3A 10px=22=3Ewww=2Enetbulae=2Eeu=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130=
px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3E7547 TA Enschede=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22w=
idth=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3EBTW NL821234584B01=3C/td=3E=3C/tr=3E=
=3C/tbody=3E=3C/table=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Chr style=3D=22border=3Anone=3Bborder-top=
=3A1px solid =23ccc=3B=22=3E=3CBR /=3E
9 years, 11 months
Hosted-Engine OS Installation
by Jaicel
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
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Hi everyone,
while i was installing the OS for the engine(VM), i got disconnected causing my window here i executed "hosted-engine --deploy" to be disconnected likewise. though the installation of OS didn't stop, i just want to know if there
is a way to regain the interface wherein i will complete the installation of OS and the engine? i may just repeat the VM deployment, but i may be disconnected again and i don't want to repeat the process especially if i would already be in the process of installing the engine.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
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<html><body><div style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><div>Hi everyone,</div><div><br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div>while i was installing the OS for the engine(VM), i got disconnected causing my window here i executed "hosted-engine --deploy" to be disconnected likewise. though the installation of OS didn't stop, i just want to know if there </div><div>is a way to regain the interface wherein i will complete the installation of OS and the engine? i may just repeat the VM deployment, but i may be disconnected again and i don't want to repeat the process especially if i would already be in the process of installing the engine.</div><div><br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div data-marker="__SIG_PRE__">Thanks,<br>Jaicel</div></div></body></html>
9 years, 11 months
Basic export/import question (KVM to oVirt)
by Bellamy, Peter
Is it necessary to export VMs that are straight libvirt/KVM (raw) images before importing them into oVirt?
I have a working oVirt 3.5 lab environment up & I’d like to try and bring in some of my existing VMs from my straight KVM/libvirt setup. Those VMs are in raw image format.
I *think* I need to export the VMs (using virt-v2v) from the KVM hosts to an export domain, then import those VM images into oVirt (using oVirt admin GUI). Is that correct, or is it simpler than that?
Thanks in advance.
9 years, 11 months
ovirt 3.1 to 3.2 up-gradation problem
by suvra roy
after upgradation ovirt engine 3.1 to 3.2 all of my vdsm node goes to
non responding.
Error message showing
This host is in non responding state. Try to Activate it; If the
problem persists, switch Host to Maintenance mode and try to reinstall
I have tried to reinstall multiple times but still no success .
Please help .
9 years, 11 months
Network QOS not working for VM Outbound
by Punit Dambiwal
I have check and found that the Network QOS not working for VM
outbound....it's working fine for Inbound only...
[image: Inline image 1]
root@vm3:~# ./speedtest_cli.py
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Testing from (103.4.X.X)...
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by HKIX1 (Hong Kong) [3.70 km]: 3.153 ms
Testing download speed........................................
Download: 1.95 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed..................................................
Upload: 143.09 Mbit/s
9 years, 11 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2015-04-01
by Yaniv Dary
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
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Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.html
Minutes (text):
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by ydary at 14:02:24 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (ydary, 14:02:34)
* infra update (ydary, 14:02:36)
* 3.5.z updates (ydary, 14:02:37)
* 3.6.0 status (ydary, 14:02:39)
* conferences and workshops (ydary, 14:02:40)
* other topics (ydary, 14:02:42)
* infra update (ydary, 14:04:53)
* Jenkins slaves are being upgraded on centos 7.1. (ydary, 14:08:10)
* No downtime expected. (ydary, 14:09:08)
* 3.5.z updates (ydary, 14:09:55)
* oVirt 3.5.2 RC3 released today. Announcement:
(ydary, 14:10:57)
* oVirt Live iso has been created and is already available on oVirt
site. (ydary, 14:11:44)
* oVirt 3.5.2\3.5.3 status update:
(ydary, 14:12:43)
* No blockers on 3.5.3 currently. (ydary, 14:13:04)
* oVirt 3.5.2 GA may slip due to bug count and holidays. RC4 is
expected. (ydary, 14:14:49)
* 3.6 status (ydary, 14:15:23)
* oVirt 3.6 status update:
(ydary, 14:16:17)
* Integration 3.6.0 Updates: qemu-kvm-ev hit master this morning
thanks to centos 7.1. (ydary, 14:17:11)
* Debian Jessie GA date has been announced to be April 25th, no
progress on supporting it for now. (ydary, 14:17:25)
* Network 3.6.0 Updates: SR-IOV patches started being merged. (ydary,
* Also merged allowing to pass a CIDR-style prefix in addition to
complete subnet mask format when configuring IP for a host network.
(ydary, 14:20:38)
* Node 3.6.0 Updates: Worked on streamlining some build jobs, no
progress other than that. (ydary, 14:22:53)
* UX 3.6.0 Updates: UI over REST api feature has been bumped from 3.6
to 4.0. It is still in progress, but at a lower capacity since we
have more time now. (ydary, 14:25:40)
* SLA 3.6.0 Updates: REST quota API is in progress. (ydary, 14:27:47)
* Started initial design for numa aware KSM using MoM. (ydary,
* SLA and Integ are also working on hosted engine enhancments.
(ydary, 14:29:10)
* Till end of this week SLA will have partial working flow of starting
hosted engine vm from shared storage. Also patches for adding memory
to load-balancing are in review. (ydary, 14:30:49)
* Gluster 3.6.0 updates: Geo-replication management, volume snapshot,
brick provisioning and gluster network role still in the works. No
big changes. (ydary, 14:34:17)
* Virt 3.6.0 updates: Discussing vdsm side of v2v. Also bulk
stats/scale improvements on vdsm side and VNC+SPICE console almost
finished. (ydary, 14:38:21)
* Infra 3.6.0 updates: No change from last week. (ydary, 14:42:35)
* Storage 3.6.0 updates: Cinder support - first series of engine
patches merged, support most positive flows with disks. vdsm still
needs to be taken from the draft branch. (ydary, 14:45:23)
* SPM Removal - first series of draft patches up for review/playing,
nothing merged yet. (ydary, 14:45:39)
* Extending SD - some ux work, some patches pushed as drafts, not
ready yet. (ydary, 14:46:07)
* conferences and workshops (ydary, 14:46:44)
* Planning for KVM Forum is up and running. KVM- and oVirt-related
talks should be submitted at
before May 1. (ydary, 14:47:23)
* Reminder: CFP for All Things Open in Raleigh on Oct. 18-20. CfP for
ATO closes on April 30 Details: http://bit.ly/1FUKYRv. (ydary,
* Reminder: LinuxCon EU, CfP for that event on Oct. 5-7 in Dublin,
Ireland (and the co-located CloudOpen) is open. CfP closes on June
(ydary, 14:48:06)
* New: There will be a large community room at Red Hat Summit (June
23-26). oVirt will join projects such as Gluster, ManangeIQ, RDO,
and Project Atomic to host booths and a mini-track of
community-oriented sessions. (ydary, 14:48:15)
* OSS2015 in florence on may 16. (ydary, 14:48:51)
* other topics (ydary, 14:49:20)
* ACTION: Get involved in oVirt project! Spring Holidays / April
(ydary, 14:49:43)
* We have nearly 500 people in our oVirt Facebook group, a nice
milestone (thanks doron_mtg for pointing this out this morning)!
There's 1,940 Twitter followers of @oVirt, in case anyone is asking.
(ydary, 14:50:01)
* The work on the web site conversion to MarkDown proceeds. Once that
is done, we will work on the new site's organization/categorization,
and then finalize the new features. So far, a blog platform, a live
social media feed on the front page, an Ask/StackOverflow-like
forum, and an interactive feature list are among the new features.
(ydary, 14:50:17)
* The decision on the Outreachy candidates will be made very soon.
Itamar has approved two candidates for this round, and we are
finalizing the decision now. Look for an announcement this week.
(ydary, 14:50:41)
Meeting ended at 14:51:44 UTC.
Action Items
* Get involved in oVirt project! Spring Holidays / April edition:
Action Items, by person
* Get involved in oVirt project! Spring Holidays / April edition:
People Present (lines said)
* ydary (90)
* sbonazzo (21)
* bkp (14)
* lvernia (10)
* rgolan (8)
* bkorren (7)
* amureini (6)
* awels (4)
* sahina (4)
* fabiand (4)
* mskrivanek (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* oved (1)
* vissree (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109
Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
Email: ydary(a)redhat.com
IRC : ydary
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<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<font face="monospace">Minutes:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.html">http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.html</a><br>
Minutes (text):
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.txt">http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.txt</a><br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.log.html">http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.log.html</a></font><br>
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by ydary at 14:02:24 UTC. The full logs are available at
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.log.html">http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-04-01-14.02.log.html</a> .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (ydary, 14:02:34)
* infra update (ydary, 14:02:36)
* 3.5.z updates (ydary, 14:02:37)
* 3.6.0 status (ydary, 14:02:39)
* conferences and workshops (ydary, 14:02:40)
* other topics (ydary, 14:02:42)
* infra update (ydary, 14:04:53)
* Jenkins slaves are being upgraded on centos 7.1. (ydary, 14:08:10)
* No downtime expected. (ydary, 14:09:08)
* 3.5.z updates (ydary, 14:09:55)
* oVirt 3.5.2 RC3 released today. Announcement:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/announce/2015-April/000165.html">http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/announce/2015-April/000165.html</a>
(ydary, 14:10:57)
* oVirt Live iso has been created and is already available on oVirt
site. (ydary, 14:11:44)
* oVirt 3.5.2\3.5.3 status update:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010200.html">http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010200.html</a>
(ydary, 14:12:43)
* No blockers on 3.5.3 currently. (ydary, 14:13:04)
* oVirt 3.5.2 GA may slip due to bug count and holidays. RC4 is
expected. (ydary, 14:14:49)
* 3.6 status (ydary, 14:15:23)
* oVirt 3.6 status update:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010192.html">http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010192.html</a>
(ydary, 14:16:17)
* Integration 3.6.0 Updates: qemu-kvm-ev hit master this morning
thanks to centos 7.1. (ydary, 14:17:11)
* Debian Jessie GA date has been announced to be April 25th, no
progress on supporting it for now. (ydary, 14:17:25)
* Network 3.6.0 Updates: SR-IOV patches started being merged. (ydary,
* Also merged allowing to pass a CIDR-style prefix in addition to
complete subnet mask format when configuring IP for a host network.
(ydary, 14:20:38)
* Node 3.6.0 Updates: Worked on streamlining some build jobs, no
progress other than that. (ydary, 14:22:53)
* UX 3.6.0 Updates: UI over REST api feature has been bumped from 3.6
to 4.0. It is still in progress, but at a lower capacity since we
have more time now. (ydary, 14:25:40)
* SLA 3.6.0 Updates: REST quota API is in progress. (ydary, 14:27:47)
* Started initial design for numa aware KSM using MoM. (ydary,
* SLA and Integ are also working on hosted engine enhancments.
(ydary, 14:29:10)
* Till end of this week SLA will have partial working flow of starting
hosted engine vm from shared storage. Also patches for adding memory
to load-balancing are in review. (ydary, 14:30:49)
* Gluster 3.6.0 updates: Geo-replication management, volume snapshot,
brick provisioning and gluster network role still in the works. No
big changes. (ydary, 14:34:17)
* Virt 3.6.0 updates: Discussing vdsm side of v2v. Also bulk
stats/scale improvements on vdsm side and VNC+SPICE console almost
finished. (ydary, 14:38:21)
* Infra 3.6.0 updates: No change from last week. (ydary, 14:42:35)
* Storage 3.6.0 updates: Cinder support - first series of engine
patches merged, support most positive flows with disks. vdsm still
needs to be taken from the draft branch. (ydary, 14:45:23)
* SPM Removal - first series of draft patches up for review/playing,
nothing merged yet. (ydary, 14:45:39)
* Extending SD - some ux work, some patches pushed as drafts, not
ready yet. (ydary, 14:46:07)
* conferences and workshops (ydary, 14:46:44)
* Planning for KVM Forum is up and running. KVM- and oVirt-related
talks should be submitted at
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kvm-forum/program/cfp">http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kvm-forum/program/cfp</a>
before May 1. (ydary, 14:47:23)
* Reminder: CFP for All Things Open in Raleigh on Oct. 18-20. CfP for
ATO closes on April 30 Details: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://bit.ly/1FUKYRv">http://bit.ly/1FUKYRv</a>. (ydary,
* Reminder: LinuxCon EU, CfP for that event on Oct. 5-7 in Dublin,
Ireland (and the co-located CloudOpen) is open. CfP closes on June
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org//events/linuxcon-europe/program/cfp">http://events.linuxfoundation.org//events/linuxcon-europe/program/cfp</a>
(ydary, 14:48:06)
* New: There will be a large community room at Red Hat Summit (June
23-26). oVirt will join projects such as Gluster, ManangeIQ, RDO,
and Project Atomic to host booths and a mini-track of
community-oriented sessions. (ydary, 14:48:15)
* OSS2015 in florence on may 16. (ydary, 14:48:51)
* other topics (ydary, 14:49:20)
* ACTION: Get involved in oVirt project! Spring Holidays / April
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010199.html">http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010199.html</a>
(ydary, 14:49:43)
* We have nearly 500 people in our oVirt Facebook group, a nice
milestone (thanks doron_mtg for pointing this out this morning)!
There's 1,940 Twitter followers of @oVirt, in case anyone is asking.
(ydary, 14:50:01)
* The work on the web site conversion to MarkDown proceeds. Once that
is done, we will work on the new site's organization/categorization,
and then finalize the new features. So far, a blog platform, a live
social media feed on the front page, an Ask/StackOverflow-like
forum, and an interactive feature list are among the new features.
(ydary, 14:50:17)
* The decision on the Outreachy candidates will be made very soon.
Itamar has approved two candidates for this round, and we are
finalizing the decision now. Look for an announcement this week.
(ydary, 14:50:41)
Meeting ended at 14:51:44 UTC.
Action Items
* Get involved in oVirt project! Spring Holidays / April edition:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010199.html">http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010199.html</a>
Action Items, by person
* Get involved in oVirt project! Spring Holidays / April edition:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010199.html">http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-April/010199.html</a>
People Present (lines said)
* ydary (90)
* sbonazzo (21)
* bkp (14)
* lvernia (10)
* rgolan (8)
* bkorren (7)
* amureini (6)
* awels (4)
* sahina (4)
* fabiand (4)
* mskrivanek (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* oved (1)
* vissree (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot">http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot</a>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109
Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
Email: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:ydary@redhat.com">ydary(a)redhat.com</a>
IRC : ydary</pre>
9 years, 11 months