On Friday, 23 April 2021 02:44:43 CEST Ryan Chewning wrote:
Hi List,
We need to add and remove directly mapped LUNs to multiple VMs in our
Non-Production environment. The environment is backed by an iSCSI SAN. In
testing when removing a directly mapped LUN it doesn't remove the
underlying multipath and devices. Several questions.
1) Is this the expected behavior?
yes, before removing multipath devices, you need to unzone LUN on storage
server. As oVirt doesn't manage storage server in case of iSCSI, it has to be
done by storage sever admin and therefore oVirt cannot manage whole flow.
2) Are we supposed to go to each KVM host and manually remove the
underlying multipath devices?
oVirt provides ansible script for it:
Usage is as follows:
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "lun=<LUN_ID>" remove_mpath_device.yml
3) Is there a technical reason that oVirt doesn't do this as part
of the
steps to removing the storage?
as mentioned above, oVirt doesn't manage iSCSI server and cannot unzone LUN
from the server. For managed storage oVirt does that.
This is something that was handled by the manager in the previous
virtualization that we used, Oracle's Xen based Oracle VM.