Not sure if you can skip doing engine-cleanup as you ask.
You probably have installed a non-English system and that makes Postgres default database
not to be in the charset that oVirt needs to create its database.
Not sure if it's documented on oVirt wiki but here's how I solve it.
Please note that you LOOSE all your databases with my commands so be careful if this is
not a test system.
# service postgresql stop
# rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql/data
# su postgres
$ initdb --locale=en_US.UTF-8 -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
$ exit
# service postgresql start
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Gianluca Cecchi" <gianluca.cecchi(a)>
Para: "users" <users(a)>
Enviados: Domingo, 2 de Diciembre 2012 0:57:58
Asunto: [Users] Testing ovirt all in one on F18 gives error on DB
testing oVirt for with all in one config in f18 beta.
engine-setup fails in Database creation and in db log file:
saying to check log file
I can see
2012-12-01 15:36:32::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running
2012-12-01 15:36:32::DEBUG::engine-setup::937::root:: installing
postgres db
2012-12-01 15:36:32::DEBUG::engine-setup::940::root:: engine db
creation is logged at
2012-12-01 15:36:32::DEBUG::common_utils::309::root:: Executing
command --> '/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/
engine-db-install-2012_12_01_15_36_32.log -w ******** -u postgres -s
localhost -p 5432 -r local'
2012-12-01 15:36:40::DEBUG::common_utils::335::root:: output =
local installation
adding uuid-ossp.sql from contrib...
error, failed creating enginedb
How can I workaround this?
Do I have to rollback what already done by engine-setup or can I only
resolve the db part?
Version I find is
Adrián Gibanel
I.T. Manager
+34 675 683 301
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