Any thoughts on this, or have anyone been in this situation to scale out a
single instance to multiple nodes ?
Thank you,
Have a nice day !
On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 14:16 Leo David <leoalex(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have two things that i really need to understand regarding storage
scaling using gluster.
Basically, I am trying to figure out a way to go from 1 single instance
to multiple nodes cluster.
1. Single node SelfHosted Engine HyperConverged setup - scale instance up
to 3 nodes:
- the gluster volumes are created as distributed type.
- is there a procedure to migate this single-host scenario to multiple
nodes, considering that the 3 nodes setup is using replica 3 gluster
volumes ?
2. 3 Nodes SelfHosted Engine - add more storage nodes
- how should I increase the size of the already present replica 3 volumes ?
- should the volumes be as distribute-replicated in an environment larger
than 3 nodes ?
3. Is there a limit as a maximum number of compute nodes per cluster ?
Thank you very much !
Best regards, Leo David