Ok, solved.
Simply the server node2 could not mount via NFS the data domain of the
node 1. Added node1 in the node2 firewall and in /etc/exports, tested
and everything went fine.
Il 21/09/2020 17:44, francesco--- via Users ha scritto:
Hi Everyone,
In a test environment I'm trying to deploy a single node self hosted engine 4.4 on
CentOS 8 from a 4.3 backup. The actual setup is:
- node1 with CentOS7, oVirt 4.3 with a working SH engine. The data domain is a local
- node2 with CentOS8, where we are triyng to deploy the engine starting from the node1
engine backup
- host1, with CentOS78, running a couple of VMs (4.3)
I'm following the guide:
Everything seems working fine, the engine on the node1 is in maintenance:global mode and
the ovirt-engine service i stopped. The deploy on the node2 stucks in the following
TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Wait for OVF_STORE disk content]
[ ERROR ] {'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'cmd':
"vdsm-client Image prepare storagepoolID=06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93
imageID=e48a66dd-74c9-43eb-890e-778e9c4ee8db volumeID=06bb5f34-112d-4214-91d2-53d0bdb84321
| grep path | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs -I{} sudo -u vdsm dd if={} | tar -tvf -
6023764f-5547-4b23-92ca-422eafdf3f87.ovf", 'stdout': '',
'stderr': "vdsm-client: Command Image.prepare with args
{'storagepoolID': '06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93',
'storagedomainID': '2a4a3cce-f2f6-4ddd-b337-df5ef562f520',
'imageID': 'e48a66dd-74c9-43eb-890e-778e9c4ee8db',
'volumeID': '06bb5f34-112d-4214-91d2-53d0bdb84321'} failed:\n(code=309,
message=Unknown pool id, pool not connected:
('06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93',))\ntar: This does not look like a tar
archive\ntar: 6023764f-5547-4b23-92ca-422eafdf3f87.ovf: Not found in archive\ntar: Exiting
with failure status due to previous errors", 'rc': 2, 'start':
'2020-09-21 17:14:17.293090', 'end': '2020-09-21 17:14:17.644253',
'delta': '0:00:00.351163', 'changed': True, 'failed':
True, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'warn': False,
'_raw_params': "vdsm-client Image prepare
imageID=e48a66dd-74c9-43eb-890e-778e9c4ee8db volumeID=06bb5f34-112d-4214-91d2-53d0bdb84321
| grep path | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs -I{} sudo -u vdsm dd if={} | tar -tvf -
6023764f-5547-4b23-92ca-422eafdf3f87.ovf", '_uses_shell': True,
'stdin_add_newline': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, 'argv': None,
'chdir': None, 'executable
': None, 'creates': None, 'removes': None, 'stdin': None}},
'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': ["vdsm-client: Command
Image.prepare with args {'storagepoolID':
'06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93', 'storagedomainID':
'2a4a3cce-f2f6-4ddd-b337-df5ef562f520', 'imageID':
'e48a66dd-74c9-43eb-890e-778e9c4ee8db', 'volumeID':
'06bb5f34-112d-4214-91d2-53d0bdb84321'} failed:", "(code=309,
message=Unknown pool id, pool not connected:
('06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93',))", 'tar: This does not look
like a tar archive', 'tar: 6023764f-5547-4b23-92ca-422eafdf3f87.ovf: Not found in
archive', 'tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors'],
'_ansible_no_log': False, 'attempts':
12, 'item': {'name': 'OVF_STORE', 'image_id':
'06bb5f34-112d-4214-91d2-53d0bdb84321', 'id':
'e48a66dd-74c9-43eb-890e-778e9c4ee8db'}, 'ansible_loop_var':
'item', '_ansible_item_label': {'name': 'OVF_STORE',
'image_id': '06bb5f34-112d-4214-91d2-53d0bdb84321', 'id':
[ ERROR ] {'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'cmd':
"vdsm-client Image prepare storagepoolID=06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93
imageID=750428bd-1273-467f-9b27-7f6fe58a446c volumeID=1c89c678-f883-4e61-945c-5f7321add343
| grep path | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs -I{} sudo -u vdsm dd if={} | tar -tvf -
6023764f-5547-4b23-92ca-422eafdf3f87.ovf", 'stdout': '',
'stderr': "vdsm-client: Command Image.prepare with args
{'storagepoolID': '06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93',
'storagedomainID': '2a4a3cce-f2f6-4ddd-b337-df5ef562f520',
'imageID': '750428bd-1273-467f-9b27-7f6fe58a446c',
'volumeID': '1c89c678-f883-4e61-945c-5f7321add343'} failed:\n(code=309,
message=Unknown pool id, pool not connected:
('06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93',))\ntar: This does not look like a tar
archive\ntar: 6023764f-5547-4b23-92ca-422eafdf3f87.ovf: Not found in archive\ntar: Exiting
with failure status due to previous errors", 'rc': 2, 'start':
'2020-09-21 17:16:26.030343', 'end': '2020-09-21 17:16:26.381862',
'delta': '0:00:00.351519', 'changed': True, 'failed':
True, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'warn': False,
'_raw_params': "vdsm-client Image prepare
imageID=750428bd-1273-467f-9b27-7f6fe58a446c volumeID=1c89c678-f883-4e61-945c-5f7321add343
| grep path | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs -I{} sudo -u vdsm dd if={} | tar -tvf -
6023764f-5547-4b23-92ca-422eafdf3f87.ovf", '_uses_shell': True,
'stdin_add_newline': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, 'argv': None,
'chdir': None, 'executable
': None, 'creates': None, 'removes': None, 'stdin': None}},
'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': ["vdsm-client: Command
Image.prepare with args {'storagepoolID':
'06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93', 'storagedomainID':
'2a4a3cce-f2f6-4ddd-b337-df5ef562f520', 'imageID':
'750428bd-1273-467f-9b27-7f6fe58a446c', 'volumeID':
'1c89c678-f883-4e61-945c-5f7321add343'} failed:", "(code=309,
message=Unknown pool id, pool not connected:
('06c58622-f99b-11ea-9122-00163e1bbc93',))", 'tar: This does not look
like a tar archive', 'tar: 6023764f-5547-4b23-92ca-422eafdf3f87.ovf: Not found in
archive', 'tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors'],
'_ansible_no_log': False, 'attempts':
12, 'item': {'name': 'OVF_STORE', 'image_id':
'1c89c678-f883-4e61-945c-5f7321add343', 'id':
'750428bd-1273-467f-9b27-7f6fe58a446c'}, 'ansible_loop_var':
'item', '_ansible_item_label': {'name': 'OVF_STORE',
'image_id': '1c89c678-f883-4e61-945c-5f7321add343', 'id':
For the "domain data" steps, I created the same folder "/data" on the
node2 server that should be used as NFS domain data (and, the playbook added correctly the
Please specify the storage you would like to use (glusterfs, iscsi, fc,
Please specify the nfs version you would like to use (auto, v3, v4, v4_0,
v4_1, v4_2)[auto]:
Please specify the full shared storage connection path to use (example:
host:/path): node2-server.tld:/data
If needed, specify additional mount options for the connection to the
hosted-engine storagedomain (example: rsize=32768,wsize=32768) []:
[ INFO ] Creating Storage Domain
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Execute just a specific set of steps]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Force facts gathering]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Wait for the storage interface to be up]
[ INFO ] skipping: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Check local VM dir stat]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Enforce local VM dir existence]
[ INFO ] skipping: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : include_tasks]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Obtain SSO token using username/password
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Fetch host facts]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Fetch cluster ID]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Fetch cluster facts]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Fetch Datacenter
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Fetch Datacenter ID]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Fetch Datacenter name]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Add
NFS storage domain]
[ INFO ] changed: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Add glusterfs
storage domain]
[ INFO ] skipping: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Add iSCSI
storage domain]
[ INFO ] skipping:
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Add Fibre Channel storage domain]
[ INFO ] skipping: [localhost]
[ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Get storage domain details]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
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Shellrent - Il primo hosting italiano Security First
*Francesco Lorenzini*
/System Administrator & DevOps Engineer/
Shellrent Srl
Via dell'Edilizia, 19 - 36100 Vicenza
Tel. 0444321155 <tel:+390444321155> | Fax 04441492177