On 7/13/2021 8:11 AM, Branimir Pejakovic wrote:
> I've been giving this a look and it seems that we aren't
building the
> advanced virt modules because CentOS builds them from upstream?
> I've found no mention of them in their Pagure, and they're built on
> their Community Build System via a SIG, with the metadata set on them
> as `Extra: {'source': {'original_url': 'libvirt-7.0.0-
> 14.1.el8.src.rpm'}}`.
> My colleague Neil looked into it, and concluded it seems to be a CLI
> build being manually run(?).
> We could investigate building that, but I'm not sure how good we'd be
> to do so as it would likely involve repackaging straight from RHEL
> sources via a RHEL machine.
> Anyway, happy to help in any way I can on this, I'm in our
> SIG/Virtualization channel on Mattermost if anyone wants to get to me
> easily.
Hi Hayden
If you can do this - the word awesome would be an understatement ;-)
I have been using oVirt for 7 years now and it is a fantastic product (I started using it
when it was 3.1 or 3.4). I am in a similar position as Jason who started this thread. The
main goal of my experiment described above is to see if I can deploy it on bare metal
nodes with Rocky as a hypervisor replacement for CentOS. I actually wanted to convert to
Proxmox but wanted to give oVirt one more chance :)
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Thanks, Branimir.
I am really hoping that Sandro and the rest of the oVirt team can help
make this possible for Rocky Linux. It seems like it won't be too
tricky. I've heard offline from a lot of people who would be very
interested in using Rocky Linux for this very purpose, so there's a lot
of interest out there. It would be a huge win for oVirt.