Unable to change the admin passsword on oVirt
by Ayansh Rocks
Hi All,
Any idea hot to change password of admin user on oVirt ?
Below is not working -
[root@ovirt]# ovirt-aaa-jdbc-tool user password-reset admin
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dcom.redhat.fips=false
Reenter password:
updating user admin...
user updated successfully
[root@delhi-test-ovirtm-02 ~]#
Above shows successful but password not changed.
1 year, 10 months
VDSM certs expired, manual renewal not working
by cen
Our VDSM certs have expired, both hosts are unassigned and can't be put
into maintenance from UI.
vdsm-client is not working, times out even with --insecure flag. Does
host and port need to be specified when run locally or should defaults work?
Error in console events is: Get Host Capabilities Failed: PKIX path
validation failed...
I followed a RHV guide for this exact situation and generated new vdsm
certificate using the ovirt-engine CA.
The new cert seems identical to the old one, everything matches (algos,
extensions, CA, CN, SAN etc) just new date.
After restarting libvirtd and vdsmd on the host with new cert in place
the host is still not reachable.
However, error message is now slightly different:
get Host Capabilities failed: Received fatal error: certificate_expired
Cert was replaced in the following locations:
Is there another location missing? What else can I try?
All help appreciated in advance
1 year, 10 months
ovirt 4.5.4 install failure
by Selçuk N
Hello all,
I tried to install ovirt 4.5.4 on ovirt node install.
*hosted-engine --deploy*
After this step installation is stuck.
*[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Wait for the host to be
I checked the log file and details below.
Apr 20 22:10:18 ovirt3 ansible-async_wrapper.py[41856]: 41857 still running
Apr 20 22:10:19 ovirt3 python3[51367]: ansible-ovirt_host_info Invoked with
pattern=name=ovirt3.44c.net auth={'token':
'url': 'https://eng.44c.net/ovirt-engine/api', 'ca_file': None, 'insecure':
True, 'timeout': 0, 'compress': True, 'kerberos': False, 'headers': None,
'hostname': None, 'username': None, 'password': None} fetch_nested=False
nested_attributes=[] follow=[] all_content=False cluster_version=None
*Apr 20 22:10:22 ovirt3 journal[47971]: Invalid value '-1' for 'cpu.max':
Invalid argument*
Apr 20 22:10:23 ovirt3 sssd_kcm[50811]: Shutting down (status = 0)
Apr 20 22:10:23 ovirt3 systemd[1]: sssd-kcm.service: Deactivated
Apr 20 22:10:23 ovirt3 ansible-async_wrapper.py[41856]: 41857 still running
Apr 20 22:10:28 ovirt3 ansible-async_wrapper.py[41856]: 41857 still running
What did I did wrong?
1 year, 10 months
checking engine vm status during global maintenance
by Alexey Valkov
Hi all,
I tried to check engine status (via hosted-engine --vm-status) during global maintenance in oVirt 4.5.1 and discovered that
it showed me status as it was just before entering global maintenance.
Is it by design? And HA agent doesn't monitor and therefore doesn't update Engine VM status?
If I remember right in oVirt 4.2 hosted-engine --vm-status showed correct status of Engine VM regardless of Global maintenance.
I shutted down the engine but the output of hosted-engine --vm-status was
Engine status : {"vm": "up", "health": "good", "detail": "Up"}
!! Cluster is in GLOBAL MAINTENANCE mode !!
existed in the output.
Host timestamp and extra metadata was up to date.
All rest info looked good.
Thi is my second attempt to ask the question (first was at 24/04 and still is being moderated).
Best regards
1 year, 10 months
richiesta accesso Zanata
by Rosario Grasso
la presente per richiedere l'accesso a Zanata in lingua inglese e se
possibile anche in italiano.
1 year, 10 months
Serial console VMs (vmconsole) only listed when admin user is logged into Manager WebUI?
by aleblanc@lbl.gov
I am running a test\POC oVirt configuration with the following...
oVirt engine: ovirt-engine-4.5.4-1.el8
engine OS: Rocky Linux release 8.7 (Green Obsidian)
install type: stand-alone engine install
I am able to access the serial console of VMs successfully, using the proper SSH command directly on the engine or remotely. Problem is, the VMs only show up in the list IF the 'admin' or 'admin@ovirt' user is presently logged into the manager UI. If I log out of the manager UI, the serial console returns 'no VMs'. Is there a setting or something that I am missing?
==== logged out of manager UI:
[ovirt-vmconsole-proxy-helper]# /usr/libexec/ovirt-vmconsole-proxy-helper/ovirt-vmconsole-list.py --version "1" consoles --entityid "d55e4ab6-0318-46b0-95bc-12b21144eb88"
{"consoles": [], "version": 1, "content": "console_list"}
==== logged into manager UI:
[ovirt-vmconsole-proxy-helper]# /usr/libexec/ovirt-vmconsole-proxy-helper/ovirt-vmconsole-list.py --version "1" consoles --entityid "d55e4ab6-0318-46b0-95bc-12b21144eb88"
{"consoles": [{"console": "3ecd0eda-130d-434b-9ece-32bbcc3b3e5a.sock", "vmid": "3ecd0eda-130d-434b-9ece-32bbcc3b3e5a", "host": "dldvovirt01", "vmname": "mytestvm_2", "vm": "mytestvm_2"}, {"console": "4e6abfbe-ede3-4e87-8d07-4ed1d6cb715c.sock", "vmid": "4e6abfbe-ede3-4e87-8d07-4ed1d6cb715c", "host": "dldvovirt02", "vmname": "testvm_4", "vm": "testvm_4"}, {"console": "dc4d017b-4f68-4eee-b80e-e49122345139.sock", "vmid": "dc4d017b-4f68-4eee-b80e-e49122345139", "host": "dldvovirt01", "vmname": "mytestvm_3", "vm": "mytestvm_3"}], "version": 1, "content": "console_list"}
Any help would be appreciated.
1 year, 10 months
Getting to the consoles of the Virtual machines
by destfinal@googlemail.com
I have just deployed a functional oVirt cluster. I have created a few virtual machines and am able to ssh into them. However, I could not connect to the consoles of any of the running virtual machines.
If I click on the console, from the management portal, it offers me to download a console.vv file. If I download it and double click on it, the file (console.vv itself) simply disappears.
I connected to the kvm of the the node where the vm is running, from a VMM (from my local machine which is a Ubuntu 22.04) and when I tried to open the the console from there I get a "Viewer was disconnected" message in the machine Window.
In the oVirt cluster, the VM console settings are:
Video Type: VGA # Another available option is QXL
Graphics protocol: VNC # Which is the only option available
Could not find any useful information from the engin.log (all it say is that "Initiated console session for VM XXXXXX).
What setting should I enable/change to get into the cnsole of my VM's?
Please let me know if you need more information in this regard.
1 year, 10 months
oVirt Self-hosted Engine Deployment fails
by destfinal@googlemail.com
I am struggling to get an oVirt cluster setup (for a PoC with some workstations) for the past more than one week and am getting nowhere. Following is my environment:
Machine: Dell Workstation with i7, 16G RAM, 256G (I have got couple of more of this machine but could not getr beyond the first one)
OS: oVirt minimal (https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/ovirt-4.5/iso/ovirt-node-ng-installer/4.5...)
Documentation followed: https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/installing_ovirt_as_a_self-hosted_eng...
Cluster name chosen: my.cluster
First node host name: node1-ovirt.my.cluster
Engine VM name: ovirt-engine.my.cluster
The documentation states that there should be resolvable DNS entries for both the oVirt hosts *as well as* for the oVirt engine VM. I am a bit confused on this as the VM will get a DHCP address only after running the 'hosted-engine' script. What ip address should I have for the engine VM (say if I have my engine host name as ovirt-engine.my.cluster)? If I have no entry for the engine in the DNS I get the following error:
[ ERROR ] Host name is not valid: ovirt-engine.my.cluster did not resolve into an IP address
Please provide the FQDN you would like to use for the engine.
Note: This will be the FQDN of the engine VM you are now going to launch,
it should not point to the base host or to any other existing machine.
Engine VM FQDN:
So I simply added an entry for 'ovirt-engine.my.cluster' with a dummy value (this is an ip address on the host subnet; but the engine gets a DHCP address from a different subnet from a virtual network from the host; I dont understand this) which moves away from the above problem and goes all the way (after providing the values for a few other questions) to hang at
'Wait for the host to be up'
for a while and eventually fail with an error message:
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Host is not up, please check logs, perhaps also on the engine machine"}
At this point a vm is running in the host. I logged on to the VM and searched the logs and found the following line in the /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log:
ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.common.utils.ansible.AnsibleExecutor] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [728b2edd-d13a-48c3-a2c1-42a66a5334c5] Exception: Task Install ovs failed to execute. Please check logs for more details: /var/log/ovirt-engine/host-deploy/ovirt-host-deploy-ansible-20230425210047-node1-ovirt.my.cluster-728b2edd-d13a-48c3-a2c1-42a66a5334c5.log
and in the file /var/log/ovirt-engine/host-deploy/ovirt-host-deploy-ansible-20230425210047-node1-ovirt.my.cluster-728b2edd-d13a-48c3-a2c1-42a66a5334c5.log I found the following error:
"msg" : "The conditional check 'cluster_switch == \"ovs\" or (ovn_central is defined and ovn_central | ipaddr)' failed. The error was: The ipaddr filter requires python's netaddr be installed on the ansible controller\n\nThe error appears to be in '/usr/share/ovirt-engine/ansible-runner-service-project/project/roles/ovirt-provider-ovn-driver/tasks/configure.yml': line 3, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n- block:\n - name: Install ovs\n ^ here\n"
On the host (node1-ovirt.my.cluster)
the result of 'rpm -qa | grep netaddr' is 'python3-netaddr-0.8.0-5.el9.noarch'
the ansible version is:
ansible [core 2.14.0]
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 3.9.14 (main, Sep 21 2022, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.3.1 20220421 (Red Hat 11.3.1-2)] (/usr/bin/python3.9)
jinja version = 3.1.2
libyaml = True
# rpm -qi ovirt-engine-appliance
Name : ovirt-engine-appliance
Version : 4.5
Release : 20221206125848.1.el9
On the vm (ovirt-engine.my.cluster)
the result of 'rpm -qa | grep netaddr' is:
ansible version is:
ansible [core 2.14.2]
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 3.11.2 (main, Feb 28 2023, 23:00:48) [GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-18)] (/usr/bin/python3.11)
jinja version = 3.1.2
libyaml = True
At the moment I ran out of ideas. Am I not following something in the document correctly?
Please let me know if you need more information in this regard
1 year, 10 months
Problem when re-attaching domain - some vms disapered
by Ricardo Alonso
Hello all,
Due to a maintenance in our glusterfs infrastructure, I moved the domain data to a different location (but before I took care of shutdown all machines and detach it from the manager). After the upgrade, I created a new glusterfs volume to hold the vms and attached the old one, using NFS, in order to move the vms to this new storage location. Out of 38 machines, 2 of them didn't appear in the list to be imported back. Analysing the storage I managed to find they volumes but Ovirt insists in not import them.
I found an old thread that talks about a similar problem: https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/thread/MF5IUXURKIQZ...
but their solution didn't help.
Those VMs were imported from Virtualbox in the past. This is the meta file:
cat 80f95e3e-f92b-497a-aec5-440ba5282682.meta
DESCRIPTION=generated by virt-v2v 1.42.0rhel_8,release_19.module+el8.6.0+998+252a5635
I could get the disk manually and import, but it has 2 snapshots (two other volumes in the same directory) which I don't know how to "merge" them into the original disk (if it's possible).
tree 00e13c7f-d0e9-4d5b-8862-a28f0b91acfe
├── 2e698005-d7f0-4387-a9ce-9d1f14a7c18c
├── 2e698005-d7f0-4387-a9ce-9d1f14a7c18c.lease
├── 2e698005-d7f0-4387-a9ce-9d1f14a7c18c.meta
├── 618c5a68-3c34-42e1-b6cb-4d22f6a605f7
├── 618c5a68-3c34-42e1-b6cb-4d22f6a605f7.lease
├── 618c5a68-3c34-42e1-b6cb-4d22f6a605f7.meta
├── 80f95e3e-f92b-497a-aec5-440ba5282682
├── 80f95e3e-f92b-497a-aec5-440ba5282682.lease
└── 80f95e3e-f92b-497a-aec5-440ba5282682.meta
The Ovirt is 4.5.4 and the host Rocky 8, all updated to the latest version.
On the vdsm.log, this is the only 2 lines related to this disk I could find.
2023-04-24 13:39:25,812-0300 INFO (jsonrpc/3) [vdsm.api] FINISH getImagesList return={'imageslist': ['d03f371f-0b86-4a06-b8e3-bbd602a81442', 'f1425fd4-fb4f-48ae-8df1-1bd44b026848', '9d52bfa9-d2dd-49c3-8a98-66cf950a7bcb', 'f7c69f63-c3a8-447c-baf2-751021fb7c26', 'bc76e648-e09d-448e-86f1-b3ae47509837', '00e13c7f-d0e9-4d5b-8862-a28f0b91acfe', '88b53eb4-9ca9-4162-9e91-f00b4f41f278', '0bd13065-cb21-4db3-9eb0-7582c65c4ca9', '06444eb3-52bf-48af-84fe-36baf1531853', '7ea966f8-72ed-421b-be71-e20b3dcc4e5a', '2e9dee7c-131b-427b-9e7a-33a49af7c6f0', 'e58171dc-5135-4462-b1f3-49d98785907e', 'f5d2e866-1d53-4243-8a6e-f5031c4be33d', 'ad5fe94a-4880-4dcf-af36-4a36ede9a6ab', '72a047f4-6546-4750-845f-ceb74c6503c8', '36d0ec3d-482b-4c90-a169-8b2b9abee158', '6e5afad2-5de0-463f-b04b-34b4828b7aa3', '565c2418-d43f-4138-8d31-50e8bd9c5c4e', '0d128f2c-3962-4f91-8231-a5772132d241', '0b9cbbc5-316c-453a-aab0-a3e6805796e9', 'b43bc279-000b-40dc-8c00-cc22b8caab5d', '6a401413-d2ae-4c14-b028-a7fc953d08f2', 'aa3b6e24-1b74-4890-897a-13f858844b3a', '20ae1e1f-fccd-40e8-a1b4-90339e6c7ca1', '8e9050ad-82a1-4a23-a461-5d1eca7c9d80', 'fc2e4d0b-c092-4e74-b69e-da5020ac396e', '4c5c3c74-307f-49a9-ae66-60dddfc1db67', 'd8463e92-5495-4e59-8d2f-bcfcdfa59987', '0342e096-cf34-4a8c-a9f6-36b13c3e39c3', 'f6714bec-37df-4aad-8b21-2ae146b0fa19', 'd4c77a6b-dfcf-424c-9025-cbc8795b2f46', 'f42cb81b-058b-4bd6-b55e-5b3ae3601ade', 'fe052d41-8e94-4145-8c8b-7fdf8d8adc37', '1fc4c7b8-d7c8-4c32-88ce-6cf5c9e65aa0', '3aef6a30-8757-4f65-b989-c1b40236f4cb', '2e9fc88d-e5c0-4a97-b590-481a1508c155', 'dcedf2e9-5e92-44bc-9113-5263dd0dda96', '393e02b4-5765-4ea5-8008-e7d3a3995794', 'b895f40b-17a2-4f08-9126-c25d8858601f', '1c9a3ff9-7434-4867-8880-7d11548aca53', 'fa64e6eb-7aad-4548-b944-1bc04b719256', 'f912af5e-9c51-45a6-8b01-6d9224c48893', '6611aba7-e201-4702-842a-4089deeb306d', '00098322-3ba9-4af9-9e6d-54cb07ec3d77', '666fd481-07e5-45ed-be2e-bd3cd78df7dc', '13eb4b21-2134-48ae-84b6-164d6a8141cc', '50c3d0b9-a850-487a-a213-fd9b87db91b3', '3573b171-2980-47a2-96c2-55d39fddda55', '9b3a156f-3cb4-485a-b357-f5c7ed1bb890']} from=::ffff:,52296, flow_id=a2fe8beb-4f0a-4d71-bf08-3a0d0c3b6403, task_id=39d06e06-2b25-4a94-b3f7-15dc60a44164 (api:37)
2023-04-24 13:39:26,220-0300 INFO (jsonrpc/4) [vdsm.api] START getVolumesList(sdUUID='1102600c-eee7-40cc-86b2-ee90b3c4df6b', spUUID='f04dd188-b214-11ea-845b-00163e4ad29b', imgUUID='00e13c7f-d0e9-4d5b-8862-a28f0b91acfe') from=::ffff:,52296, flow_id=a2fe8beb-4f0a-4d71-bf08-3a0d0c3b6403, task_id=387e8181-764b-47d7-aa4d-13abf66fd94b (api:31)
Does anyone have an idea??
Thank you
Best regards
1 year, 10 months
New hosted engine setup mailed : maybe local_vm_ip undefined?
by Fedele Stabile
Good morning,
I have a fresh installed host node ovirt v.4.5 and i'm installing engine using the command
hosted-engine --deploy
host node has a ip on 160.97.xx and i want the engine on the same network (160.97.xx)
The installation seems to be good but at the end
it exit leaving the host-engine running on 192.168.222.x (i can connect)
Reading the logs in the ovirt-host i found they are relatedated to the file:
and are an undefined local_vm_ip variable and dict object has no attribute engine
Seems that the error is here:
2023-04-25 06:28:18,953+0200 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils._process_output:109 ignored: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'local_vm_ip' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in '/usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ovirt/ovirt/roles/hosted_engine_setup/tasks/sync_on_engine_machine.yml': line 2, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n---\n- name: Set the name for add_host\n ^ here\n"}
2023-04-25 06:28:19,757+0200 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils._process_output:109 ignored: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result"}
2023-04-25 06:28:19,857+0200 INFO otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils._process_output:115 TASK [ovirt.ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Sync on engine machine]
2023-04-25 06:28:19,958+0200 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils._process_output:109 {'msg': "The field 'delegate_to' has an invalid value, which includes an undefined variable. The error was: 'dict object' has no attribute 'engine'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ovirt/ovirt/roles/hosted_engine_setup/tasks/sync_on_engine_machine.yml': line 7, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n import_tasks: add_engine_as_ansible_host.yml\n- name: Sync on engine machine\n ^ here\n", '_ansible_no_log': None}
2023-04-25 06:28:20,058+0200 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils._process_output:109 ignored: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The field 'delegate_to' has an invalid value, which includes an undefined variable. The error was: 'dict object' has no attribute 'engine'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ovirt/ovirt/roles/hosted_engine_setup/tasks/sync_on_engine_machine.yml': line 7, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n import_tasks: add_engine_as_ansible_host.yml\n- name: Sync on engine machine\n ^ here\n"}
Help me, please
1 year, 10 months