i've already found the info on the list about the "global name 'disk'
not defined" error and i've tried both an iso from the jenkins url
listed, as well as creating my own git area using the 2.2.3 tagged code
and making the one line change to fix that python error. but neither of
those images work either. i get a generic "ovirt node hypervisor
installation failed" message. i've poked around the log viewers and at
the end i see it complaining that the gpt partition label has no bios
bootable partition, but it isn't clear if that is really the issue. i'm
wondering if there might be more cciss driver issues.
i haven't dug into the source to figure out the root pw so i could more
easily look at the log files or export them. can someone enlighten me
with that more quickly than i can find it?
what is the best procedure to follow to try and get to the bottom of
issues like this? might i be better off installing a regular os and
then installing the vdsm package?