It's my understanding that libgfapi is currently unsupported in oVirt
because there were a few long standing bugs.
Unfortunately, the performance improvements that users have reported on
this mailing list haven't been seen or replicated by Red Hat, so recently
most of these bugzilla tickets have been closed as WONTFIX
This is a shame as I think the performance improvements from libgfapi as
reported in user benchmarks were impressive, and the underlying
qemu/libvirt bugs are now fixed or were close to be.
Guillaume Pavese
Ingénieur Système et Réseau
On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 7:00 PM Strahil Nikolov via Users <users(a)>
Dis you enable libgfapi ?
engine-config -s LibgfApiSupported=true
Note: power off and then power on the VM. The qemu process should not use
the '/rhev' mountpoints.
Also, share your current setup:
- disks
- hw controller
- did you storage align your block devices (hw raid only)
- tuned-profile
- sysctl settings that are changed
- gluster volume options that are changed
Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
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