Did you checked if any log is available regarding that failing test?
On the engine server check:
- /var/log/ovirt-imageio/daemon.log
- /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log
It may look obvious but does the host selected for the upload, have access to the Storage
Domain selected?
Also, have you tried to install the certificate's public key system-wide?
On a Windows system, using the certmgr application, import it into Trusted Root Certifcate
On a Linux desktop, save the public key into /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors and run the
update-ca-trust command.
After that, the certificate imported into the browser should not be necessary anymore.
-----Original Message-----
From: morgan cox <morgancoxuk(a)gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 2:29 PM
To: users(a)ovirt.org
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: [External] : Really weird ! Image IO / browser upload only
working on 1 cluster (out of many) - anyone got any advice ? (network access, certs seem
Hi Marcos.
Thanks for taking the time to respond...
In reference to your questions :
Are you using a single Engine deployment to manage all DCs/Clusters : Yes
Which browser are you using to upload the image : I have tried 2 Firefox and Chrome (note
it works on one cluster - the one that hosts1/2 are connected to)
Can you try the upload process from a different browser or desktop/laptop?: Tired a
different browser, cannot try different laptop - I have network access to the engine .
Also - everything else seems ok - in NoVNC, Serial , etc just image io
Any suggestions where to look into this ?
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