I need to migrate an ovirt-engine from an All-In-One (AIO) setup to a dedicated machine.
So with an old mailing message I've tried to do it but not finished yet, that's
why I ask for help.
I've written a wiki page for the experience so that it becomes a howto which can be
found here:
At the last step the one that finally starts ovirt-engine I've decided to ask help
here just in case I was missing something important.
So here are my doubts.
* Original message that inspired the howto is here:
* What packages should I delete safely from an AIO setup so that it's just an
hypervisor once I've migrate the ovirt-engine part?
* Is the right way the one I've used to recreate the database?
** Origin
pg_dump -U postgres engine | gzip > engine_db.gz
** Destination
pg_dump -U postgres -s -f tempdb.dump engine
dropdb -U postgres engine
createdb -U postgres engine
zcat engine_db.gz | psql -U postgres engine
* Let's read:
http://www.mail-archive.com/users@ovirt.org/msg00682.html : WRT
certificates, note that hostname should nt change, or SSL will be invalidated.
Did he mean the SSL when you connect via http or https to the manager which currently
doesn't bother me?
Or maybe the SSL to connect to other hosts and communicate to vdsm (sorry if I'm
saying something nonsense. I don't understand oVirt architecture completely) which
bothers me?
* Certificates is: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine ? Something more?
* Conf is: /etc/ovirt-engine ? Something more?
Thank you!
Adrián Gibanel
I.T. Manager
+34 675 683 301
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