Hi Didi, I finally figured it out:
Cinnamon pulls python3 as a dependency.
The otopi script from the ovirt-host-deploy.tar that gets transferred from the management
engine to the host-to-add prefers python3 using this logic in otopi-functions.py:
get_otopi_python() {
for p in "python3" "python"
pyexec=$(find_otopi ${p})
if [ -n "${pyexec}" ]; then
echo "${pyexec}"
but on CentOS 7 there are no Python3 site-packages where CentOS 8 will be all dnf and
python3 I guess.
That means rpmUtils cannot be imported and causes the initialization of miniyum to fail.
With Python3 becoming standard in CentOS 7.7 this could be come a more frequent issue.
That was hard to track down, but yes, in the end the source code helped and then the fact
that the otopi scipt could be executed stand-alone.
I will file a bug report and perhaps the documentation could be updated to include a
Python3 warning.
Thanks for your support,