First off apologies, I am unable to post log files as my oVirt servers have no access to
the Internet.
I have several oVirt clusters, all were running oVirt 4.5 on RHEL 8.10. I am in the
process of upgrading them to RHEL 9.5. with a few minor updates of oVirt packages. The
steps I used to do this are:
• Backup up the standalone engine DB
• Rebuild the engine to RHEL 9.5, reinstall oVirt, restore the DB
• Log back in to the engine, place first hypervisor into maintenance and rebuild to RHEL
• Remove old hypervisor via the engine GUI and add back in to the cluster
• Repeat for each hypervisor until all are upgraded.
This has worked perfectly, everything seems to be normal, but I then noticed that if I
select the “Network Interfaces” tab on a hypervisor it shows my bonded interface as
“Out-of-sync”, clicking the “Sync All Networks” does nothing.
If I click on “Setup Host Networks” and hover the mouse over the ovirtmgmt interface I see
the message “Default Route. Host: false DC: true”
If I run the command “vdsm-client Host getNetworkCapabilities” on the hypervisor, it shows
that the {bridges: ovirtmgmt: ipv4defaultroute false} and {networks: ovirtmgmt:
ipv4defaultroute false } on my clusters that are still on RHEL 8.10 the above command
shows ipv4defaultroute true.
Running the command “ip route show” shows that my default route IS on device ovirtmgmt
I am not experiencing any network issues, but getting rid of this out-of-sync message
would be nice.
Is this a bug or a bad status issue? Or do I have some obscure setting not correct?
For both RHEL 8.10 and RHEL 9.5 builds we have used Ansible to perform the tasks, (with
minor tweaks). So, the same procedure has been used for both.