Host choice when migrating VMs
by Nicolas Ecarnot
I'm almost sure the following is useless as I think I know how it's
working, but as I'm preparing a major change in our infrastructure, I'd
rather be sure and not mess up. And also to be sure.
(Just to be sure)
For some reasons, and for the first time in our infra., one of our new
DC will temporary include heterogeneous hosts : some networks will be
available only on parts of them.
Please may someone confirm me that with every load balancing / VM
startup / VM migration / host choice, oVirt will smartly choose the
available host equipped with the adequate networks?
5 years, 10 months
Novnc issues are not available to regular users
Hi, I have a question. When I use ordinary users to log in the management platform, the VNC of the virtual machine can only be logged in through the virtviewer tool, and there is no novnc option.
5 years, 10 months
oVirt 4.3 Unable to configure console options in VM Portal
There does not seem to be a way for users to configure "Console options" when using the VM Portal. In older versions of oVirt, users had the ability to fully control how they configured their VM's. With the new VM Portal and the streamlined approach, they are not able to customize this. This forces them to use whatever console option is setup by default, which is usually a native client. If users are unable to configure their own console settings, then I would like to set the default console to use NoVNC so that it opens the console in a browser window instead of a native client. This will allow users without a native VNC client (Such as MacOS) to be able to connect to their VM consoles.
I think have half the solution figured out, but it only affects the Administration Portal and not the VM Portal.
engine-config –s ClientModeVncDefault=NoVnc
It also does not affect the default "Video Type" or "Graphics Protocol". Is this something that is configurable? I have not found any related settings using the following command:
engine-config -l
There is also a file for configuring OS defaults, but no documentation of any additional values it could support:
Ideally, I would like to be able to configure a few more default settings, such as "Optimized for" and "Disable Single Sign-on", so I think solving the console options problem will ultimately lead to a solution for these as well. Any suggestions?
5 years, 10 months
Unable to upload images
I just updated my ovirt to the latest, and now I can't upload images that I used to be able to. I can upload and see the nagio xi virtual appliance, but I can't upload .disk files anymore, I get a red error in GUI and it say image file not supported, but I used to be able to upload same file in previous version with no issue
5 years, 10 months
Preserve vm state
by Leo David
Hi Everyone,
I have this challange where I need to rollback a couple of vms to a
certain base snapshot everytime it starts, for a school computer lab.
It there a way to configure this feature somehow in the UI ?
Thank you very much !
5 years, 10 months
Forcing vdsm to configure another NIC as the bridge (oVirt 4.2.8)
I installed a new 10GbE NIC after installing the oVirt engine, and upon reboot vdsm began auto-configuring one of the ports on the new NIC rather than the original 1GbE interface. The new NIC is not currently connected to anything, so I am wondering how to force vdsm to use the 1GbE NIC until I install and connect the server to a 10GbE switch. This is causing the data center and host in the Administration Portal to show as "non-operational," though I can still log in.
I have been poring over any files I can find on the server relating to "ovirtmgmt" or "vdsm," and I am wondering if I simply change the "nic" parameter to the name of the 1GbE interface in the following file that reloading vdsmd or rebooting will cause it to behave the way I want:
Any insight on this? Are there other locations that need to be edited to force vdsm to use, say, "eth0" rather than "eth3"? Are there files that I need to delete so vdsm will automatically re-create them?
Any help is appreciated - thanks!
5 years, 10 months
When I want to use the VNC tool to connect to the virtual machine, I am prompted to enter the virtual machine VNC password
When I want to use the VNC tool to connect to the virtual machine, I will be prompted for the virtual machine VNC password. The virtual machine XML file is shown below. Where can I query passwd in the VNC configuration?
<graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' keymap='en-us' passwd='*****' passwdValidTo='1970-01-01T00:00:01'>
<listen type='network' network='vdsm-ovirtmgmt'/>
Do you need to change the listen parameter in the libvirtd.conf configuration file.
5 years, 10 months
failed to import vm from a standalone kvm host
Hello, everyone. I'm testing ovirt 4.3.0 now and when I try to import a vm from a standalone kvm host, it failed. My ovirt cluster's backend storage is a HPE FC device. here's my step:
1. shutdown the vm in that kvm host.
2. Enable public key authentication between the proxy host (ovirt1) and the KVM host:
3. Enter the URI of the KVM host. qemu+ssh://root@
4. Enter the username and password
5. click "Load" and I can get the vm list.
6. select the vm and use the arrows to move them to the Virtual Machines to Import list.
7. click "next" and select os type to RHEL 6.x X64.
8. click OK.
then the progress of Importing VM centos6 to Cluster Default failed. log in the proxy host ovirt1 here:
[ 0.5] preparing for copy
[ 0.5] Copying disk 1/1 to /rhev/data-center/mnt/blockSD/b842aa93-d374-45ef-8555-ffdb1be274fc/images/18f1ceeb-a28f-4b05-8cd6-1b614cad9445/21380c99-696d-4f62-9f48-d6959041b162
(0/100%)^M (0/100%)^M (100/100%)^MTraceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/libexec/vdsm/kvm2ovirt", line 22, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/", line 255, in main
handle_volume(con, diskno, src, dst, options)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/", line 196, in handle_volume
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/", line 159, in download_disk_sparse
stream.sparseRecvAll(bytesWriteHandler, recvSkipHandler, op)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/", line 6122, in sparseRecvAll
ret = holeHandler(self, length, opaque)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/", line 82, in recvSkipHandler
return os.ftruncate(fd, cur)
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
So how could I fix that error, is there anything wrong in my step?
yours Adam
5 years, 10 months