Hi Michal,
That's right. I put it in maintenance mode, so there were no VMs.
The frozen VMs were on the other hosts. That's wat makes it strange and
why it doesn't give me a good feeling. When someone can say 'I know the
issue and it is fixed with gluster version 3.7.12', I would feel more reassured
about it...
On Fri, Jul 08, 2016 at 12:23:21PM +0200, Michal Skrivanek wrote:
> On 08 Jul 2016, at 12:06, bertjan <b.j.goorkate(a)umcutrecht.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a 3-node CentOS7 based oVirt+replica-3 gluster environment with an engine
> on dedicated hardware.
> After putting the first vm-host into maintenance mode to update it from
> to vdsm-4.17.32-0 and from glusterfs-3.7.11-1 to glusterfs-3.7.12-2 (among others),
> random VMs froze (not pauzed. oVirt showed them as 'up') until the update
was done and
> the vm-host was rebooted and active again.
I suppose the host you were updating at that time had no running VMs, right?
If so, then indeed perhaps a gluster issue
> After all the vm-hosts were upgraded, I never experienced the problem again.
> Can this be a bug, fixed with the upgrade to glusterfs-3.7.12-2?
> Has anyone experienced the same problem?
> Thanks in advance! (next week I'm not able to check my e-mail, so response can
be delayed).
> Regards,
> Bertjan
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