On 01/06/2016 06:42 PM, Will Dennis wrote:
On Jan 6, 2016, at 1:39 AM, Sahina Bose
<sabose@redhat.com<mailto:sabose@redhat.com>> wrote:
The reason why the host is Non-operational is usually in the General sub-tab for the
Ah, did not know that… It does say at the bottom of that pane:
“Host failed to attach one of the Storage Domains attached to it.”
As previously reported to the list last evening, this is true - it has not mounted the
data SD (which is a Gluster SD.)
Any way to troubleshoot why?
The vdsm log from the non-operational host should have some information
regarding this.
Can you also check if there are errors in the gluster mount logs - at
Also, worth checking that glusterd ports are open on the gluster hosts
(we had an issue where HE install overrides glusterd ports and gluster
volume was inaccessible)