Storage Domain already attached to a Data Center
by Anton Louw
Hi All,
I created a little test environment for myself, just to test a few things. The initial test I wanted to do was to see if I can create a new HE, add it to a different Storage Domain, and then import my existing Storage Domains. Everything went through 100%, except for the little option I forgot to select, and that is to put the original Data Center in maintenance. Now, when I want to import my storage domains, it tells me that the storage domain is already attached to a data center. Is there any way that I can remove this storage domain from my original data center through one of my nodes? I would power up the old HE, but I have powered it off just before deploying a new HE.
I am having the same issue with a node as well, so if there is a way to remove the node from the Data Center as well, that would be awesome.
Anton Louw
Cloud Engineer: Storage and Virtualization
D: 087 805 1572 | M: N/A
A: Rutherford Estate, 1 Scott Street, Waverley, Johannesburg
4 years, 12 months
Re: ETL Service
by Yedidyah Bar David
On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 2:04 PM Anton Louw <Anton.Louw(a)> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am having a strange issue. I configured my DWH scale with scales that I would like to report on. I checked this morning, and the last row in my PostgreSQL DB is from the 9th. I checked the logs, and I see that it is referring to an “ETL Service” which I am not familiar with. I have attached the lines in the text document.
Where is this from? If from the engine db, please check also:
Then try to (re)start it with:
systemctl restart ovirt-engine-dwhd.service
ETL is a common name in the industry for what dwhd does: Extract,
Transform, Load.
> If anybody could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you
> Anton Louw
> Cloud Engineer: Storage and Virtualization at Vox
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> E: anton.louw(a)
> A: Rutherford Estate, 1 Scott Street, Waverley, Johannesburg
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4 years, 12 months
Migrate engine from one storage domain to another
Hi All,
What would be the easiest way to migrate my hosted engine disk from one storage domain, to another? I see that I can click on the disk, and select move, but for some reason I feel nervous about it :)
4 years, 12 months
Client separation on bridge level
by Hendrik Peyerl
Hello everyone,
is there a way to seperate the traffic between VMs on the same bridge on one oVirt-node with built-in tools from ovirt? We have VMs using the same bridge which should never be able to talk to each other.
We are currently using ebtables for that, but its not working very good anymore now that we upgraded to 4.3 with firewalld.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
4 years, 12 months
Ansible playbook timeout
by Barrett Richardson
Per the info near the bottom of
/usr/share/ovirt-engine/services/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.conf I
should be able to create this file,
and place in the file these contents,
and extend the playbook timeout. It doesn't work, still times out
after 30 minutes. Any suggested workarounds?
5 years
strange error when editing multiple disks
by Gianluca Cecchi
I'm noticing this on 4.3.8 and I don't have understood exactly the raising
condition, if UI based or what
At first I thought it was the bootable flag, but it is not, apparently
vm1 powered on with two disks
I select the VM then Disks subtab
select line of second disk --> edit --> OK
All goes well
Then, remaining in the same Disks subtab window I select the line of the
first disk --> Edit --> OK
And now I get the error window:
Error while executing action:
- Cannot edit Virtual Disk. At least one of the VMs is not down.
Then I go and select another powered on VM, vm2, with only one disk, the
one with bootable flag, and I'm able to edit it successfully.
Then I come back and select vm1 and Disks subtab, select again the first
line of the boot disk --> Edit --> OK
and I'm able to edit with success..... but eg if I want to modify both
alias and description fields I have to do one at a time, otherwise if in
the same window I try to modify both and then press OK I still get the
error message above.
Can anyone verify/test? I was able to reproduce on bot oVirt 4.3.8 and RHV
5 years
Re: upgrade from 4.38 to 4.39
Since the upgrade, for some reason I get this message when checking for
upgrade on one host:
Failed to check for available updates on host kvm01 with message 'Failed to
run check-update of host ''. Error: fatal:
[]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed
to connect to the host via ssh: Permission denied
(publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).", "unreachable": true}
I can ssh into the server from the ovirt server and re-copied the ssh keys
and authorized keys but the problem persists.
I am still unable to manually migrate but auto load balance seems to be
working again.
I am attaching the engine log for your review.
Thank you so much for your help.
Eric Evans
Digital Data Services LLC.
5 years