Re: Ovirt noVNC keeps disconnecting with 1006
by Strahil
Hi Ryan,
I'm using noVNC and not regular VNC.
Last login: Thu Aug 8 16:40:50 2019 from ovirt1.localdomain
[root@engine ~]# firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
target: default
icmp-block-inversion: no
interfaces: eth0
services: ssh dhcpv6-client ovirt-postgres ovirt-https ovn-central-firewall-service ovirt-fence-kdump-listener ovirt-imageio-proxy ovirt-websocket-proxy ovirt-http ovirt-vmconsole-proxy ovirt-provider-ovn smtp
masquerade: no
rich rules:
Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
On Aug 8, 2019 14:13, Ryan Barry wrote: > > On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 4:26 AM Sandro Bonazzola wrote: > > > > > > > > Il giorno dom 4 ago 2019 alle ore 16:11 Strahil Nikolov ha scritto: > >> > >> Hello Community, > >> > >> did anyone experience disconnects after a minute or 2 (seems random ,but I will check it out) with error code 1006 ? > >> Can someone with noVNC reproduce that behaviour ? > >> > >> As I manage to connect, it seems strange to me to loose connection like that. The VM was not migrated - so it should be something else. > > > > Can you please post firewall details and console.vv file? It should > not be possible to connect with the firewall in the way, but I would > wonder if something is changing it from behind > > > > > @Ryan Barry , @Michal Skrivanek any clue? > > > >> > >> > >> Best Regards, > >> Strahil Nikolov > >> _______________________________________________ > >> Users mailing list -- users(a) > >> To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave(a) > >> Privacy Statement: > >> oVirt Code of Conduct: > >> List Archives: > > > > > > > > -- > > > > Sandro Bonazzola > > > > MANAGER, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, EMEA R&D RHV > > > > Red Hat EMEA > > > > sbonazzo(a) > > > > Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to answer this email out of your office hours. > > > > -- > > Ryan Barry > > Associate Manager - RHV Virt/SLA > > rbarry(a) M: +16518159306 IM: rbarry > _______________________________________________ > Users mailing list -- users(a) > To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave(a) > Privacy Statement: > oVirt Code of Conduct: > List Archives:
5 years, 6 months
Error creating local storage domain: Internal Engine Error.
I'm new to ovirt and trying to set up a sandbox on an old Dell workstation I have. Any help greatly appreciated.
I have created a 4.2 Compatible DC and Cluster. I'm able to add the host and that checks in OK.
Its an older system hence going with 4.2 for processor support.
When I try to a local storage domain, it fails.
The error returned to the screen is : Error while executing action New Local Storage Domain: Internal Engine Error
The process gets as far as creating some files and directories in the directory I'm trying to configure as a local storage domain.
I notice in the UI, the format of the domain is specified as v4. (This option is greyed out and I cannot modify it).
This is an excerpt of the engine.log, with the error the first line of which seems to be indicating its trying to use a v5 format .....
019-08-07 23:21:24,618+01 WARN [] (default task-56) [67e87701] Validation of action 'AttachStorageDomainToPool' failed for user SYSTEM. Reasons: VAR__TYPE__STORAGE__DOMAIN,VAR__ACTION__ATTACH,ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FORMAT_ILLEGAL,$storageFormat V5
2019-08-07 23:21:24,620+01 INFO [] (default task-56) [67e87701] Lock freed to object 'EngineLock:{exclusiveLocks='[f2858a80-4730-40f8-b417-50d65503dcae=STORAGE]', sharedLocks=''}'
2019-08-07 23:21:24,623+01 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandCompensator] (default task-56) [67e87701] Command [id=abb92524-f71a-48fa-bf49-bae1f8a80989]: Compensating DELETED_OR_UPDATED_ENTITY of org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainDynamic; snapshot: id=f2858a80-4730-40f8-b417-50d65503dcae.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,626+01 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandCompensator] (default task-56) [67e87701] Command [id=abb92524-f71a-48fa-bf49-bae1f8a80989]: Compensating NEW_ENTITY_ID of org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.profiles.DiskProfile; snapshot: 94c8fb2e-e17a-46dd-a859-f3e18d9b3de7.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,627+01 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandCompensator] (default task-56) [67e87701] Command [id=abb92524-f71a-48fa-bf49-bae1f8a80989]: Compensating NEW_ENTITY_ID of org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainDynamic; snapshot: f2858a80-4730-40f8-b417-50d65503dcae.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,627+01 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandCompensator] (default task-56) [67e87701] Command [id=abb92524-f71a-48fa-bf49-bae1f8a80989]: Compensating NEW_ENTITY_ID of org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainStatic; snapshot: f2858a80-4730-40f8-b417-50d65503dcae.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,635+01 ERROR [] (default task-56) [67e87701] Transaction rolled-back for command ''.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,639+01 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (default task-56) [67e87701] EVENT_ID: USER_ADD_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED(957), Failed to add Storage Domain STG01. (User: admin@internal-authz)
Thanks all.
5 years, 6 months
ovirt-web-ui-1.5.3: immediate logout in VM portal
by Matthias Leopold
after upgrading to oVirt 4.3.5 yesterday (which also brought
ovirt-web-ui-1.5.3) users are immediately logged out after login to the
"VM Portal" with "You have been logged out due to inactivity" displayed
in the browser. The "Administration Portal" works as expected.
This happens
- for existing UserRole users/new UserRole users/Administrator users
- with different browsers (Chrome/Firefox/IE)
- also when creating new browser profiles
Logs in engine.log are unsuspicious IMHO (see below for Administrator
user login).
/var/log/ovirt-engine/ui.log is completely quiet.
Downgrade to 1.5.2 resolves the situation.
Reading about "Added check for inactivity during session and logout
after expiration" in 1.5.3 changelog suggests that something might have
gone wrong.
Has anybody seen this?
Shall I file a bug report?
2019-08-07 12:51:45,556+02 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.sso.utils.AuthenticationUtils] (default task-8)
[] User admin@internal successfully logged in with scopes:
ovirt-app-admin ovirt-app-api ovirt-app-portal
ovirt-ext=auth:sequence-priority=~ ovirt-ext=revoke:revoke-all
ovirt-ext=token-info:public-authz-search ovirt-ext=token-info:validate
2019-08-07 12:51:45,728+02 INFO
[] (default
task-8) [2cb53d8d] Running command: CreateUserSessionCommand internal:
2019-08-07 12:51:45,768+02 INFO
(default task-8) [2cb53d8d] EVENT_ID: USER_VDC_LOGIN(30), User
admin@internal-authz connecting from 'xxx.yyy.zzz.63' using session
logged in.
2019-08-07 12:51:48,385+02 INFO
(default task-11) [92c5e178-324e-4407-a844-7d1cb67e71b0] START,
ignoreFailoverLimit='false'}), log id: cd6a0e4
2019-08-07 12:51:48,394+02 INFO
(default task-11) [92c5e178-324e-4407-a844-7d1cb67e71b0] FINISH,
GetFileStatsVDSCommand, return: {grml64-full_2018.12.iso={status=0,
ctime=1553615947.0, size=704905216},
CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1810.iso={status=0, ctime=1555410499.0,
size=962592768}}, log id: cd6a0e4
2019-08-07 12:51:48,419+02 INFO
(default task-11) [92c5e178-324e-4407-a844-7d1cb67e71b0] EVENT_ID:
succeeded for domain(s): ISOstar-DEV (All file type)
2019-08-07 12:51:49,478+02 INFO
[] (default task-8)
[4f195583] Running command: LogoutSessionCommand internal: false.
2019-08-07 12:51:49,524+02 INFO
(default task-8) [4f195583] EVENT_ID: USER_VDC_LOGOUT(31), User
admin@internal-authz connected from 'xxx.yyy.zzz.63' using session
logged out.
2019-08-07 12:51:49,581+02 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.sso.servlets.OAuthRevokeServlet] (default
task-14) [] User admin@internal successfully logged out
2019-08-07 12:51:49,675+02 INFO
(default task-11) [37daeccc] Running command:
TerminateSessionsForTokenCommand internal: true.
5 years, 6 months
Re: Error creating local storage domain: Internal Engine Error.
by christian barr
I have attached logs and screens
From: Shani Leviim <sleviim(a)>
Sent: 08 August 2019 12:36
To: christian_barr(a) <christian_barr(a)>
Cc: users <users(a)>
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Error creating local storage domain: Internal Engine Error.
Hi Barman,
Can you please attach a full engine log?
Also attaching a screenshot would be great.
Shani Leviim
On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 2:44 PM <christian_barr(a)<>> wrote:
I'm new to ovirt and trying to set up a sandbox on an old Dell workstation I have. Any help greatly appreciated.
I have created a 4.2 Compatible DC and Cluster. I'm able to add the host and that checks in OK.
Its an older system hence going with 4.2 for processor support.
When I try to a local storage domain, it fails.
The error returned to the screen is : Error while executing action New Local Storage Domain: Internal Engine Error
The process gets as far as creating some files and directories in the directory I'm trying to configure as a local storage domain.
I notice in the UI, the format of the domain is specified as v4. (This option is greyed out and I cannot modify it).
This is an excerpt of the engine.log, with the error the first line of which seems to be indicating its trying to use a v5 format .....
019-08-07 23:21:24,618+01 WARN [] (default task-56) [67e87701] Validation of action 'AttachStorageDomainToPool' failed for user SYSTEM. Reasons: VAR__TYPE__STORAGE__DOMAIN,VAR__ACTION__ATTACH,ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FORMAT_ILLEGAL,$storageFormat V5
2019-08-07 23:21:24,620+01 INFO [] (default task-56) [67e87701] Lock freed to object 'EngineLock:{exclusiveLocks='[f2858a80-4730-40f8-b417-50d65503dcae=STORAGE]', sharedLocks=''}'
2019-08-07 23:21:24,623+01 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandCompensator] (default task-56) [67e87701] Command [id=abb92524-f71a-48fa-bf49-bae1f8a80989]: Compensating DELETED_OR_UPDATED_ENTITY of org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainDynamic; snapshot: id=f2858a80-4730-40f8-b417-50d65503dcae.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,626+01 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandCompensator] (default task-56) [67e87701] Command [id=abb92524-f71a-48fa-bf49-bae1f8a80989]: Compensating NEW_ENTITY_ID of org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.profiles.DiskProfile; snapshot: 94c8fb2e-e17a-46dd-a859-f3e18d9b3de7.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,627+01 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandCompensator] (default task-56) [67e87701] Command [id=abb92524-f71a-48fa-bf49-bae1f8a80989]: Compensating NEW_ENTITY_ID of org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainDynamic; snapshot: f2858a80-4730-40f8-b417-50d65503dcae.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,627+01 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandCompensator] (default task-56) [67e87701] Command [id=abb92524-f71a-48fa-bf49-bae1f8a80989]: Compensating NEW_ENTITY_ID of org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainStatic; snapshot: f2858a80-4730-40f8-b417-50d65503dcae.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,635+01 ERROR [] (default task-56) [67e87701] Transaction rolled-back for command ''.
2019-08-07 23:21:24,639+01 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (default task-56) [67e87701] EVENT_ID: USER_ADD_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED(957), Failed to add Storage Domain STG01. (User: admin@internal-authz)
Thanks all.
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5 years, 6 months
Re: Agentless backup solutions
by Strahil
I had corruption of the Hosted Engine due to a power failiure of all hosts (Gluster).
My lab has no UPS.
You can create a snapshot via API , backup the snapshot and then delete it via the API while the VM is working (no downtime).
Still, this approach won't work for Databases as you can create the snapahot in the middle of a transaction.
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolovOn Aug 7, 2019 20:33, Douglas Duckworth <dod2014(a)> wrote:
> Hi
> We are running oVirt Should probably upgrade but it works.
> We are backing up the engine every day with dump going to external NFS file system then onto the cloud. For VMs we are doing backups within Linux itself using a program called Restic which then sends data to cloud S3 service. That runs daily as well.
> We also save all configuration data, for applications running on our VMs such as Apache, etc, within Ansible. So we can quickly recreate the VM using Ansible, along with any applications, then restore any data, not saved in Ansible, such as private PKI keys or PostgreSQL dump, for example, from Restic. Dockerized applications even easier. There would be some downtime to redeploy a new VM but this is acceptable given the constrains of our environment.
> I am wondering under what situations has anyone experienced VM corruption? This would help me determine if more effort should be invested in snapshotting VMs and possibly exporting their disks. Though as I recall removing snapshots from my storage domain would require shutting down the VM, right?
> --
> Thanks,
> Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
> HPC System Administrator
> Scientific Computing Unit
5 years, 6 months
Ovirt noVNC keeps disconnecting with 1006
by Strahil Nikolov
Hello Community,
did anyone experience disconnects after a minute or 2 (seems random ,but I will check it out) with error code 1006 ?Can someone with noVNC reproduce that behaviour ?
As I manage to connect, it seems strange to me to loose connection like that. The VM was not migrated - so it should be something else.
Best Regards,Strahil Nikolov
5 years, 6 months
[ANN] oVirt 4.3.6 Second Release Candidate is now available for testing
by Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability of the oVirt
4.3.6 Second Release Candidate for testing, as of August 8th, 2019.
This update is a release candidate of the sixth in a series of
stabilization updates to the 4.3 series.
This is pre-release software. This pre-release should not to be used in
This release is available now on x86_64 architecture for:
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 or later (but <8)
* CentOS Linux (or similar) 7.7 or later (but <8)
This release supports Hypervisor Hosts on x86_64 and ppc64le architectures
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 or later (but <8)
* CentOS Linux (or similar) 7.7 or later (but <8)
* oVirt Node 4.3 (available for x86_64 only)
See the release notes [1] for installation / upgrade instructions and a
list of new features and bugs fixed.
- oVirt Appliance is already available
- oVirt Node is not yet available, pending CentOS 7.7 release to be
Additional Resources:
* Read more about the oVirt 4.3.6 release highlights:
* Get more oVirt Project updates on Twitter:
* Check out the latest project news on the oVirt blog:
Sandro Bonazzola
Red Hat EMEA <>
<>*Red Hat respects your work life balance.
Therefore there is no need to answer this email out of your office hours.*
5 years, 6 months
RFE: Add the ability to the engine to serve as a fencing proxy
by Sandro E
i hope that this hits the right people i found an RFE (Bug 1373957) which would be a realy nice feature for my company as we have to request firewall rules for every new host and this ends up in a lot of mess and work. Is there any change that this RFE gets implemented ?
Thanks for any help or tips
5 years, 6 months
Removing VDSM dependency on multipath driver.
Hi All,
I observed that for FCP storage domain only mpath enabled drives are getting listed, for e.g. if we have local nvme drives attached to the VDSM host, only mpath enabled nvme drives are getting listed in the ovirt engine for FCP storage domain.
Actually I am creating a RAID (using mdadm tool, software raid) on two local nvme drives and wanted to expose it to the Ovirt engine through FCP storage domain, is it possible? or can we bypass multipath in FCP storage domain so that all the block device can be listed in the ovirt engine for FCP storage domain?
5 years, 6 months