I'm writing some code to make the following workflow:
* setting a custom stop_reason as 'force_delete' when
stopping/deleting a vm
* this will trigger a vdsm hook into after_vm_destroy event.
* this hook will call back AWX/ansible to:
o remove DNS entries
o remove vm file backup
o delete supervision
o (optionnal) delete the vm
* the vm is destroyed and removed by vdsm.
Here is the code (I'm not a python expert)
# 211217 NBT
# This is a vdsm hook that aims to auto delete oVirt dependencies when
removing a VM directly from engine.
# It is triggered when filling the stop_reason field in oVirt with
strict 'clean'.
# It initially concerns following actions:
# - Centreon subscription Removing
# - Backup erase from Sotora
# - DNS cleaning on Lilas
# - IPA deletion
# This set of actions can be extended into the concerned AWX
job_template (180 or 160)
# When finished, vm can be manually removed from Engine.
# When string is 'force_delete' or 'force_remove', then in addition, the
vm will be automatically erased at the same time.
fromvdsm.hook importhooking
fromxml.dom importminidom
fromxml.etree importElementTree
fromsubprocess importPIPE, STDOUT
logger = logging.getLogger("register_migration")
retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(args, sudo=True)
ifretcode != 0:
raiseRuntimeError("Failed to execute %s, due to: %s"%
(args, err))
if__name__== '__main__':
level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s%(levelname)s%(name)s:%(message)s',
datefmt= '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S')
iflen(sys.argv) > 1:
vm_name= sys.argv[1]
domxml = hooking.read_domxml()
vm_name = domxml.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
# API oVirt: Initialize variables
user = 'admin@internal'
password = 'password'
url =
"https://air-dev.v100.abes.fr/ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3D"+ vm_name
headers = {'Accept': 'application/xml'}
print('name: '+ vm_name)
# API oVirt: Test if VM stop_reason has been defined
# r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=('admin@internal',
'password'), verify=False)
# tree = ElementTree.fromstring(r.content)
r = exec_cmd('curl', '--insecure', '--header', 'Accept:
application/xml', '--user', 'admin@internal:password',
'https://air-dev.v100.abes.fr/ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3D'+ vm_name)
tree = ElementTree.fromstring(b''.join(r))
forvm intree.findall('vm'):
status = vm.find('status')
stop_reason = vm.find('stop_reason')
ifstop_reason isnotNone:
print(status.text, stop_reason.text)
forvm intree.findall('vm'):
stop_reason = vm.find('stop_reason')
ifstop_reason isNone:
exit('stop_reason is not defined')
# API AWX: Initialize variables
header1 = 'Content-Type: application/json'
header2 = 'Authorization: Bearer token'
curl_server = "nbt"
curl_extra_vars = "{\\\"comment\\\": \\\"Nbt\\\",
\\\"survey_ovirt_password\\\": \\\"password\\\",
\\\"yes\\\", \\\"survey_vms_list\\\": %s}"% (vm_name)
curl_config = '{"extra_vars": "%s"}'% (curl_extra_vars)
ifstop_reason in["clean"]:
curl_job_template = "180"
print('Cleaning'+ vm_name + 'from oVirt on ancolie-'+ curl_server +
'with workflow_job_template '+ curl_job_template)
curl_url =
exec_cmd('curl', '-f', '-H', header1, '-H', header2,
'-XPOST', '-d',
curl_config, curl_url)
elifstop_reason in["force_delete", "force_remove"]:
curl_job_template = "160"
print('Deleting and cleaning'+ vm_name + 'from oVirt on ancolie-'+
curl_server + 'with workflow_job_template '+ curl_job_template )
curl_url =
exec_cmd('curl', '-f', '-H', header1, '-H', header2,
'-XPOST', '-d',
curl_config, curl_url)
exit('Stop reason is '+ stop_reason + ' and there is no reason to do
anything for '+ vm_name)
The idea is to use the stop_reason element into the vm xml definition.
But after hours, I realized that this element is writed to the vm
definition file only after the VM has been destroyed.
So if I test this value (if existing) when executing the hook, the text
value doesn't still exist at early time
I added a 'while' loop to wait for the stop_reason element to be
present, but vdsm hangs out because of an infinity loop:
2021-12-20 18:13:30,148+0100 INFO (jsonrpc/7) [root]
rc=1 err=b'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File
line 84, in <module>\n print(status.text,
stop_reason.text)\nAttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute
\'text\'\n' (hooks:122)
So I'm deducing I'm not able to accomplish my initial goal to use
stop_reason as a trigger with after_vm_destroy event.
I searched an other way to do: I thought of replacing querying ovirt API
with getting the value coming from the UI, but I can't find the suitable
database query. Is there a way to do such a thing? Does engine hooks
exist for stopped vm??
Thank you for your help.
PS: I'm already able to do this from ansible/AWX, but I have to do it
from UI/vdsm for any reason.
Nathanaël Blanchet
Supervision réseau
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax 33 (0)4 67 54 84 14