On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 02:18:39PM +0200, Matt . wrote:
I don't do top-postings, just a reply to all.
It works now on all hosts!
I was testing with a Run Once with no macspoof option and changed the CARP
IP on the pfsense box to alias, and back to carp... where with alias I was
able to ping with carp not... and this was good because of the disabled
macspoof option. After this change I was also, with spoof true and not set,
able to ping the IP on the CARP interface itself, so I think Pfsense messed
something up here with ARP tables (I know form the past).
After a restart of the VM I was able to ping all IP, also CARP as it was
starting with macspoof true again.
Some other thing I'm curious about... let's say you have 3 servers in a
cluster, 2 installed with the macspoof hook and one not. The VM with
macspoof enabled starts on the host without the hook and you migrate it to
a host where the hooks is installed. What happens... ?
When I answer to your question immediately after it, it's easier to
corrolate a question and an answer. Top-posting is frowned upon.
Once a domain xml has been created by Vdsm, it is migrated intact to the
destination, so there too, no filtering would take place.
Do note that having different installed on your cluster is bound to
cause random problem, and is better avoided.