Thank you very much for your story!
It has very much confirmed a few suspicions that have been gathering over the last... O my
God! Has it two years already?
1. Don't expect plug-and-play, unless you're on SAN or NFS (even HCI doesn't
seem to be in the heart of the oVirt team)
2. Don't expect RHV to be anything but more expensive than oVirt
I am running oVirt at home on silent/passive Atoms, because that represents an edge use
case for me, where the oVirt HCI variant potentially has its best value proposition:
Unfortunately it's insignificant in terms of revenue...
I am also running it in a corporate R&D lab on old recycled servers, where there is no
other storage, either and I simply don't want to invest in a new Ceph skill, when
Gluster based HCI should do it out of the box.
IMHO RedHat can't afford to continue treating Gluster the way they seem to: Without
HCI, oVirt is dead for me and Gluster on its own is the superior concept to quite a few
alternatives. If anything, I'd want Gluster on hardware like Fungible DPUs for
mind-bogling HPC throughput.
As far as I understand they have just cancelled a major Gluster refactoring, but if that
is what it takes, they may just have to start a little smaller, but do it anyway.
And of course I want Gluster to switch between single node, replication and dispersion
seemlessly and on the fly, as well as much better diagnostic tools.