On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 8:33 AM, Yedidyah Bar David <didi(a)redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 6:56 PM, Andrei Verovski
<andreil1(a)starlett.lv> wrote:
> Hi !
> After oVirt Engine 4.2 -> 4.2.1 Upgrade do I need to run these commands as
described in this article
Please note that the start of this section says:
"For databases managed by engine-setup this is performed
automatically, but non-managed databases (usually remote databases)
this needs to be done manually by administrators."
Is your database remote or managed manually, or local and managed by
engine-setup? If latter, it's enough to run 'engine-setup'.
> su - postgres -c "scl enable rh-postgresql95 – psql -d engine"
> postgres=# DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS uuid_generate_v1();
> postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp”;
Sorry, this is a bug in the documentation. The commands should be:
su - postgres -c "scl enable rh-postgresql95 -- psql -d engine"
postgres=# DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS uuid_generate_v1();
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";
> BTW, this yelds error:
> [root@node00 ~]# su - postgres -c "scl enable rh-postgresql95 – psql -d
> Unable to open /etc/scl/conf/–!
The reason that this bug happened is that the release notes are (partially)
auto-generated, where this part is taken from the doc-text of the linked bug:
The text there is ok.
We should somehow make the resultant markdown mark such doc text as
to prevent it from replacing '--' with '–'. Adding Sandro for this.
Thanks for the report!
This should fix 4.2.1 release notes page:
This should fix similar cases for future release notes pages:
Best regards,
> node00 is a dedicated PC with CentOS and oVirt Host Engine.
Sounds to me like you are in the "this will happen automatically" case.
Best regards,