remote-viewer "Change CD menu" contains ISOs only from one storage domain
by Alexander Murashkin
remote-viewer "Change CD menu" contains ISOs only from one storage domain.
There are two "data" storage domains in the datacenter. Both of them
contains ISOs and VM disk images.
The first VM has a disk image in the first storage domain and so is
shown in the domain's "Virtual Machine" tab. Similar, the second VM has
a disk image in the second storage domain and so is also shown in the
domain's "Virtual Machine" tab.
When the VMs are running, in their consoles, in "Change CD menu" only
ISOs from the first storage domain are listed.
I would consider it a bug. It is possible to attach ISO from any storage
domain to any VM. But it is not possible to see ISO from the second
domain in "Change CD menu".
Engine RPM: ovirt-engine- Desktop RPMs:
libgovirt-0.3.8-3.fc36.x86_64 virt-viewer-11.0-2.fc36.x86_64
Shall I open a bug in Bugzilla? If so, what component it is related to -
Alexander Murashkin
PS I also have tried ISO domain. No luck.
2 years, 6 months
VM remote console issue related to VNC and Root CA certs?
by Chris Smith
I have built a small 2 cluster "datacenter". One host is oVirt 4.5.1 and
another 4.5.2. Each host is in it's own cluster due to CPU type difference.
I am able to build VMs on each host and they are able to start.
My issue I am fighting now is that I am unable to get remote-viewer.exe to
open a remote console window to a VM on the 2nd cluster I've built.
I'm trying to connect to a VM named "utm" which is running on host
"mini-node" which is in a separate cluster from where "ovirt-node" resides.
"ovirt-node" is the host where "ovirt-engine" resides.
I have attached the whole log to this e-mail from my windows machine, and I
think this part is most relevant:
[image: image.png]
I've tried to install the SSL certs for each server (from tcp/9090) on my
windows workstation's cert store in both user and computer personal and
trusted root ca store, but i'm not sure that the cert I have for my 2nd
host is made right?
[image: image.png]
[image: image.png]
This is my ovirt engine cert (ignore the domain name, that is
due to linksys nonsense that i'm just running with):
[image: image.png]
[image: image.png]
I wonder, should SSL cert for "mini-node" have been issued by
"ovirt-engine"? i think it's self-signed at the moment.
Here is what my console.vv looks like:
# Password is valid for 120 seconds.
Any help is appreciated,
Thank you,
2 years, 6 months
Cannot upgrade hosted-engine due to a LUN in a storage domain
I need to know if there are any cli commands to manage storage domains. I have a completely empty LUN in a storage domain but I can't use it to apply to my hosted-engine upgrade. I think I need to put the storage domain into maintenance mode and remove it but I don't have the GUI to do this. Anyone know how to use the command line for this?
2 years, 6 months
hosted-engine -vm-status show a ghost node that is not anymore in the cluster: how to remove?
by Diego Ercolani
The issue is that in my cluster when I use the:
[root@ovirt-node3 ~]# hosted-engine --vm-status
--== Host ovirt-node3.ovirt (id: 1) status ==--
Host ID : 1
Host timestamp : 1633143
Score : 3400
Engine status : {"vm": "down", "health": "bad", "detail": "unknown", "reason": "vm not running on this host"}
Hostname : ovirt-node3.ovirt
Local maintenance : False
stopped : False
crc32 : 1cbfcd19
conf_on_shared_storage : True
local_conf_timestamp : 1633143
Status up-to-date : True
Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
timestamp=1633143 (Wed Aug 31 14:37:53 2022)
vm_conf_refresh_time=1633143 (Wed Aug 31 14:37:53 2022)
--== Host ovirt-node1.ovirt (id: 2) status ==--
Host ID : 2
Host timestamp : 373629
Score : 0
Engine status : unknown stale-data
Hostname : ovirt-node1.ovirt
Local maintenance : True
stopped : False
crc32 : 12a6eb81
conf_on_shared_storage : True
local_conf_timestamp : 373630
Status up-to-date : False
Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
timestamp=373629 (Tue Jun 14 16:48:50 2022)
vm_conf_refresh_time=373630 (Tue Jun 14 16:48:50 2022)
--== Host ovirt-node2.ovirt (id: 3) status ==--
Host ID : 3
Host timestamp : 434247
Score : 3400
Engine status : {"vm": "down", "health": "bad", "detail": "unknown", "reason": "vm not running on this host"}
Hostname : ovirt-node2.ovirt
Local maintenance : False
stopped : False
crc32 : badb3751
conf_on_shared_storage : True
local_conf_timestamp : 434247
Status up-to-date : True
Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
timestamp=434247 (Wed Aug 31 14:37:45 2022)
vm_conf_refresh_time=434247 (Wed Aug 31 14:37:45 2022)
--== Host ovirt-node4.ovirt (id: 4) status ==--
Host ID : 4
Host timestamp : 1646655
Score : 3400
Engine status : {"vm": "up", "health": "good", "detail": "Up"}
Hostname : ovirt-node4.ovirt
Local maintenance : False
stopped : False
crc32 : 1a16027e
conf_on_shared_storage : True
local_conf_timestamp : 1646655
Status up-to-date : True
Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
timestamp=1646655 (Wed Aug 31 14:37:43 2022)
vm_conf_refresh_time=1646655 (Wed Aug 31 14:37:43 2022)
The problem is that ovirt-node1.ovirt is not anymore in ther cluster, in the host list presented by the ui there is correctly no ovirt-node1, the ovirt-node1 appears only in the commandline.
I did a full text search in the engine DB, but node1 doesn't appear anywhere, even in the filesystem, a grep doesn't find anything
2 years, 6 months
Engine and host certificates expired
I have an environment where the engine wouldn’t start and the certificate expiry dates were as follows.
Host1 - 25th Sep 2022
Host2 - 11th Aug 2022
Host3 - 11th Aug 2022
I copied the vdsm certs from Host1 to Host2 & Host3
Engine then started on Host1 and then backed up.
Engine cert expiry 11th Aug 2022
I put the cluster into Global Maintenance mode and then tried:
‘engine-setup —offline’
Which failed as the validation check said the engine wasn’t in Global Maintenance mode even though ‘hosted-engine —vm-status said it was.
None of the Hosts are ‘GREEN’ (can’t remember what the status was as I’m writing this from memory) but their status is ’RED’.
There are VMs running on the 3 Hosts and I’m reluctant to restart anything at the moment.
Is there a way to refresh the engine certificate to get past this or do I need to restart vdsm service on each host to bring them back online as far as the engine is concerned?
The environment is currently at 4.4.6 and is to be upgraded to 4.5.2 next month.
Any help as always will be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards
2 years, 6 months
VDSNetworkException: protocol version not accepted by client
by Kilian Ries
im running an oVirt 4.2.8 cluster with two nodes. A few days ago, my SSL certificates expired. After that, i changed all the certificates on the engine via "engine-upgrade" command and issued new vdsm client certificates. Then i copied the new certificates to my ovirt nodes and restarted vdsmd (systemctl restart vdsmd).
Now i'm still not able to connect to my ovirt nodes. In the engine log i can see the following error:
2022-09-01 18:25:51,822+02 INFO [org.ovirt.vdsm.jsonrpc.client.reactors.ReactorClient] (SSL Stomp Reactor) [] Connecting to /192.168.xx.xx
2022-09-01 18:25:51,827+02 ERROR [org.ovirt.vdsm.jsonrpc.client.reactors.Reactor] (SSL Stomp Reactor) [] Unable to process messages The server selected protocol version TLS10 is not accepted by client preferences [TLS12]
2022-09-01 18:25:51,829+02 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.monitoring.HostMonitoring] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-88) [] Unable to RefreshCapabilities: VDSNetworkException: VDSGenericException: VDSNetworkException: The server selected protocol version TLS10 is not accepted by client preferences [TLS12]
I searched my vdsm client config but i cannot see any specific TLS version set (every option with TLS is commented - seems to be the default):
$grep -R -i TLS /etc/vdsm/
/etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf:# ssl_protocol = tlsv1
/etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf:# e.g. OP_NO_TLSv1,
/etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf:# OP_NO_TLSv1_1 By default tlv1, tlsv1.1 and tlsv1.2 are enabled.
On the engine i didn't find any setting to set a specific TLS version - there seems to have been a setting (VdsmSSLProtocol) but that got deprecated years ago.
Does anybody know why my engine is still not able to connect to the client vdsmd?
I also tried to set "ssl_protocol = tlsv1" via vdsm.conf but that didn't work ...
Name : vdsm
Architektur : x86_64
Version : 4.19.37
Ausgabe : 1.el7.centos
Name : ovirt-engine
Architektur : noarch
Version :
Ausgabe : 1.el7
2 years, 6 months
oVirt 4.5.2 - ovirt-hosted-engine-setup fails with "error: Must be number, not str"}]" when creating ovirtmgmt network
by Thomas Simmons
I am trying to deploy the latest oVirt (4.5.2), on a fully patched Rocky
8.6 system and am having and issue where "ovirt-hosted-engine-setup" is
failing when it tries to create the ovirtmgmt network with the error
"error: Must be number, not str"}]". When this happens, the engine setup
pauses and if I can login to the bootstrap engine UI and when I attempt to
manually assign the ovirtmgmt network to the correct nic on the host, I get
the same error message. This server has (2) active network interfaces - a
gigabit NIC that will be a VM network for all networks except gluster and
migration and a 40Gbps Infiniband adapter in connected mode (IPoIB) for
gluster and migration (I previously had these servers in the same hardware
configuration running oVirt 4.3 on CentOS 7 and would like to have the same
setup again - just with latest versions of EL and oVirt).
I don't believe it's related, however for transparency I should note that
the server is running kernel-lt from elrepo (5.4.212-1.el8.elrepo.x86_64)
because both native EL and elrepo support for my Infiniband HBA was dropped
in the standard EL8 kernel due to known bugs with that version of the
kernel. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Here is the specific error from engine.log on the bootstrap engine. I see
similar messages in vdsm.log on the host.
2022-09-04 18:01:10,725-04 INFO
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] START,
HostSetupNetworksVDSCommand(HostName =,
rollbackOnFailure='true', commitOnSuccess='true',
connectivityTimeout='120', networks='[HostNetwork:{defaultRoute='true',
bonding='false', networkName='ovirtmgmt', vdsmName='ovirtmgmt',
nicName='enp3s0', vlan='null', vmNetwork='true', stp='false',
properties='null', ipv4BootProtocol='STATIC_IP',
ipv4Address='', ipv4Netmask='',
ipv4Gateway='', ipv6BootProtocol='NONE', ipv6Address='null',
ipv6Prefix='null', ipv6Gateway='null', nameServers='null'}]',
removedNetworks='[]', bonds='[]', removedBonds='[]',
clusterSwitchType='LEGACY', managementNetworkChanged='true'}), log id:
2022-09-04 18:01:10,726-04 INFO
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] FINISH,
HostSetupNetworksVDSCommand, return: , log id: 6bc2c376
2022-09-04 18:01:11,251-04 WARN
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] Unexpected return
value: Status [code=-32603, message=Internal JSON-RPC error: {'reason':
"Attempt to call function: <bound method Global.setupNetworks of
<vdsm.API.Global object at 0x7fb24046f240>> with arguments: ({'ovirtmgmt':
{'netmask': '', 'ipv6autoconf': False, 'nic': 'enp3s0',
'bridged': 'true', 'ipaddr': '', 'defaultRoute': True,
'dhcpv6': False, 'STP': 'no', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500,
'switch': 'legacy'}}, {}, {'connectivityTimeout': 120, 'commitOnSuccess':
True, 'connectivityCheck': 'true'}) error: Must be number, not str"}]
2022-09-04 18:01:11,252-04 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] Failed in
'HostSetupNetworksVDS' method
2022-09-04 18:01:11,252-04 WARN
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] Unexpected return
value: Status [code=-32603, message=Internal JSON-RPC error: {'reason':
"Attempt to call function: <bound method Global.setupNetworks of
<vdsm.API.Global object at 0x7fb24046f240>> with arguments: ({'ovirtmgmt':
{'netmask': '', 'ipv6autoconf': False, 'nic': 'enp3s0',
'bridged': 'true', 'ipaddr': '', 'defaultRoute': True,
'dhcpv6': False, 'STP': 'no', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500,
'switch': 'legacy'}}, {}, {'connectivityTimeout': 120, 'commitOnSuccess':
True, 'connectivityCheck': 'true'}) error: Must be number, not str"}]
2022-09-04 18:01:11,261-04 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] EVENT_ID:
HostSetupNetworksVDS failed: Internal JSON-RPC error: {'reason': "Attempt
to call function: <bound method Global.setupNetworks of <vdsm.API.Global
object at 0x7fb24046f240>> with arguments: ({'ovirtmgmt': {'netmask':
'', 'ipv6autoconf': False, 'nic': 'enp3s0', 'bridged': 'true',
'ipaddr': '', 'defaultRoute': True, 'dhcpv6': False, 'STP':
'no', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500, 'switch': 'legacy'}}, {},
{'connectivityTimeout': 120, 'commitOnSuccess': True, 'connectivityCheck':
'true'}) error: Must be number, not str"}
2022-09-04 18:01:11,261-04 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] Error:
VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to HostSetupNetworksVDS,
error = Internal JSON-RPC error: {'reason': "Attempt to call function:
<bound method Global.setupNetworks of <vdsm.API.Global object at
0x7fb24046f240>> with arguments: ({'ovirtmgmt': {'netmask':
'', 'ipv6autoconf': False, 'nic': 'enp3s0', 'bridged': 'true',
'ipaddr': '', 'defaultRoute': True, 'dhcpv6': False, 'STP':
'no', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500, 'switch': 'legacy'}}, {},
{'connectivityTimeout': 120, 'commitOnSuccess': True, 'connectivityCheck':
'true'}) error: Must be number, not str"}, code = -32603
2022-09-04 18:01:11,261-04 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] Command
'HostSetupNetworksVDSCommand(HostName =,
rollbackOnFailure='true', commitOnSuccess='true',
connectivityTimeout='120', networks='[HostNetwork:{defaultRoute='true',
bonding='false', networkName='ovirtmgmt', vdsmName='ovirtmgmt',
nicName='enp3s0', vlan='null', vmNetwork='true', stp='false',
properties='null', ipv4BootProtocol='STATIC_IP',
ipv4Address='', ipv4Netmask='',
ipv4Gateway='', ipv6BootProtocol='NONE', ipv6Address='null',
ipv6Prefix='null', ipv6Gateway='null', nameServers='null'}]',
removedNetworks='[]', bonds='[]', removedBonds='[]',
clusterSwitchType='LEGACY', managementNetworkChanged='true'})' execution
failed: VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to
HostSetupNetworksVDS, error = Internal JSON-RPC error: {'reason': "Attempt
to call function: <bound method Global.setupNetworks of <vdsm.API.Global
object at 0x7fb24046f240>> with arguments: ({'ovirtmgmt': {'netmask':
'', 'ipv6autoconf': False, 'nic': 'enp3s0', 'bridged': 'true',
'ipaddr': '', 'defaultRoute': True, 'dhcpv6': False, 'STP':
'no', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500, 'switch': 'legacy'}}, {},
{'connectivityTimeout': 120, 'commitOnSuccess': True, 'connectivityCheck':
'true'}) error: Must be number, not str"}, code = -32603
2022-09-04 18:01:11,262-04 INFO
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] Host setup networks
finished. Lock released. Monitoring can run now for host ''
from data-center 'Default'
2022-09-04 18:01:11,262-04 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] Command
'' failed:
VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to HostSetupNetworksVDS,
error = Internal JSON-RPC error: {'reason': "Attempt to call function:
<bound method Global.setupNetworks of <vdsm.API.Global object at
0x7fb24046f240>> with arguments: ({'ovirtmgmt': {'netmask':
'', 'ipv6autoconf': False, 'nic': 'enp3s0', 'bridged': 'true',
'ipaddr': '', 'defaultRoute': True, 'dhcpv6': False, 'STP':
'no', 'gateway': '', 'mtu': 1500, 'switch': 'legacy'}}, {},
{'connectivityTimeout': 120, 'commitOnSuccess': True, 'connectivityCheck':
'true'}) error: Must be number, not str"}, code = -32603 (Failed with error
unexpected and code 16)
2022-09-04 18:01:11,263-04 INFO
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] Lock freed to object
2022-09-04 18:01:11,269-04 ERROR
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [2a6921b2] EVENT_ID:
configure management network on host due to setup
networks failure.
2 years, 6 months
VM has been paused due to no Storage space error on ovirt 4.5
by Jirka Simon
Hi there,
last days we are facing issues with paused VMs (in past it was for few
second to resize lv device), but now it doesn't resume. we migrated to
4.5.2 cluster, this never happened before with the same storage.
there is almost notning in engine log
2022-09-06 09:47:11,160+02 INFO
(ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9) [51eb7178] VM
'cfff0648-6502-4977-95a8-c6f95c723f6d'( moved from 'Up' --> 'Paused'
2022-09-06 09:47:11,264+02 INFO
(ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9) [51eb7178] EVENT_ID: VM_PAUSED(1,025), VM has been paused.
2022-09-06 09:47:11,271+02 ERROR
(ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9) [51eb7178] EVENT_ID: VM_PAUSED_ENOSPC(138), VM has been paused due to no Storage space error.
but there are erros with LVM in vdsmlog. (attached)
ovirt 4.5.2
OS - ovirt-node-ng.
Thank you for any hint.
2 years, 6 months