Hello Friends at oVirt,
I set up a MINI PC as to host with the modest aim of hosting a couple of VMs.
I mainly decided on Red Hat for its easy of use when setting up RAID1 with a pair of NVme
vSphere does not support RAID
Ubuntu the option of setting up RAID is not available or hard to locate even after
Googling into for hours...
Never mind, now set up with RHEL 9.0Beta I was not able also to learn if it requires
upgrading to RHV 4.4
Then I came across oVirt and became confused between both with Cokpit that is also
mentioning that Ovirt can be an addon.
At the moment RHEL 9.0Beta works fine and could do without breaking the system.
Is there a need to upgrade it to RHV 4.4? As the existing Virtualisaton of RHEL 9.0Beta is
rather light or perhaps I need oVirt to access its full potentional?
What confuses me is that Red Hat indicates RHV 4.4 to be a great enterprise solution
however based on the features available to me when Cokpit is used is rather contradictory
when compared to other technologies available even for free.
It could be amazing to hear from you,
Wish you well,