i used the vm_backup script as provide here :
I understood the process to backup VM. I'm stuck at getting the logical_name of the
disk when the snapshot disk is attached in a VM.
I checked the flow like this:
- The disk is attached on the VM
- oVirt guest agent detect the new disk and the mapping seen on the LOG (i did put those
log in DEBUG in /etc/ovirt-guest-agent.conf), i also reduce the report_disk_usage to 10 to
speed up the process
- VDSM on the host get the info from the ovirt guest agent seen by running the following
command vdsm-client Host getVMFullList
- On the engine the logical_name is empty seen with the following sql request select
device,type,device_id, logical_name from vm_device where type='disk' and
Do you have an idea ? Is the information request by the engine to VDSM ? VDSM does report
to the engine ? What is the flow to get the logical_name populated in the engine DB,
python SDK ?
I can provide logs if needed. I juste don't know how to enable debug on VDSM (I will
take a look for this)