I'm trying to install both the oVirt engine (so I have the API), and hypervisor on the
same machine. I'm hoping I don't need cockpit, and I can write some custom scripts
to manage oVirt through the API. I tried a couple ways, and both were blocked:
# on CentOS 9 stream, installing oVirt engine:
On a fresh CentOS install, tried following the directions
They failed at step 3.2, when adding the modules (missing groups or modules). Tried
skipping it, but step 3.3.2 failed when running `dnf install ovirt-engine`, package
couldn't be found. The closest package I see is
`ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-2.5.4-1.el9.noarch`. Is that what I want?
# On oVirt node, installing engine:
Couldn't get the networking working, even though I added it during the install
process. Also tried wired connection, and no luck. Blocked early on, but read this was
SUPER minimal anyway, so maybe this wasn't the right path.
I'm just trying to have a working API, along side the hypervisor to run vm's, both
on the same machine. I'm down to go a third way too, if anyone has any ideas. Thanks!