I'm trying to create a Data Center Quota with limits for memory, vcpu
and storage. As per the class definition, DataCenterQuota expects: a
datacenter, a quota and a context. Quota class in turn expects limits
but only as percentages, for hard and soft limits.
However if I dump an already created DataCenterQuota object I see:
{'_Base__context': 36443152,
'parentclass': <ovirtsdk.xml.params.DataCenter object at 0x278e750>,
<ovirtsdk.infrastructure.brokers.DataCenterQuotaPermissions object at
object at 0x2540490>,
object at 0x278ef50>,
'superclass': <ovirtsdk.xml.params.Quota object at 0x278ec90>}
I see DataCenterQuotaQuotaClusterLimits and
DataCenterQuotaQuotaStorageLimits allow creating limits for memory/cpu
and storage respectively, and they're set in the DataCenterQuota
__init__ method like this:
self.quotaclusterlimits = DataCenterQuotaQuotaClusterLimits(self,
self.quotastoragelimits = DataCenterQuotaQuotaStorageLimits(self,
However, I'm unable to find out how to handle the 'context' parameter to
contain those two limit classes.
Could someone shed some light on it? An example would be welcome too.