On 10/22/2014 09:38 AM, Shanil S wrote:
I am using the ovirt 3.5 and when i create VM from the template through
Ovirt web portal, it displays Template is "Clone/Independent"but with
the same template When i create through REST API, it shows
I Found one email thread (
https://www.mail-archive.com/users@ovirt.org/msg21271.html ) from the
community for the same issue but even using their method still it
display the same "Thin/Dependent".
I am using the following xml :-
<topology cores='$core' sockets='$socket'/>
I have attached the screen shots , please check it.
Your XML looks correct. I used it in my 3.5 environment and it works
correctly, creating "Clone/Independent" virtual machines.
What kind of storage are you using? NFS?
Can you try the following script and report the results?
#!/bin/sh -ex
curl \
--verbose \
--insecure \
--request POST \
--user "${user}:${password}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/xml" \
--header "Accept: application/xml" \
--data "
" \
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