Hi folk,
I'm running into a very bizarre situation. To start with, I am able to install
Windows 11 perfectly fine, with or without Secure Boot enabled, and the TPM appears to
function regardless. From the Windows OS itself, I can confirm that Get-TPM, tpm.msc,
windows security, etc all show that the TPM looks happy and healthy and well received.
However -- the system logs are absolutely flooded with the following error:
The initialization of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) failed. The TPM may be in failure
mode. To allow diagnosis, contact the TPM manufacturer with the attached information.
And this appears to correlate with SCCM being unable to properly set up a client
certificate and register. But I am not exagerating when I say it's flooding the logs
-- I am currently staring at a system log with 668 log entries, 97% of which are the same
TPM error repeated.
Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on or have seen this before? I'm
running out of ideas. =/ Thanks!