On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 01:50:32PM -0600, Nathan Stratton wrote:
Is there any way to remove the iSCSI dependency? I am working to
build a shared NFS root system with 40 boxes and am using only NFS.
iSCSI requires remount-rootfs.service and that fails with read only
Unfortunately, at the momemnt Vdsm has hard dependency of iscsid, even if you do
not have iscsi in your network and never intend to use it for ovirt.
I've just added this to our
http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Vdsm_TODO ; anybody who
loves decoupling stuff is invited to send patches. But remember that the
installer should still try to install iscsid, and we should consider if and how
to convey the fact that iscsid is offline to Engine.