Snapshot and disk size allocation
Hello everyone.
I would like to know how disk size and snapshot allocation works, because every time I create a new snapshot, it increases 1 GB in the VM's disk size, and when I remove the snap, that space is not returned to Domain Storage.
I'm using the oVirt 4.3.10
How do I reprovision the VM disk?
Thank you all.
3 years, 4 months
Ooops! in last step of Hyperconverged deployment
by Harry O
In the second engine dep run in Hyperconverged deployment I get red "Ooops!" in cockpit.
I think it fails on some networking setup.
The first oVirt Node says "Hosted Engine is up!" but the other nodes is not added to HostedEngine yet.
There is no network connectivity to the Engine outside node1, I can ssh to engine from node1 on the right IP-address.
Please tell what logs I should pull.
3 years, 5 months
oVirt 4.3 DWH with Grafana
by Vrgotic, Marko
Dear oVirt,
We are currently running oVirt 4.3 and upgrade/migration to 4.4 won’t be possible for few more months.
I am looking into guidelines, how to, for setting up Grafana using DataWarehouse as data source.
Did anyone already did this, and would be willing to share the steps?
Kindly awaiting your reply.
kind regards/met vriendelijke groeten
Marko Vrgotic
Sr. System Engineer @ System Administration
o: +31 (35) 6774131
m: +31 (65) 5734174
e: m.vrgotic(a)<>
ActiveVideo Networks BV. Mediacentrum 3745 Joop van den Endeplein 1.1217 WJ Hilversum, The Netherlands. The information contained in this message may be legally privileged and confidential. It is intended to be read only by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed or by their designee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are on notice that any distribution of this message, in any form, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and/or ActiveVideo Networks, LLC by telephone at +1 408.931.9200 and delete or destroy any copy of this message.
3 years, 5 months
Error when trying to change master storage domain
by Matthew Benstead
I'm trying to decommission the old master storage domain in ovirt, and
replace it with a new one. All of the VMs have been migrated off of the
old master, and everything has been running on the new storage domain
for a couple months. But when I try to put the old domain into
maintenance mode I get an error.
Old Master: vm-storage-ssd
New Domain: vm-storage-ssd2
The error is:
Failed to Reconstruct Master Domain for Data Center EDC2
As well as:
Sync Error on Master Domain between Host daccs01 and oVirt Engine.
Domain: vm-storage-ssd is marked as Master in oVirt Engine database but
not on the Storage side. Please consult with Support on how to fix this
2021-07-28 11:41:34,870-07 WARN
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-23) [] Master domain version is
not in sync between DB and VDSM. Domain vm-storage-ssd
marked as master, but the version in DB: 283 and in VDSM: 280
Not stopping SPM on vds daccs01, pool id
f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff as there are uncleared tasks Task
'5fa9edf0-56c3-40e4-9327-47bf7764d28d', status 'finished'
After a couple minutes all the domains are marked as active again and
things continue, but vm-storage-ssd is still listed as the master
domain. Any thoughts?
This is on on CentOS 7.
engine=# SELECT storage_name, storage_pool_id, storage, status FROM
storage_pool_with_storage_domain ORDER BY storage_name;
storage_name | storage_pool_id
| storage | status
compute1-iscsi-ssd | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff |
yvUESE-yWUv-VIWL-qX90-aAq7-gK0I-EqppRL | 1
compute7-iscsi-ssd | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff |
8ekHdv-u0RJ-B0FO-LUUK-wDWs-iaxb-sh3W3J | 1
export-domain-storage | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff |
d3932528-6844-481a-bfed-542872ace9e5 | 1
iso-storage | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff |
f800b7a6-6a0c-4560-8476-2f294412d87d | 1
vm-storage-7200rpm | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff |
a0bff472-1348-4302-a5c7-f1177efa45a9 | 1
vm-storage-ssd | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff |
95acd9a4-a6fb-4208-80dd-1c53d6aacad0 | 1
vm-storage-ssd2 | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff |
829d0600-c3f7-4dae-a749-d7f05c6a6ca4 | 1
(7 rows)
3 years, 5 months
Template for Ubuntu 18.04 Server Issues
I have built a system as a template on oVirt. Specifically, Ubuntu 18.04 server.
I am noticing an issue when creating new vms from that template. I used the check box for "seal template" when creating the template.
When I create a new Ubuntu VM I am getting duplicate IP addresses for all the machines created from the template.
It seems like the checkbox doesn't fully function as intended. I would need to do further manual steps to clear up this issue.
Has anyone else noticed this behavior? Is this expected or have I missed something?
Thanks for your input!
3 years, 6 months
Terrible Disk Performance on Windows 10 VM
I recently installed a Windows 10 VM under oVirt
Also installed the drivers using "virtio-win-1.9.16.iso" (Then re-installed them after updates just in case it helped)
I found a similar complaint with VMWare (
So I looked into that and made a registry change for the AHCI controller, as well as setting the 'viodiskcache' to write-back (Seen in another thread on here) - those two changes seemed to help.. marginally. But not much at all.
When I do just about anything, disk usage spikes to 100% and stays there for quite a while. Write speeds rarely break 100kb/sec.
Not even sure what to look for next. My Linux VMs don't seem to have this issue and the host it's running on is barely working at all. CPU and memory stay close to unused. oVirt didn't show a lot, but in task manager in the Windows VM - you can see disk queue just pegged completely.
I've given the VM 6GB of RAM, so that's not it. I even turned off paging in the Windows VM as well, to no avail.
This is an example of disk usage, just opening 'Groove Music' for the first time.
Any ideas? :)
3 years, 7 months
Restored engine backup: The provided authorization grant for the auth code has expired.
by Nicolás
I'm restoring a full ovirt engine backup, having used the --scope=all
option, for oVirt 4.3.
I restored the backup on a fresh CentOS7 machine. The process went well,
but when trying to log into the restored authentication system I get the
following message which won't allow me to log in:
The provided authorization grant for the auth code has expired.
What does that mean and how can it be fixed?
3 years, 7 months
Self hosted engine installation - Failed to deploy the VM on ISCSI storage
I was trying to install the latest ovirt engine v4.4.7 but it failed at the following step when I was using the command line.
I have tried installing as user root or other sudoers, but same issue.
[ INFO ] changed: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Copy configuration archive to storage]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["dd", "bs=20480", "count=1", "oflag=direct", "if=/var/tmp/localvmV8yIIX/5607a2c3-7e94-4403-ad86-7c3bcc745b16", "of=/rhev/data-center/mnt/blockSD/61612a87-4b25-4e09-aecd-02b63c679cf1/images/f9ebe70c-58f4-4229-a149-a18a09571d08/5607a2c3-7e94-4403-ad86-xxxxxxxxxxxx"], "delta": "0:00:00.011759", "end": "2020-08-14 09:03:35.702527", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2020-08-14 09:03:35.690768", "stderr": "dd: failed to open â/var/tmp/localvmV8yIIX/5607a2c3-7e94-4403-ad86-7c3bcc745b16â: Permission denied", "stderr_lines": ["dd: failed to open â/var/tmp/localvmV8yIIX/5607a2c3-7e94-4403-ad86-xxxxxxxxxxxx: Permission denied"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed executing ansible-playbook
[ INFO ] Stage: Clean up
[ INFO ] Cleaning temporary resources
Just curious if anyone hits the same issue? Thank you.
3 years, 7 months