Re: About the vm memory limit
by Tommy Sway
transparent huge pages are not used on vm and physical host.
But, can I enable hugepage memory on virtual machines but not on a physical machine?
For database running on vm, and it needs to config hugepage.
From: Strahil Nikolov <hunter86_bg(a)>
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2021 5:32 PM
To: Tommy Sway <sz_cuitao(a)>
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] About the vm memory limit
It depends on the numa configuration of the host.
If you have 256G per CPU, it's best to stay into that range.
Also, consider disabling transparent huge pages on the host & VM.
Since 4.4 Regular Huge Pages (do not confuse them with THP) can be used on the Hypervisors, while on 4.3 there were some issues but I can't provode any details.
Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 6:40, Tommy Sway
<sz_cuitao(a) <> > wrote:
I would like to ask if there is any limit on the memory size of virtual machines, or performance curve or something like that?
As long as there is memory on the physical machine, the more virtual machines the better?
In our usage scenario, there are many virtual machines with databases, and their memory varies greatly.
For some virtual machines, 4G memory is enough, while for some virtual machines, 64GB memory is needed.
I want to know what is the best use of memory for a virtual machine, since the virtual machine is just a QEMU emulation process on a physical machine, and I worry that it is not using as much memory as a physical machine. Understand this so that we can develop guidelines for optimal memory usage scenarios for virtual machines.
Thank you!
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3 years, 3 months
Re: Can't join new mon - lossy channel, failing
by Konstantin Shalygin
> On 4 Oct 2021, at 16:37, Vladimir Bashkirtsev <vladimir(a)> wrote:
> And just for clarity: you do not attempt to join mixed 32/64 bit cluster? There's a known bug in src/msg/async/frames_v2.h causing frame size mismatch on mixed clusters leading to the same error messages.
All hardware is x86_64
3 years, 3 months
qemu-guest-agent not reporting IP address on boot?
Hi folks,
Kali Linux repos (based on Debian) no longer ship ovirt-guest-agent, and instead package qemu-guest-agent. However, since this upgrade VMs based on Kali no longer report their IP address to oVirt (and therefore timeout during provisioning). If I interact with the VM console, the VM does have an IP address, and the agent is running, yet oVirt reports N/A IP address. I've tried restarting the agent, but that does not help. If I load the console and use the VM it seems to increase the chances the IP address will eventually makes it's way to oVirt, although I can't seem to reproduce an update, or get it to provide the IP address on boot so that provisioning works reliably.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
Thank you.
3 years, 3 months
Re: Upgrading from 4.3 to 4.4.8
by Gianluca Cecchi
On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 12:32 AM Jason Harris <jasonmicron(a)> wrote:
> Engine is updated to the latest 4.3 release and rebooted. Still getting
> this after re-enabling the 4.4 repo:
oVirt 4.4 requires engine and hosts based on RH EL / CentOS 8, while your
current env in 4.3 has them based on RH EL 7 / CentOS 7. You have to
reinstall the node that you isolated with the engine.
So after taing the engine at its latest 4.3.x level and rebooting the 4.3
engine OS, you have to follow the steps described in 6.5: stop the
ovirt-engine service, take a backup and copy the generated file outside of
the env, scratch the engine and related node and reinstall it with 4.4
ovirt node and then on the host, now in 4.4, run the command
hosted-engine --deploy --restore-from-file=backup.bck
and so on...
3 years, 3 months
Re: oVirt 4.3 DWH with Grafana
by Tommy Sway
Thank you!
I tried it, and I can import the json after replace the 4.4 with 4.3, but still have some errors like this:
pq: column "count_threads_as_cores" does not exist
statusText:"Bad Request"
message:"pq: column "count_threads_as_cores" does not exist"
message:"pq: column "count_threads_as_cores" does not exist"
Many of the other reports worked fine, with only a few similar errors.
Is this caused by version incompatibility?
After all, 4.4 in the original document was replaced with 4.3 before the import.
From: Matthew.Stier(a) <Matthew.Stier(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 3:28 AM
To: Tommy Sway <sz_cuitao(a)>; 'Michal Gutowski' <michal.gutowski(a)>; 'Vrgotic, Marko' <M.Vrgotic(a)>
Cc: users(a)
Subject: RE: [ovirt-users] Re: oVirt 4.3 DWH with Grafana
The instructions to modify the json files are missing. (Using find and sed to change all instances of v4_4_ to v4_3_ before importing them into Grafana)
This is from an Oracle Blog on the doing this with OLVM 4.3 (which is basically a repackaged oVirt 4.3)
Build Grafana Dashboard for Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager 4.3 <>
From: Tommy Sway <sz_cuitao(a) <> >
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 3:01 AM
To: 'Michal Gutowski' <michal.gutowski(a) <> >; 'Vrgotic, Marko' <M.Vrgotic(a) <> >
Cc: users(a) <>
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: oVirt 4.3 DWH with Grafana
The oVirt version I'm using is 4.3, and I get an error when I import JSON.
pq: relation"v4_4_latest_configuration_datacenters" does not exist.
From: users-bounces(a) <> <users-bounces(a) <> > On Behalf Of Michal Gutowski
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020 12:26 AM
To: Vrgotic, Marko <M.Vrgotic(a) <> >
Cc: users(a) <>
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: oVirt 4.3 DWH with Grafana
Hi Marko,
I've tested this myself as I like playing with various Grafana use-cases and following steps allow you to set up Grafana Monitoring for your oVirt 4.3 environment and re-use all Grafana Dashboards from latest oVirt 4.4 on a previous release.
1. Allowing Grafana to connect to oVirt DWH database (Data Warehouse)
Login to the oVirt engine 4.3 and create a user "grafana" with password "grafana" that will get a read-only access to the ovirt_engine_history database and will be able to use public schema
# su - postgres -c 'scl enable rh-postgresql10 bash'
# psql -U postgres -c "CREATE ROLE grafana WITH LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'grafana';" -d ovirt_engine_history
# psql -U postgres -c "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE ovirt_engine_history TO grafana;"
# psql -U postgres -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO grafana;" ovirt_engine_history
Generate the rest of the permissions that will be granted to the newly created user and save them to a file:
# psql -U postgres -c "SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON ' || relname || ' TO grafana;' FROM pg_class JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace WHERE nspname = 'public' AND relkind IN ('r', 'v');" --pset=tuples_only=on ovirt_engine_history > grant.sql
Use the file you created in the previous step to grant permissions to the newly created user:
# psql -U postgres -f grant.sql ovirt_engine_history
Remove the file you used to grant permissions:
# rm grant.sql
Exit the postgres user shell by pressing Ctrl+d
Add the following lines for the newly created user to /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql10/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf preceding the line beginning local all all
host ovirt_engine_history grafana md5
host ovirt_engine_history grafana ::0/0 md5
Reload postgres service
# systemctl reload rh-postgresql10-postgresql
2. Installing Grafana
You can install Grafana directly on the oVirt Engine machine (this is how it's done in oVirt 4.4) or on a separate machine. Following steps shows how you can install Grafana on a Oracle Linux 7 server. Note: Oracle provides Grafana in the OLCNE yum repository - you only need to install the repository definition package to pickup Grafana and it's dependencies.
# yum install oraclelinux-release-el7
# yum install oracle-olcne-release-el7
# yum-config-manager --enable ol7_optional_latest ol7_olcne11
# yum install grafana
# systemctl enable --now grafana-server
3. Adding oVirt DWH database as Data Source in Grafana
Login to Grafana (default port 3000) and navigate to Configuration -> DataSources and click on Add Data Source button.
Select PostgreSQL source and use the following settings (adjust the Host IP address to match your oVirt Engine IP but do not change the Name):
Name: oVirt DWH
Host: your-engine-ip-address:5432
user: grafana
pass: grafana
SSL mode: disable
4. Importing Dashboards from oVirt 4.4
Download Grafana Dashboards from oVirt 4.4 repository:
You can now import them in Grafana by navigating to Create -> Import and clicking on Upload .json file or by simply pasting JSON content.
I've tested this on my OLVM/oVirt 4.3 and works perfectly well.
Have fun!
Michał Gutowski
Principal Solutions Engineer, EMEA
+48 665 222 979
Oracle Open Cloud Infrastructure Software - Linux & Virtualization
On 24 Nov 2020, at 11:53, Vrgotic, Marko <M.Vrgotic(a) <> > wrote:
Dear oVirt folks,
Thank you all for suggestions.
I will give it a go and see how far I get.
kind regards/met vriendelijke groeten
Marko Vrgotic
Sr. System Engineer @ System Administration
o: +31 (35) 6774131
m: +31 (65) 5734174
e: <> m.vrgotic(a)
w: <;!!GqivPVa7Brio!MN...>
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From: Yedidyah Bar David <didi(a) <> >
Date: Sunday, 22 November 2020 at 08:39
To: "Vrgotic, Marko" <M.Vrgotic(a) <> >
Cc: "users(a) <> " <users(a) <> >
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt 4.3 DWH with Grafana
***CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender!!!***
On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 8:45 AM Vrgotic, Marko <M.Vrgotic(a) <> > wrote:
Dear oVirt,
We are currently running oVirt 4.3 and upgrade/migration to 4.4 won’t be possible for few more months.
I am looking into guidelines, how to, for setting up Grafana using DataWarehouse as data source.
Did anyone already did this, and would be willing to share the steps?
AFAIU this is definitely not tested/recommended/supported, but the current (4.4) dashboards use only 4.3 dwh compatibility views. So in theory, 4.4 grafana setup can work against your 4.3 engine/dwh without problems. So you can try something like:
1. Install el8 on some machine
2. Install ovirt-release (4.4!)
3. Install ovirt-engine-dwh-grafana-integration-setup. I *think*, didn't try, that it would carry with it all the dependencies it needs.
4. Run engine-setup. When prompted, only accept "Configure grafana?", and reply "No" to everything else
5. Follow the other prompts as applicable
This should be enough.
Not sure about the commands to add SSO on the engine machine. Perhaps better verify this first against a test engine (can be on another el7/ovirt4.3 VM with no hosts).
But, repeating: this isn't recommended.
Did you consider upgrading only your engine, and keep your hosts 4.3 until you can upgrade them later?
Best regards,
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3 years, 3 months
Live domain migration breaks Windows (UEFI) vitrual machine
by Patrick Lomakin
Greetings! I've already mentioned the problem of live disk migration between different storage domains, but yesterday I found the same problem in a new oVirt installation.
My actions after deploying oVirt are:
1) Created a storage domain (iSCSI and Gluster);
2) Created a virtual machine with Windows 10 (UEFI);
3) Placed the virtual machine on the Gluster domain;
4) Started the virtual machine and started moving the disk from the Gluster storage domain to iSCSI.
The disk move process was successful and error free and the virtual machine worked. However, after a reboot, the machine no longer started. The boot goes into recovery mode. All attempts to restore the machine to work were unsuccessful. I want to note that this does not happen if the machine was turned off during the disk move. In this case, it starts up without any problems. The type of domain from or to which the disk is migrated does not important. In case of live migration the Windows (UEFI) VM crashes in any case.
3 years, 3 months
Upgrading from 4.3 to 4.4.8
You guys scare me. Seriously.
I'm trying to update from oVirt 4.3 to 4.4 using a self-hosted engine. All VMs on the host are migrated off, other than the hosted engine, from the first host I intend to update to EL 8.4, per the documentation.
I installed the RPM from here:
I'm configuring the Engine following the upgrade document located here:
Step 6.4, after installing the oVirt 4.4 RPM on the engine:
engine-upgrade-check - I get this response:
[root@labmanager yum.repos.d]# engine-upgrade-check
VERB: queue package ovirt-engine-setup for update
VERB: Downloading: ovirt-4.3-epel/x86_64/metalink (0%)
VERB: Downloading: ovirt-4.3-epel/x86_64/metalink 10 k(100%)
FAIL: Cannot queue package ovirt-engine-setup: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: ovirt-4.4/7
OK: Performing yum transaction rollback
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: ovirt-4.4/7
Doing a 'yum update' to just validate yum is working correctly, after installing the 44 RPM, I get this:
Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: ovirt-4.4/7
Any advice? Is the repo just not valid at the moment? Did someone forget to run a 'createrepo' after updating the YUM/DNF repo?
3 years, 3 months
Reinstall without dataloss
Hi all,
I am new here, been searching the mailing list on a regular base when I encountered problems and till now I always was able to keep the system up & running.
As said... till now...
I have oVirt at home, and I have about 7 vm's running on it. Lately I have had some troubles with my electricity, which results in a complete power outage on a irregular base.
Yesterday I had a power outage which left the system unbootable with the following errors:
error: ../../grub-core/loader/i386/pc/linux.c:170:invalid magic number.
error: ../../grub-core/loader/i386/pc/linux.c:1418:you need to load the kernel first.
Press any key to continue
Normally this can be solved following, but his time also the files in /boot had a size of 0 bytes. So basically i did not have a working kernel on the system anymore. does work for CentOS 8 also, but the ovirt 4.8 iso does not have the same directory structure. Using CentOS 8 installs a kernel, but not a bootable system.
Is there a way i can start the installer in troubleshooting mode so I can reinstall just the kernel on the system?
3 years, 3 months