hosted-engine cannot can't communicate with vm
by Harry O
The VM is up and the ids match, but it fail when I try anything.
hosted-engine --vm-shutdown
Command VM.shutdown with args {'vmID': '350a168a-beb9-4417-9fbd-5a8121863a57', 'delay': '120', 'message': 'VM is shutting down!'} failed:
(code=1, message=Virtual machine does not exist: {'vmId': '350a168a-beb9-4417-9fbd-5a8121863a57'})
virsh list
Id Name State
2 HostedEngine running
virsh domuuid HostedEngine
MainThread::ERROR::2021-06-17 09:58:54,537::hosted_engine::953::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_stop_engine_vm) Failed to stop engine VM: Command VM.destroy with args {'vmID': '350a168a-beb9-4417-9fbd-5a8121863a57'} failed:
(code=1, message=Virtual machine does not exist: {'vmId': '350a168a-beb9-4417-9fbd-5a8121863a57'})
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:58:54,563::brokerlink::73::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.brokerlink.BrokerLink::(notify) Success, was notification of state_transition (EngineForceStop-ReinitializeFSM) sent? ignored
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:58:54,569::hosted_engine::517::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop) Current state ReinitializeFSM (score: 0)
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:04,654::brokerlink::73::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.brokerlink.BrokerLink::(notify) Success, was notification of state_transition (ReinitializeFSM-EngineDown) sent? ignored
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:04,738::hosted_engine::517::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop) Current state EngineDown (score: 3400)
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:13,759::states::472::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(consume) Engine down and local host has best score (3400), attempting to start engine VM
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:13,796::brokerlink::73::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.brokerlink.BrokerLink::(notify) Success, was notification of state_transition (EngineDown-EngineStart) sent? ignored
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:13,888::hosted_engine::517::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop) Current state EngineStart (score: 3400)
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:13,903::hosted_engine::895::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_clean_vdsm_state) Ensuring VDSM state is clear for engine VM
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:13,909::hosted_engine::907::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_clean_vdsm_state) Vdsm state for VM clean
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:13,909::hosted_engine::853::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_start_engine_vm) Starting vm using `/usr/sbin/hosted-engine --vm-start`
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:14,444::hosted_engine::862::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_start_engine_vm) stdout: VM in WaitForLaunch
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:14,444::hosted_engine::863::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_start_engine_vm) stderr: Command VM.getStats with args {'vmID': '350a168a-beb9-4417-9fbd-5a8121863a57'} failed:
(code=1, message=Virtual machine does not exist: {'vmId': '350a168a-beb9-4417-9fbd-5a8121863a57'})
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:14,444::hosted_engine::875::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_start_engine_vm) Engine VM started on localhost
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:14,472::brokerlink::73::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.brokerlink.BrokerLink::(notify) Success, was notification of state_transition (EngineStart-EngineStarting) sent? ignored
MainThread::INFO::2021-06-17 09:59:14,479::hosted_engine::517::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop) Current state EngineStarting (score: 3400)
3 years, 7 months
IPv6 Support
by David White
Reading, I see this tidbit:
- Dual-stack addressing, IPv4andIPv6, is not supported
- Switching clusters from IPv4 to IPv6 is not supported.
If I'm understanding this correctly... does that mean I cannot run some VMs with IPv4, and other VMs with IPv6, in the same cluster?
If so, that's incredibly disappointing and frustrating.
Is Dual-stack addressing a possible feature request?
IPv4 addresses are expensive... and I have a couple of customers who only needs IPv6, so would really prefer to avoid having to pay for IPv4 addresses for them.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
3 years, 7 months
Question about Template and Storage Domain
by Nur Imam Febrianto
Want to ask about template. For example I have a several template (with disk) stored in some Storage Domain. If I create a VM from the template, and when I change the parameter of cloned disk into another storage domain (different with where the template are stored). The VM always failed to be created. This only occurs in VM creation phase, if I create the VM at same storage domain where the templates are stored, it created successfully. Is this are “normal” behavior ?
Thanks before.
Nur Imam Febrianto
3 years, 7 months
Re: oVirt and ARM
by Sandro Bonazzola
Il giorno gio 24 giu 2021 alle ore 16:34 Marko Vrgotic <
M.Vrgotic(a)> ha scritto:
> Hi oVirt,
> Where can I find if there are any information about oVirt supporting arm64
> CPU architecture?
Right now oVirt is not supporting arm64. There was an initiative about
supporting it started some time ago from openEuler ovirt SIG.
I didn't got any further updates on this topic, looping in those who I
remember being looking into it.
I think that if someone contributes arm64 support it would also be a
feature worth a 4.5 release :-)
> -----
> kind regards/met vriendelijke groeten
> Marko Vrgotic
> Sr. System Engineer @ System Administration
> ActiveVideo
> *o: *+31 (35) 6774131
> *m: +*31 (65) 5734174
> *e:* m.vrgotic(a)
> *w: *
> ActiveVideo Networks BV. Mediacentrum 3745 Joop van den Endeplein 1.1217
> WJ Hilversum, The Netherlands. The information contained in this message
> may be legally privileged and confidential. It is intended to be read only
> by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed or by their designee.
> If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are on
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Sandro Bonazzola
Red Hat EMEA <>
*Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
answer this email out of your office hours.*
3 years, 7 months
Mount Export Domain only temporary
by jb
Hello community,
We use a NFS export domain for full backups. Sometimes I have to restart
the NFS file server, but when I just restart that server, without doing
anything in oVirt (I guess normally I should put the domain in
maintenance mode), it can happen that hosts and VMs a crashing.
I had one time even the issue, that after a crash one XFS file system on
one host got damage and I had to fix that.
My though was now, because I make only one time a week a VM full backup,
I only mount the export domain in this time.
Is there an easy way to do this, with the API? Or would you have a other
hint, how to solve this issue?
Have a good day!
3 years, 7 months
oVirt 4.4.6 Gluster heal pending
Hi there! I want to know what can i do with this trouble
[root@ovirt-h2-new ~]# gluster volume heal data info
Brick ovirt-h1-new.local:/gluster/ovirt_new/data
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 1
Brick ovirt-h2-new.local:/gluster/ovirt_new/data
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 1
[root@ovirt-h2-new ~]#
[root@ovirt-h2-new ~]#
[root@ovirt-h2-new ~]#
[root@ovirt-h2-new ~]# gluster volume heal data info summary
Brick ovirt-h1-new.local:/gluster/ovirt_new/data
Status: Connected
Total Number of entries: 2
Number of entries in heal pending: 2
Number of entries in split-brain: 0
Number of entries possibly healing: 0
Brick ovirt-h2-new.local:/gluster/ovirt_new/data
Status: Connected
Total Number of entries: 2
Number of entries in heal pending: 2
Number of entries in split-brain: 0
Number of entries possibly healing: 0
Entries not decreasing...
Any help
3 years, 7 months
Re: oVirt 4.2 how to upgrade
by Strahil Nikolov
Theoretically you most probably can, but you take the risk of being vulnerable to split-brain.
Keep in mind that you can:- update gluster to the same version that is used on oVirt 4.4- update oVirt to 4.3.10 as this is the most tested migration scenario- reduce the volume and remove that 3rd node (don't forget to peer detach)- reinstall with EL8 and install gluster (same version) again. Add the brick and qait for the heal- create a new volume for the new HE- Stop the old HE and deploy the new one from the backup- Add the hosts to the new HE and migrate some of the VMs to free one of the old hosts- Reinstall the remaining hosts (one by one) to EL8
Best Regards,Strahil Nikolov
On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 14:28, Fedele Stabile<fedele.stabile(a)> wrote: I have a 3 node oVirt 4.2.1 cluster,
i'm using a self-hosted engine architecture and
storage-engine is on a glusterfs replica 3
of the cluster.
The oldest CPU is SandyBridge family (E5-2609)
and incidentally it has connectivity problems with IPMI NIC,
but Hosted Engine HA is enabled and working.
May I reduce the glusterfs replica to 2 and use one of the 3 nodes to begin the installation of ovirt 4.4 on that node?
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3 years, 7 months