oVirt impersonation and sessions
by Anastasiya Ruzhanskaya
Hello everyone!
I wanted to find out how the impersonation technique used in oVirt works? I
know from libvirt developers, that oVirt opens one connection only for
multiple clients. How does this work?
Also I found out in source code that in ActionParameterBase class the
sessionId field is marked transient but, for example, for GWT rpc message,
which goes to the server and says what action will be made (shut down,
pause vm) this is the only field in all sent information which says what
the session is. Where is the session sent instead? There was also a field
with session id in https headers, but this was related to cookie so I am
not completely sure if this can help to identify the current user.
6 years, 2 months
How to kill hanged task listed in engine but not in vdsm-client?
by Stefano Stagnaro
I'm struggling with an hanged task. I can see it from RestAPI (and UI) as:
<job href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/9326a95e-4686-4205-bbac-b552beae4d29" id="9326a95e-4686-4205-bbac-b552beae4d29">
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/9326a95e-4686-4205-bbac-b552beae4d29/clear" rel="clear"/>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/9326a95e-4686-4205-bbac-b552beae4d29/end" rel="end"/>
<description>Adding Disk</description>
<link href="/ovirt-engine/api/jobs/9326a95e-4686-4205-bbac-b552beae4d29/steps" rel="steps"/>
<owner href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/6f4573b6-0cf1-4cbb-ac03-bf8e126b394c" id="6f4573b6-0cf1-4cbb-ac03-bf8e126b394c"/>
The job is hanged since user has killed fallocate process on the host. However, I can't kill task from the hosts itself since vdsm-client returns zero task on any host:
# vdsm-client Host getAllTasksInfo
How can I deal with it? I already tried to restart ovirt-engine.service but task is still there and prevent me to put the involved storage domain into maintenance.
I also tried the "clear" method for service "job" via RestAPI but it fails since it's not an external job.
Thank you,
Stefano Stagnaro
Prisma Telecom Testing S.r.l.
Via Petrocchi, 4
20127 Milano – Italy
Tel. 02 26113507 int 339
e-mail: stefanos(a)prismatelecomtesting.com
skype: stefano.stagnaro
6 years, 2 months
AffinityGroup API
by p.staniforth@leedsbeckett.ac.uk
When using the API to update an AffinityGroup there is a AffinityGroupVm and AffinityGroupVms so I can add or remove VMs but there is no AffinityGroupHost or AffinityGroupHosts, therefore I can't add or remove hosts.
Paul S.
6 years, 2 months
IPA Users via AD DC's
by TomK
I've configured LDAP via IPA in oVirt 4.X. It works for locally defined
users in IPA but not those mapped from the AD DC. So I had two questions:
1) Is there a format of the username and password I need to type in for
this to work? Or is retrieving AD DC mapped users not possible with
oVirt right now?
2) Can I use two providers in oVirt simultaneously? One IPA and the
other AD?
Tom K.
Living on earth is expensive, but it includes a free trip around the sun.
6 years, 2 months
VM has snapshots with disks in illegal status
by Markus Schaufler
I've testet a backup solution which turned out to work not as expected. It left some VM's turned off which cannot be restarted.
When trying to delete the snapshot(s) of the vms following error message occurs:
"Cannot remove Snapshot. The following attached disks are in ILLEGAL status: System, Disk2 - please remove them and try again"
Also I cannot detach any disk because of: Cannot remove Snapshot. The following attached disks are in ILLEGAL status: System, SRV_Metrics-Store_Disk1 - please remove them and try again.
I already tried via "unlock_entity" script to remove either the snapshots or the disks (after backing them up) and via CLI but without success (same error message).
Any idea on that?
6 years, 2 months
max number of snapshot per vm
by Nathanaël Blanchet
What are the best pratices about vm snapshots?
Is there a maximum number of snapshots per vm?
Has a high number of present snapshot an impact on the vm performance?
... on how long the snapshot is completed?
Nathanaël Blanchet
Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax 33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
6 years, 2 months
NFS storage and importation
by AG
Our cluster use NFS storage (on each node as data, and on a NAS for export)
We currently have a huge problem on our cluster, and export VM as OVA
takes lot's of time.
I checked on the NFS storage, and it looks like there's files who might
be OVA in the images directory, and OVF files in the the master/vms
Can someone tell me if, when i install a new engine,
there's a way to get this VMs back inside the new engine (like the
import tools by example)
Thank you a lot for your answers,
ps : it should be said in the documentation to NEVER use backup of an
engine when he is in a NFS storage domain on a node. It looks like it's
working, but all the data are unsynch with reality.
6 years, 2 months
multi-level-virtaulize qustion ?
by mustafa.taha.mu95@gmail.com
can we build ovirt selfhost inside ovirt selfhost ?
note that : 1) i have the hardware requirement to the second level of virtualization .
2) i enable nested virtualization in ovirt node .
but it doesn't work .
6 years, 2 months