cloud-init behaviour after reboot and growpart
by Nathanaël Blanchet
Hi all,
After having successfully run cloud-init with the "initial run" box
checked, I meet an issue after rebooting the el7 vm. At the boot time,
cloud-init waits for a data source that doesn't exist anymore and I have
to wait serveral timeouts like this one:
open '' with {'url':
'', 'headers': {'User-Agent':
'Cloud-Init/0.7.9'}, 'allow_redirects': True, 'method': 'GET',
'timeout': 10.0} configuration
As a workaround, I must include in the initial custom script "touch
/etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled" so as to the vm to boot properly.
Now I'd like cloud-init not to be fully disabled because I need it
resizes the filesystem after the growpart step.
Can anyone help me with this?
Nathanaël Blanchet
Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax 33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
6 years, 4 months
OpenStack Block Storage Provider without authentication doesn't work
by Matthias Leopold
we're successfully using Cinder as a Block Storage Provider for oVirt
with customized Cinder installation in a CentOS host according to
OpenStack docs. Now i wanted to try out running Cinder in Docker and
followed the instructions from
(customized for use with Ceph RBD).
This works to the point where i can setup an external provider and
consequently a storage domain in oVirt. I set up the provider without
authentication and testing this (by pressing "Test" button) works. When
i want to create disks i realize that oVirt doesn't recognize the
"Volume Type" definitions. In engine.log i see messages like
2018-10-03 12:04:46,990+02 ERROR
(default task-72) [06d4fbf7-0b3c-46b3-8166-148ee7f67a4c] Query
'GetCinderVolumeTypesByStorageDomainIdQuery' failed: null
2018-10-03 12:04:46,990+02 ERROR
(default task-72) [06d4fbf7-0b3c-46b3-8166-148ee7f67a4c] Exception:
I very much suspect that not using authentication (because of
"auth_strategy = noauth" in cinder.conf) is the culprit. Listing types
with cinder CLI from the engine host works (when using the appropriate
environment). Can some of the RH devs confirm this behaviour? Is this an
engine bug?
6 years, 4 months
re-enabling networkmanager
by fsoyer
I have installed a 4.2 cluster on CentOS 7 nodes but I have follow an (old) procedure of mine done with 4.0 : so, I have disabled Network Manager before installing oVirt.
The networks created and validated in the engine UI are :
ovirmgmt on bond0 (2 slaves) failover mode
storagemanager on bond1 (2 slaves), jumbo frames, aggregation mode, serving Gluster.
Today, I installed Cockpit on the node to have the nodes consoles. But it say that it cannot manage the network without NM.
So my question is : is there any risk to re-enabled NM on the nodes ? Can it broke anything done by the UI ?
Frank Soyer
Mob. 06 72 28 38 53 - Fix. 05 49 50 52 34
Systea IG
Administration systèmes, réseaux et bases de données
Membre du réseau Les Professionnels du Numérique
Hébergement de proximité
6 years, 4 months
oVirt Nagios/Icinga monitoring plugin check_rhv 2.0 released
by René Koch
Hi list,
I'm happy to announce version 2.0 of check_rhv.
check_rhv is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks,
which is used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools
and storage domains of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and
oVirt virtualization environments.
Download this plugin from:
For further information on how to install this plugin visit: https://gi
A detailed usage documentation can be found here:
New features:
- Dropped support for RHEV 3
- Support for RHV 4 and oVirt 4 with REST-APIv4
- new URL:
- support for Gluster volume monitoring (#2)
- support for Gluster brick monitoring (#2)
- check for available updates of RHV hosts
Bugs fixed:
- Removed monitoring of Storagedomain status (#3)
- Unknown interface error check if tmp file is empty (#5)
- Fix network errors (#6)
- Check RHEV Host VMs (-l vms) fails with RHEV UNKNOWN: Host ' ' not
found when no vms on host
- VM Pool Check broken in oVirt 4.1
- When using '*' and option '-l usage', output is incomplete
- storagedomain usage calculation broken when specifing multiple
Please note this plugin will only work with RHV 4.0 and newer and oVirt
4.0 and newer. Support for version 3.x was dropped.
If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: rkoch@rk-i
Thank you for using check_rhv.
6 years, 4 months
PythonSDK 4.2.8 issues updating cdrom iso of a vm.
by Brad Riemann
I am currently fighting with attaching an iso to a vm's cdrom. There are two isos in the iso domain (A-Iso-Installer.iso and The-Iso-Installer.iso for our purposes), I can confirm the iso domain is attached to the cluster and everything is green. When attempting to attach the iso to the vm, I can see the pre and post output of the "/ovirt-engine/api/vms/<uuid>/cdroms" request, it shows the file id changing according to what the iso domain has available. However, whenever i attempt to power on the vm, from either the api or through the web interface, I get "Invalid ISO image path". Editing the vm through the web interface reveals that the "Attach CD" dropdown has selected the first iso ("A-Iso-Installer.iso", and I am trying to use the second). I ran a list against the cdrom service, found no issues with the xml that was returned. I confirmed that listing out available isos on the iso domain results in the expected id that I matched in the cdrom service of the vm from the api. If I ch
oose the correct iso from the gui and save, the output looks the same as the api listing.
Before and After gist:
The code im using to set the cdrom is the following:
I did note that when i would run the update api code, it does change SOMETHING as when i go into the web interface the "Attach CD" value has gone back to the top value in the dropdown (the wrong iso).
Has anyone seen this before, please tell me it's right in front of me, any help is appreciated.
Thank you,
6 years, 4 months
OVN Configuration
by Armond Kuehn
High I've been trying for a couple months to setup an Ovirt Cluster with OVN/OVS implemented. I can make a network work on my home single server deployment but any time I create a vm on my hyperconverged setup the VM crashes stating it can't connect to the br:ex. (error messages aren't included because lab has 0 external connectivity). I assume this is due to nothing creating the OVN/OVS connections on each host in the manner that my single server does. I know there are ways to manage this such as ManageIQ but I haven't had any luck finding a good guide or walkthrough to get my systems to integrate those products. Does anyone know of where I could find one? Or willing to walk a dummy through it?
6 years, 4 months
Wrong VLAN ID for Management Network
by Sakhi Hadebe
Can I just changed the VLAN ID of the ovirtmgmt network in the Admin
Portal. IN the OS the network is configured and verified for ovirtmgmt
network to have a 21 VLAN ID, but in the Admin Portal, it shows VLAN ID 20,
which is configured for the VM network.
Can I just changed it in the admin portal? Will the cluster be happy about
the changes?
Sakhi Hadebe
6 years, 4 months
ovirt-guest-agent running on Debian vm, but data doesn't show in web-gui
by Arild Ringøy
Software Version:
Installed agent (1.0.14, from source) following this:
Some vm's run 1.0.13, but I have the same problem there.
On the vm running agent 1.0.14 nothing shows in "Applications". On vm's running 1.0.13 it shows "ovirt-guest-agent-1.0.13.dfsg-2".
systemctl status ovirt-guest-agent:
● ovirt-guest-agent.service - oVirt Guest Agent
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-guest-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-09-20 09:29:40 CEST; 2h 4min ago
Process: 688 ExecStartPre=/bin/chown ovirtagent:ovirtagent /run/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 684 ExecStartPre=/bin/touch /run/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 682 ExecStartPre=/sbin/modprobe virtio_console (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 692 (python)
Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/ovirt-guest-agent.service
└─692 /usr/bin/python /usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/
sep. 20 11:30:24 circlemud python[692]: [90B blob data]
sep. 20 11:30:25 circlemud python[692]: [155B blob data]
sep. 20 11:30:25 circlemud python[692]: [100B blob data]
sep. 20 11:30:25 circlemud userhelper[2662]: pam_succeed_if(ovirt-container-list:auth): requirement "user = ovirtagent" was met by user "ovirtagent"
sep. 20 11:30:25 circlemud userhelper[2662]: running '/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/container-list' with root privileges on behalf of 'ovirtagent'
sep. 20 11:32:25 circlemud python[692]: [90B blob data]
sep. 20 11:32:25 circlemud python[692]: [155B blob data]
sep. 20 11:32:25 circlemud python[692]: [100B blob data]
sep. 20 11:32:25 circlemud userhelper[2696]: pam_succeed_if(ovirt-container-list:auth): requirement "user = ovirtagent" was met by user "ovirtagent"
sep. 20 11:32:25 circlemud userhelper[2696]: running '/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/container-list' with root privileges on behalf of 'ovirtagent'
Migrate fails: Query 'GetValidHostsForVmsQuery' failed: null (in engine.log)
Snapshot: Could not detect Guest Agent on the VM
Any suggestions?
6 years, 4 months
Problems with quotas
Hi, I need to use Ovirt's quotas system. I have approximately 50 users that use my Ovirt and they can create virtual machines only from templates, in total there are 20 templates. I have assigned a quota for each user, until here there are no problems. The problem is that in order for the user's quota to be used for each template, it must be linked to a specific quota, but only one. The only solution I see would be to have 20 templates for each user so it would be a total of 50X20 templates = 1000 templates and if a new user arrives 20 templates more and so on, which would not be a good solution. I think evidently or that I have not understood well how Ovirt's system of quotas works or maybe my problem can be solved in another way. Please I need your help
6 years, 4 months