The deploy finished successfull now.
Task: upgrade oVirt 4.3 to oVirt 4.4
boundary conditions: access to repositories via repository server only (RH Satellite),
encapsulated management network (no connection outside this segment)
short steps i have done starting with an already installed host:
1. # dnf downgrade microcode_ctl
# vdsm-client Host getCapabilities | grep -i flags
shows a matching CPU type (the same as in oVirt cluster configuration)
2. install and start squid on deploy host, no configuration necessary since
is already allowed
3. # hosted-engine --deploy --restore-from-file=/root/backup_ovirtman.bck
gateway: <any pingable device within the managemant network>
check method: ping
Pause after adding the host? (Yes, No)[No]: yes
(don't miss that "yes")
4. in the local VM:
modify repositories as needed to match repo server,
add exclude=postgresql-jdbc to CentOS-Stream-AppStream.repo
add exclude=ovirt-release44 to ovirt-4.4.repo
add proxy entry to /etc/dnf/dnf.conf (proxy=http://<deploy host IP>:3128/)
add hostnames to /etc/hosts as needed
5. # dnf upgrade --nobest
6. check if all repos are still working, make corrections if needed
check postgresql-jdbc
# dnf list postgresql-jdbc
must not be 42.2.14* , should be 42.2.3-3.el8_2
7. delete Lock-file
8. at the next stop, start firefox on host and log in to the engine
set up host network as required, go on only, if all hosts and all storage domains are
after saving the network configuration the host routing may be broken, chek on host:
# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
if 0 do:
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
all hosts und domains should be up again
9. delete Lock-file
10. chose hosted_storage and complete the deploy
thanks to Didi for the hints and the patience