From: "Fábio Coelho" <fabio.coelho(a)>
To: "users" <Users(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 8:09:37 PM
Subject: [ovirt-users] Adding FCP - Request for comments
Thoughts about Adding Storage Luns
As I am new here, I would appreciate some advice about some actions that I
intend to perform, please read.
I have added a LUN to my cluster and, for that task, I had to restart every
node of it. There was no LUNs before, multipathd was stopped and
multipath.conf inexisted. I was able to log in and manually configure
multipath.conf, a simple multipathd start was not enough.
If this wasn't enough, my double NetAPP ( through an Hitachi ) provided me
with a not so empty brand new LUN, and the task to add the FCP failed to
point this. Trusting my double, I spent some precious time searching for
different problems, until receiving some guidance and do a simple dd
if=/dev/zero to the initial blocks of the LUN.
Consulting the documentation ( ) for
this matters, was not of any help.
So, my questions:
This is the intended behavior? Should I open a ticket?
Should I add a note to documentation to point such behavior? ( i'm about to )
by qoelheX
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