On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Juan Pablo Lorier wrote:
I'm new to ovirt and I'm dealing with network configuration. I have a
host with a bonding of 4 eths and on top of that I added ovirtmgmt
interface. I now want my vm to work on vlan 128 so I added the nic to
ovirtmgmt bridge. I have access to vlan 1 (the bridge to the bond) but
even if I add the vlan interface into the vm, I have no network traffic
on vlan 128.
I've created a new network in the cluster for vlan 128 but the web UI is
not allowing me to add it on top of oviftmgmt (which I can do manually
in the host but then I can't add it to the vm as a new nic because it
only shows the ovirtmgmt interface).
Is there a way to do this by cli?
Users mailing list
If you want VLANs on top of ovirtmgmt you have to configure it as vlan
based at the beginning.
you can search through the archives fro similar problems
Two examples of threads with some useful information: