deprecating export domain?
by Charles Kozler
I recently read on this list from a redhat member that export domain is
either being deprecated or looking at being deprecated
To that end, can you share details? Can you share any notes/postings/bz's
that document this? I would imagine something like this would be discussed
in larger audience
This seems like a somewhat significant change to make and I am curious
where this is scheduled? Currently, a lot of my backups rely explicitly on
an export domain for online snapshots, so I'd like to plan accordingly
4 years, 5 months
Upgrade ovirt from 3.4 to 4.3
Good morning,
i have a difficult enviroment with 20 Hypervisors based on ovirt 3.4.3-1 and i would like to reach the 4.3 version. Which are the best steps to achieve these objective?
Thanks in advance
4 years, 7 months
Re: Single instance scaleup.
by Strahil
Hi Leo,
As you do not have a distributed volume , you can easily switch to replica 2 arbiter 1 or replica 3 volumes.
You can use the following for adding the bricks:
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolivOn May 26, 2019 10:54, Leo David <leoalex(a)> wrote:
> Hi Stahil,
> Thank you so much for yout input !
> gluster volume info
> Volume Name: engine
> Type: Distribute
> Volume ID: d7449fc2-cc35-4f80-a776-68e4a3dbd7e1
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1:
> Options Reconfigured:
> nfs.disable: on
> transport.address-family: inet
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> features.shard: on
> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
> performance.strict-o-direct: off
> network.remote-dio: off
> 30
> user.cifs: off
> performance.quick-read: off
> off
> off
> cluster.eager-lock: enable
> Volume Name: ssd-samsung
> Type: Distribute
> Volume ID: 76576cc6-220b-4651-952d-99846178a19e
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1:
> Options Reconfigured:
> cluster.eager-lock: enable
> off
> off
> performance.quick-read: off
> user.cifs: off
> 30
> network.remote-dio: off
> performance.strict-o-direct: on
> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
> features.shard: on
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> transport.address-family: inet
> nfs.disable: on
> The other two hosts will be - this is gluster dedicated network over 10GB sfp+ switch.
> - host 2 wil have identical harware configuration with host 1 ( each disk is actually a raid0 array )
> - host 3 has:
> - 1 ssd for OS
> - 1 ssd - for adding to engine volume in a full replica 3
> - 2 ssd's in a raid 1 array to be added as arbiter for the data volume ( ssd-samsung )
> So the plan is to have "engine" scaled in a full replica 3, and "ssd-samsung" scalled in a replica 3 arbitrated.
> On Sun, May 26, 2019 at 10:34 AM Strahil <hunter86_bg(a)> wrote:
>> Hi Leo,
>> Gluster is quite smart, but in order to provide any hints , can you provide output of 'gluster volume info <glustervol>'.
>> If you have 2 more systems , keep in mind that it is best to mirror the storage on the second replica (2 disks on 1 machine -> 2 disks on the new machine), while for the arbiter this is not neccessary.
>> What is your network and NICs ? Based on my experience , I can recommend at least 10 gbit/s interfase(s).
>> Best Regards,
>> Strahil Nikolov
>> On May 26, 2019 07:52, Leo David <leoalex(a)> wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> Can someone help me to clarify this ?
>>> I have a single-node 4.2.8 installation ( only two gluster storage domains - distributed single drive volumes ). Now I just got two identintical servers and I would like to go for a 3 nodes bundle.
>>> Is it possible ( after joining the new nodes to the cluster ) to expand the existing volumes across the new nodes and change them to replica 3 arbitrated ?
>>> If so, could you share with me what would it be the procedure ?
>>> Thank you very much !
>>> Leo
> --
> Best regards, Leo David
4 years, 8 months
Failed to add storage domain
I have installed oVirt using the iso ovirt-node-ng-installer-4.3.2-2019031908.el7. I the did run the Host-engine deployment through Cockpit.
I got an error when it tries to create the domain storage. It sucessfully mounted the NFS-share on the host. Bellow is the error I got:
2019-04-14 10:40:38,967+0200 INFO ansible skipped {'status': 'SKIPPED', 'ansible_task': u'Check storage domain free space', 'ansible_host': u'localhost', 'ansible_playbook': u'/usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/ansible/trigger_role.yml', 'ansible_type': 'task'}
2019-04-14 10:40:38,967+0200 DEBUG ansible on_any args <ansible.executor.task_result.TaskResult object at 0x7fb6918ad9d0> kwargs
2019-04-14 10:40:39,516+0200 INFO ansible task start {'status': 'OK', 'ansible_task': u'ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Activate storage domain', 'ansible_playbook': u'/usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/ansible/trigger_role.yml', 'ansible_type': 'task'}
2019-04-14 10:40:39,516+0200 DEBUG ansible on_any args TASK: ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Activate storage domain kwargs is_conditional:False
2019-04-14 10:40:41,923+0200 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var "otopi_storage_domain_details" type "<type 'dict'>" value: "{
"changed": false,
"exception": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/tmp/ansible_ovirt_storage_domain_payload_xSFxOp/\", line 664, in main\n storage_domains_module.post_create_check(sd_id)\n File \"/tmp/ansible_ovirt_storage_domain_payload_xSFxOp/\", line 526, in post_create_check\n,\n File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/\", line 3053, in add\n return self._internal_add(storage_domain, headers, query, wait)\n File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/\", line 232, in _internal_add\n return future.wait() if wait else future\n File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/\", line 55, in wait\n return self._code(response)\n File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/\", line 229, in callback\n self._check_fault(response)\n File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/\", line 132, in _check_fault\n self._raise_error(response
, body)\n File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/\", line 118, in _raise_error\n raise error\nError: Fault reason is \"Operation Failed\". Fault detail is \"[]\". HTTP response code is 400.\n",
"failed": true,
"msg": "Fault reason is \"Operation Failed\". Fault detail is \"[]\". HTTP response code is 400."
2019-04-14 10:40:41,924+0200 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var "ansible_play_hosts" type "<type 'list'>" value: "[]"
2019-04-14 10:40:41,924+0200 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var "play_hosts" type "<type 'list'>" value: "[]"
2019-04-14 10:40:41,924+0200 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var "ansible_play_batch" type "<type 'list'>" value: "[]"
2019-04-14 10:40:41,924+0200 ERROR ansible failed {'status': 'FAILED', 'ansible_type': 'task', 'ansible_task': u'Activate storage domain', 'ansible_result': u'type: <type \'dict\'>\nstr: {\'_ansible_parsed\': True, u\'exception\': u\'Traceback (most recent call last):\\n File "/tmp/ansible_ovirt_storage_domain_payload_xSFxOp/", line 664, in main\\n storage_domains_module.post_create_check(sd_id)\\n File "/tmp/ansible_ovirt_storage_domain_payload_xSFxOp/", line 526', 'task_duration': 2, 'ansible_host': u'localhost', 'ansible_playbook': u'/usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/ansible/trigger_role.yml'}
2019-04-14 10:40:41,924+0200 DEBUG ansible on_any args <ansible.executor.task_result.TaskResult object at 0x7fb691843190> kwargs ignore_errors:None
2019-04-14 10:40:41,928+0200 INFO ansible stats {
"ansible_playbook": "/usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/ansible/trigger_role.yml",
"ansible_playbook_duration": "00:37 Minutes",
"ansible_result": "type: <type 'dict'>\nstr: {u'localhost': {'unreachable': 0, 'skipped': 6, 'ok': 23, 'changed': 1, 'failures': 1}}",
"ansible_type": "finish",
"status": "FAILED"
2019-04-14 10:40:41,928+0200 INFO SUMMARY:
Duration Task Name
-------- --------
[ < 1 sec ] Execute just a specific set of steps
[ 00:01 ] Force facts gathering
[ 00:01 ] Check local VM dir stat
[ 00:01 ] Obtain SSO token using username/password credentials
[ 00:01 ] Fetch host facts
[ < 1 sec ] Fetch cluster ID
[ 00:01 ] Fetch cluster facts
[ 00:01 ] Fetch Datacenter facts
[ < 1 sec ] Fetch Datacenter ID
[ < 1 sec ] Fetch Datacenter name
[ 00:02 ] Add NFS storage domain
[ 00:01 ] Get storage domain details
[ 00:01 ] Find the appliance OVF
[ 00:01 ] Parse OVF
[ < 1 sec ] Get required size
[ FAILED ] Activate storage domain
2019-04-14 10:40:41,928+0200 DEBUG ansible on_any args <ansible.executor.stats.AggregateStats object at 0x7fb69404eb90> kwargs
Any suggestions on how fix this?
4 years, 8 months
How to connect to a guest with vGPU ?
by Josep Manel Andrés Moscardó
I got vGPU through mdev working but I am wondering how I would connect
to the client and make use of the GPU. So far I try to access the
console through SPICE and at some point in the boot process it switches
to GPU and I cannot see anything else.
Josep Manel Andrés Moscardó
Systems Engineer, IT Operations
EMBL Heidelberg
T +49 6221 387-8394
4 years, 8 months
ovirt-guest-agent for CentOS 8
by Eduardo Mayoral
Just like many of you I am testing my first CentOS 8 VMs on top of ovirt.
I am not finding the package ovirt-guest-agent.noarch . Closest I can
find is qemu-guest-agent.x86_64
After installing and starting it, I do see information reported on the
"Guest info" tab.
Can anybody confirm if this is indeed the agent we should be using? Is
there - or will there be - a more specific package for ovirt guests?
Eduardo Mayoral Jimeno
Systems engineer, platform department. Arsys Internet.
emayoral(a) - +34 941 620 105 - ext 2153
4 years, 10 months
Re: Hyperconverged setup questions
by Strahil
Hi Marko,
I guess you can use distributed-replicated volumes and oVirt cluster with host triplets.
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolovOn Oct 10, 2019 15:30, "Vrgotic, Marko" <M.Vrgotic(a)> wrote:
> Dear oVirt,
> Is it possible to add oVirt 3Hosts/Gluster hyperconverged cluster to existing oVirt setup? I need this to achieve Local storage performance, but still have pool of Hypevisors available.
> Is it possible to have more than 3Hosts in Hyperconverged setup?
> I have currently 1Shared Cluster (NFS based storage, where also SHE is hosted) and 2Local Storage clusters.
> oVirt current version running is 4.3.4.
> Kindly awaiting your reply.
> — — —
> Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
> Marko Vrgotic
> ActiveVideo
4 years, 11 months
Re: Damaged hard disk in volume replica gluster
by Strahil
As you are replacing an old brick, you have to recreate the old LV and mount it on the same location.
Then you can use the gluster's "reset-brick" (i thing ovirt UI has that option too) and all data will be replicated there.
You got also the "replace-brick" option if you decided to change the mount location.
P.S.: with replica volumes your volume should be still working, in case it has stopped - you have to investigate before proceeding.
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolovOn Oct 12, 2019 13:12, matteo fedeli <matmilan97(a)> wrote:
> Hi, I have in my ovirt HCI a volume that not work properly because one of three hdd fail. I bought a new hdd, I recreate old lvm partitioning and mount point. Now, how can I attach this empty new brick?
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4 years, 11 months
Vm suddenly paused with error "vm has paused due to unknown storage error"
by Jasper Siero
Hi all,
Since we upgraded our Ovirt nodes to CentOS 7 a vm (not a specific one but never more then one) will sometimes pause suddenly with the error "VM ... has paused due to unknown storage error". It happens now two times in a month.
The Ovirt node uses san storage for the vm's running on it. When a specific vm is pausing with an error the other vm's keeps running without problems.
The vm runs without problems after unpausing it.
CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503
VM Channels Listener::DEBUG::2015-10-25 07:43:54,382::vmChannels::95::vds::(_handle_timeouts) Timeout on fileno 78.
libvirtEventLoop::INFO::2015-10-25 07:43:56,177::vm::4602::vm.Vm::(_onIOError) vmId=`77f07ae0-cc3e-4ae2-90ec-7fba7b11deeb`::abnormal vm stop device virtio-disk0 error eother
libvirtEventLoop::DEBUG::2015-10-25 07:43:56,178::vm::5204::vm.Vm::(_onLibvirtLifecycleEvent) vmId=`77f07ae0-cc3e-4ae2-90ec-7fba7b11deeb`::event Suspended detail 2 opaque None
libvirtEventLoop::INFO::2015-10-25 07:43:56,178::vm::4602::vm.Vm::(_onIOError) vmId=`77f07ae0-cc3e-4ae2-90ec-7fba7b11deeb`::abnormal vm stop device virtio-disk0 error eother
libvirtEventLoop::INFO::2015-10-25 07:43:56,180::vm::4602::vm.Vm::(_onIOError) vmId=`77f07ae0-cc3e-4ae2-90ec-7fba7b11deeb`::abnormal vm stop device virtio-disk0 error eother
specific error part in libvirt vm log:
block I/O error in device 'drive-virtio-disk0': Unknown error 32758 (32758)
block I/O error in device 'drive-virtio-disk0': Unknown error 32758 (32758)
2015-10-25 07:44:48,945 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-40) [a43dcc8] VM diataal-prod-cas1 77f07ae0-cc3e-4ae2-90ec-7fba7b11deeb moved from
Up --> Paused
2015-10-25 07:44:49,003 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-40) [a43dcc8] Correlation ID: null, Call Stack: null, Custom Event
ID: -1, Message: VM diataal-prod-cas1 has paused due to unknown storage error.
Has anyone experienced the same problem or knows a way to solve this?
Kind regards,
4 years, 11 months