VM auto start with Host?
by m.skrzetuski@gmail.com
Hello everyone,
please tell me it is possible to auto start all VMs together with a Host. How do I configure this?
I found some RFEs and Bugzilla Bugs and Redhat engineers promising this but no docs about how to enable it.
Kind regards
5 years, 1 month
Re: null
by Strahil
I do use automatic migration policy.
The main question you have to solve is:
1. Why the nodes became 'Non-operational' .Usually this happens when the management interface (in your case HoatedEngine VM) could not reach the nodes over the management network.
By default, management is going over the ovirtmgmt network. I guess you have created the new network. Marked that new network as management network and then the switch was off , causing 'Non-Operational state'.
2. Migrating VMs is usually a safe approach, but this behavior is quite strange. If a node ia Non-operational -> there could be no successful migration.
3. Some of the VMs got paused due to storage issue. Are you using GlusterFS, NFS or iSCSI ? If yes, you need to clarify why you lost your storage.
I guess for now you can mark each VM to be migrated only manually (VM -> Edit) and if they are critical VMs , set a high Availability from each VM's Edit options.
In such case, if a node fails, the VMs will be restarted on another node.
4. Have you setup node fencing ? For example APC, iLo, iDRAC and other fencing mechanisms can allow the HostedEngine use another Host as fencing proxy and to reset the problematic Hypervisor.
P.S.: You can define the following alias in '~/.bashrc' :
alias virsh='virsh -c qemu:///system?authfile=/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/virsh_auth.conf'
Then you can verify your VMs even when a HostedEngine is down:
'virsh list --all'
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolovOn Dec 27, 2019 08:40, zhouhao(a)vip.friendtimes.net wrote:
> I had a crash yesterday in my ovirt cluster, which is made up of 3 nodes.
> I just tried to add a new network, but the whole cluster crashed
> I added a new network to my cluster, but while I was debugging the newswitch, when the switch was poweroff, the node detected the network card status down and then moved to Non-Operational state.
> At this time all of 3 nodes moved to Non-Operational state.
> All virtual machines have started automatic migration,When I received the alert email, all virtual machines were suspended
> In 15 minutes my newswitch were power up again.The 3 ovirt-nodes become active again, but many virtual machines become unresponsive or suspended due to forced migration, and only a few virtual machines are pulled up again due to cancelled migration
> After I tried to terminate the migration tasks and restart ovirt-engine service, I was still unable to restore most of the virtual machines, so I had to restart 3 ovirt-nodes to restore my virtual machine
> I didn't recover all the virtual machines until an hour later
> Then I modify my migration policy to " Do Not Migrate Virtual Machines"
> Which migration Policy do you recommend?
> I'm afraid to use cluster...
> ________________________________
> zhouhao(a)vip.friendtimes.net
5 years, 1 month
Re: Cluster CPU type update
by Strahil
Just a question from curiosity.
Can't we just define second cluster and move each VM from old cluster to the new one ?
Best Regards,
Strahil NikkolovOn Jan 5, 2020 12:29, Eli Mesika <emesika(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> This is the right way to do that IMO
> On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 3:09 AM Morris, Roy <roy.morris(a)ventura.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm running a 4.3 cluster with 56 VMs all set to default cluster and the cluster itself is set to Intel Westmere Family. I am getting a new server and retiring 3 old ones which brings me to my question.
>> When implementing the new host into the cluster and retiring the older hosts. I want to change the CPU type setting in the cluster default to Broadwell which is what my new 3 host cluster will be. To make this change, I assume the process would be to turn off all VMs, set cluster cpu type to broadwell, then turn on VMs to get the new CPU flags?
>> Just wanted to reach out and see if someone else has had to go through this before and has any notes/tips.
>> Best regards,
>> Roy
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5 years, 1 month
How do I do bridged networking?
by m.skrzetuski@gmail.com
Hello everyone,
how do I set up bridged networking? I want to give my VMs direct access to the network, that is: they should get an IP from DHCP and appear as "normal" nodes. This is working out of the box for Proxmox. I was not able to find documentation that would make it possible to configure. Can I configure it via https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-ansible-infra?
Kind regards
5 years, 1 month
Usage statistics or graph for an oVirt environment?
by Victor Hooi
Is there an easy way to generate a dashboard or some kind of graph to track
the usage of an oVirt environment?
This would be things like how many VMs were created, or started, how many
successful logins, how many clones etc.
(Use case is to justify an internal environment/use case)
5 years, 1 month
Looking for Ovirt Consultants
by Bob Franzke
Having an issue with Ovirt. Ovirt Engine server died. I have no idea about
Ovirt and I am way over my head here. Trying to put the engine back together
to get my environment working again. Can anyone help me here? Thanks in
5 years, 1 month
Re: Power management and storage domains error when running Ansible tasks!
by Strahil
You need to speciify the method to be used for power fencing - that could be HPE's iLO, Dell's iDRAC, APC UPS or something else.
Best Regards,
Strahil NikolovOn Jan 5, 2020 14:13, m.skrzetuski(a)gmail.com wrote:
> I don't feel comfortable uploading the whole file with all the information inside it.
> I can see the following entries around power management.
> 2020-01-05 12:58:18,031+01 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-3) [26be9219] EVENT_ID: VDS_HOST_NOT_RESPONDING(9,027), Host <myhost> is not responding. Host cannot be fenced automatically because power management for the host is disabled.
> [...]
> 2020-01-05 12:58:24,435+01 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [cff01c0] EVENT_ID: VDS_ALERT_FENCE_IS_NOT_CONFIGURED(9,000), Failed to verify Power Management configuration for Host <myhost>.
> When (in the web UI) I try to activate power management for the host I get an error: Cannot edit Host. Power Management is enabled for Host but no Agent type selected.
> Which agent is the error talking about? Do I have to run an agent somewhere?
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5 years, 1 month
Re: Cluster CPU type update
by Eli Mesika
This is the right way to do that IMO
On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 3:09 AM Morris, Roy <roy.morris(a)ventura.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running a 4.3 cluster with 56 VMs all set to default cluster and the
> cluster itself is set to Intel Westmere Family. I am getting a new server
> and retiring 3 old ones which brings me to my question.
> When implementing the new host into the cluster and retiring the older
> hosts. I want to change the CPU type setting in the cluster default to
> Broadwell which is what my new 3 host cluster will be. To make this change,
> I assume the process would be to turn off all VMs, set cluster cpu type to
> broadwell, then turn on VMs to get the new CPU flags?
> Just wanted to reach out and see if someone else has had to go through
> this before and has any notes/tips.
> Best regards,
> Roy
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5 years, 1 month