Hi Strahil, first of all, thanks for following up on this...
I think I'll put that list of yours on the wall: It's a key piece of documentation
that I found missing: Perhaps you could reconstruct it from systemd dependencies, but...
I may not have rebooted... it takes a long time on these older HP servers and it sometimes
brings about additional challenges..
e.g the device-mapper keeps finding DM signatures on storage that I had definitely told it
to delete... so if I forget over the reboot of three nodes (all of which have to be
accessed through a myriad of ILO tunnels) VDO setup will fail again with a "filter on
But I do restart the network and all ovirt related daemons... and check that they are in
an expected state (e.g. ha-broker and ha-agent stopped after a "complete"
I am currently blaiming an Ansible change (and waiting for more statistical evidence from
"The 'ovirt_host_facts' module has been renamed to 'ovirt_host_info',
and the renamed one no longer returns ansible_facts"
But I also managed to make /etc/resolv.conf not world readable on some of the nodes, which
seems to have unexpected effects...
Didn't have time to clean that cluster yet... (four HCI clusters for testing
currently, all failing one way or another)