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Yes, I can use fence_drac5 to reboot successfully.
In the engine.log I have this error when I try to use the test power manage=
ment option.
2013-05-16 17:06:46,652 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.FenceExecutor] (aj=
p-- Illegal value in PM Proxy Preferences string , skipped=
2013-05-16 17:06:46,654 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.FenceExecutor] (aj=
p-- Failed to run Power Management command on Host , no ru=
nning proxy Host was found.
And the following when I try to migrate a guest:
2013-05-16 17:08:10,844 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand=
] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] Running command: MigrateVmCommand internal:=
false. Entities affected :=A0 ID: e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed Typ=
e: VM
2013-05-16 17:08:11,002 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.MigrateVDS=
Command] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] START, MigrateVDSCommand(HostName =
=3D moses, HostId =3D 6c8c87a1-b98b-46ea-b66e-81afa0d2e794, vmId=3De9f0cc95=
-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed, srcHost=3D172.18.1.17, dstVdsId=3D4754a27a-b9=
5e-45ba-b114-d671ae752d9a, dstHost=3D172.18.2.248:54321, migrationMethod=3D=
ONLINE), log id: 1279e198
2013-05-16 17:08:11,028 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.=
MigrateBrokerVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] VdsBroker::migrate::=
Entered (vm_guid=3De9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed, srcHost=3D172.18.1=
.17, dstHost=3D172.18.2.248:54321,=A0 method=3Donline
2013-05-16 17:08:11,029 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.=
MigrateBrokerVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] START, MigrateBroker=
VDSCommand(HostName =3D moses, HostId =3D 6c8c87a1-b98b-46ea-b66e-81afa0d2e=
794, vmId=3De9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed, srcHost=3D172.18.1.17, ds=
tVdsId=3D4754a27a-b95e-45ba-b114-d671ae752d9a, dstHost=3D172.18.2.248:54321=
, migrationMethod=3DONLINE), log id: 3112180c
2013-05-16 17:08:11,055 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.=
MigrateBrokerVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] FINISH, MigrateBroke=
rVDSCommand, log id: 3112180c
2013-05-16 17:08:11,077 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.MigrateVDS=
Command] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] FINISH, MigrateVDSCommand, return: M=
igratingFrom, log id: 1279e198
2013-05-16 17:08:12,993 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateR=
unTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-3) [7fc18303] RefreshVmList vm i=
d e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed is migrating to vds abed2 ignoring i=
t in the refresh until migration is done
2013-05-16 17:08:15,033 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateR=
unTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1) [103140d5] RefreshVmList vm i=
d e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed is migrating to vds abed2 ignoring i=
t in the refresh until migration is done
2013-05-16 17:08:16,075 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditlo=
ghandling.AuditLogDirector] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-7) [2795d6dd] No=
string for UNASSIGNED type. Use default Log
2013-05-16 17:08:16,358 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LoginUserCommand=
] (ajp-- Running command: LoginUserCommand internal: false=
2013-05-16 17:08:16,400 WARN=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.GetConfiguration=
ValueQuery] (ajp-- calling GetConfigurationValueQuery (App=
licationMode) with null version, using default general for version
2013-05-16 17:08:16,401 WARN=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.GetConfiguration=
ValueQuery] (ajp-- calling GetConfigurationValueQuery (Vdc=
Version) with null version, using default general for version
2013-05-16 17:08:17,067 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateR=
unTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-6) [5ac53d9f] RefreshVmList vm i=
d e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed is migrating to vds abed2 ignoring i=
t in the refresh until migration is done
2013-05-16 17:08:19,112 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateR=
unTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-8) [36d19f8e] RefreshVmList vm i=
d e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed is migrating to vds abed2 ignoring i=
t in the refresh until migration is done
2013-05-16 17:08:22,647 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateR=
unTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-7) [2795d6dd] VM testCentos6 e9f=
0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed moved from MigratingFrom --> Up
2013-05-16 17:08:22,648 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateR=
unTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-7) [2795d6dd] Adding VM e9f0cc95=
-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed to re-run list
2013-05-16 17:08:22,664 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRun=
TimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-7) [2795d6dd] Rerun vm e9f0cc95-d6=
be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed. Called from vds moses
2013-05-16 17:08:22,714 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.=
MigrateStatusVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] START, MigrateStatus=
VDSCommand(HostName =3D moses, HostId =3D 6c8c87a1-b98b-46ea-b66e-81afa0d2e=
794, vmId=3De9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed), log id: 70b00eb8
2013-05-16 17:08:22,719 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.Br=
okerCommandBase] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] Failed in MigrateStatusVDS m=
2013-05-16 17:08:22,721 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.Br=
okerCommandBase] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] Error code migrateErr and er=
ror message VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to MigrateStatus=
VDS, error =3D Fatal error during migration
2013-05-16 17:08:22,722 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.=
BrokerCommandBase] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] Command org.ovirt.engine.c=
ore.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.MigrateStatusVDSCommand return value=20
=A0StatusOnlyReturnForXmlRpc [mStatus=3DStatusForXmlRpc [mCode=3D12, mMessa=
ge=3DFatal error during migration]]
2013-05-16 17:08:22,723 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.=
BrokerCommandBase] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] HostName =3D moses
2013-05-16 17:08:22,724 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VDSCommandBa=
se] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] Command MigrateStatusVDS execution failed=
. Exception: VDSErrorException: VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Fai=
led to MigrateStatusVDS, error =3D Fatal error during migration
2013-05-16 17:08:22,725 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.=
MigrateStatusVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] FINISH, MigrateStatu=
sVDSCommand, log id: 70b00eb8
2013-05-16 17:08:22,854 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.VdsSelector] (po=
ol-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd]=A0 VDS moses 6c8c87a1-b98b-46ea-b66e-81afa0d2e79=
4 is the same host the VM is currently running on VDS abed2 4754a27a-b95e-4=
5ba-b114-d671ae752d9a have failed running this VM in the current selection =
2013-05-16 17:08:22,855 WARN=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand=
] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] CanDoAction of action MigrateVm failed. Rea=
2013-05-16 17:08:28,187 INFO=A0 [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditlo=
ghandling.AuditLogDirector] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-8) [36d19f8e] No=
string for UNASSIGNED type. Use default Log
--- On Wed, 5/15/13, Thomas Scofield <tscofield(a)gmail.com> wrote:
From: Thomas Scofield <tscofield(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Users] drac5 power management test
To: "Itamar Heim" <iheim(a)redhat.com>
Cc: "users" <users(a)ovirt.org>, "Eli Mesika"
<emesika(a)redhat.com>, "Peter Re=
illy" <preilly88(a)yahoo.com>
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 8:20 PM
Are you able to run the fence_drace5 command from the command line?=A0 I ha=
d some trouble getting the fence agent working on a drac6 management interf=
ace, I made some notes in the wiki
roubleshooting.=A0 When testing make sure to specify an action, the default=
action is to reboot.
=0A=0AOn May 14, 2013 1:37 AM, "Itamar Heim" <iheim(a)redhat.com> wrote:
=0A=0AOn 05/14/2013 12:58 AM, Peter Reilly wrote:
=0A=0A2013-05-13 17:57:33,355 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.FenceExecuto=
=0A(ajp-- Illegal value in PM Proxy Preferences string ,
=0Athis seems to be the culprit.
=0Aeli - thoughts?
=0A=0A2013-05-13 17:57:33,356 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.FenceExecuto=
=0A(ajp-- Failed to run Power Management command on Host
=0A, no running proxy Host was found.
=0A2013-05-13 17:57:38,963 WARN
=0A(ajp-- Unable to get value of property: pmSecondaryUser
=0Afor class org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VdsStatic
=0A2013-05-13 17:57:38,965 WARN
=0A(ajp-- Unable to get value of property: pmSecondaryUser
=0Afor class org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VdsStatic
=0A2013-05-13 17:57:38,967 INFO
=0A[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.UpdateVdsCommand] (ajp--
=0A[2c6aea20] Running command: UpdateVdsCommand internal: false. Entities
=0Aaffected : =A0ID: 6c8c87a1-b98b-46ea-b66e-81afa0d2e794 Type: VDS
=0A2013-05-13 17:57:38,995 WARN
=0A(ajp-- Unable to get value of property: pmSecondaryUser
=0Afor class org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VdsStatic
=0A2013-05-13 17:57:38,996 WARN
=0A(ajp-- Unable to get value of property: pmSecondaryUser
=0Afor class org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VdsStatic
=0A2013-05-13 17:57:41,608 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.FenceExecutor]
=0A(ajp-- [2c6aea20] Illegal value in PM Proxy Preferences
=0Astring , skipped.
=0A2013-05-13 17:57:41,609 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.FenceExecutor]
=0A(ajp-- [2c6aea20] Failed to run Power Management
=0Acommand on Host moses, no running proxy Host was found.
=0A--- On *Mon, 5/13/13, Itamar Heim /<iheim(a)redhat.com>/* wrote:
=0A=A0 =A0 From: Itamar Heim <iheim(a)redhat.com>
=0A=A0 =A0 Subject: Re: [Users] drac5 power management test
=0A=A0 =A0 To: "Peter Reilly" <preilly88(a)yahoo.com>
=0A=A0 =A0 Cc: users(a)ovirt.org
=0A=A0 =A0 Date: Monday, May 13, 2013, 3:42 PM
=0A=A0 =A0 On 05/13/2013 10:01 PM, Peter Reilly wrote:
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> I'm using ovirt-release-el6-5-3.1.noarch.rpm
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> & ovirt-node-iso-2.6.1-20120228.fc18.iso
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> I have a two host cluster, both hosts up and functioning co=
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> I can manually log into both hosts drac5 card.
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Both hosts are in the same cluster/data center.
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> When I save a host the eventlog says:
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Host power management was verified successfully.
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> When I test power management it saws:
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Test Failed, Host Status is: unknown. The fence-agent scrip=
t reported
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> the following error: There is no other host in the data cen=
=0A=A0 =A0 that can
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> be used to test the power management settings.
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> My settings are:
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Enable Power management (yes)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Concurrent (no)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Address (an ip address)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Username (root)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> password (verified correct password)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> type (drac5)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Slot (blank)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Options (blank)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Secure (yes)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Source (blank)
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Is anyone successfully using a drac5 fence in ovirt 3.1?
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Thanks,
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> _______________________________________________
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Users mailing list
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0> Users(a)ovirt.org </mc/compose?to=3DUsers(a)ovirt.org>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 =A0>
=0A=A0 =A0 engine log for this?
=0AUsers mailing list
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<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0"
><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;">Yes, I can use fence_drac5 to reboot
ully.<br><br>In the engine.log I have this error when I try to use the test=
power management option.<br><br>2013-05-16 17:06:46,652 ERROR [org.ovirt.e=
ngine.core.bll.FenceExecutor] (ajp-- Illegal value in PM P=
roxy Preferences string , skipped.<br>2013-05-16 17:06:46,654 ERROR [org.ov=
irt.engine.core.bll.FenceExecutor] (ajp-- Failed to run Po=
wer Management command on Host , no running proxy Host was found.<br><br>An=
d the following when I try to migrate a guest:<br><br>2013-05-16 17:08:10,8=
44 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand] (pool-3-thread-4=
7) [34a22f2c] Running command: MigrateVmCommand internal: false. Entities a=
ffected : ID: e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed Type: VM<br>2013-0=
5-16 17:08:11,002 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.MigrateVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-47) [34=
a22f2c] START, MigrateVDSCommand(HostName =3D moses, HostId =3D 6c8c87a1-b9=
8b-46ea-b66e-81afa0d2e794, vmId=3De9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed, src=
Host=3D172.18.1.17, dstVdsId=3D4754a27a-b95e-45ba-b114-d671ae752d9a, dstHos=
t=3D172.18.2.248:54321, migrationMethod=3DONLINE), log id: 1279e198<br>2013=
-05-16 17:08:11,028 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.M=
igrateBrokerVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] VdsBroker::migrate::E=
ntered (vm_guid=3De9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed, srcHost=3D172.18.1.=
17, dstHost=3D172.18.2.248:54321, method=3Donline<br>2013-05-16 17:08=
:11,029 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.MigrateBroker=
VDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] START, MigrateBrokerVDSCommand(Ho=
stName =3D moses, HostId =3D 6c8c87a1-b98b-46ea-b66e-81afa0d2e794, vmId=3De=
9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed, srcHost=3D172.18.1.17,
dstVdsId=3D4754a27a-b95e-45ba-b114-d671ae752d9a, dstHost=3D172.18.2.248:54=
321, migrationMethod=3DONLINE), log id: 3112180c<br>2013-05-16 17:08:11,055=
INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.MigrateBrokerVDSComm=
and] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] FINISH, MigrateBrokerVDSCommand, log id:=
3112180c<br>2013-05-16 17:08:11,077 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsb=
roker.MigrateVDSCommand] (pool-3-thread-47) [34a22f2c] FINISH, MigrateVDSCo=
mmand, return: MigratingFrom, log id: 1279e198<br>2013-05-16 17:08:12,993 I=
NFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQu=
artzScheduler_Worker-3) [7fc18303] RefreshVmList vm id e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a=
1e9-147d120474ed is migrating to vds abed2 ignoring it in the refresh until=
migration is done<br>2013-05-16 17:08:15,033 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.=
core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1) [103=
140d5] RefreshVmList vm id e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed is
migrating to vds abed2 ignoring it in the refresh until migration is done<=
br>2013-05-16 17:08:16,075 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.a=
uditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-7) [2795d6=
dd] No string for UNASSIGNED type. Use default Log<br>2013-05-16 17:08:16,3=
58 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LoginUserCommand] (ajp--
8702-7) Running command: LoginUserCommand internal: false.<br>2013-05-16 17=
:08:16,400 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.GetConfigurationValueQuery=
] (ajp-- calling GetConfigurationValueQuery (ApplicationMo=
de) with null version, using default general for version<br>2013-05-16 17:0=
8:16,401 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.GetConfigurationValueQuery] =
(ajp-- calling GetConfigurationValueQuery (VdcVersion) wit=
h null version, using default general for version<br>2013-05-16 17:08:17,06=
7 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo]
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-6) [5ac53d9f] RefreshVmList vm id e9f0cc95-=
d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed is migrating to vds abed2 ignoring it in the re=
fresh until migration is done<br>2013-05-16 17:08:19,112 INFO [org.ov=
irt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Wor=
ker-8) [36d19f8e] RefreshVmList vm id e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed =
is migrating to vds abed2 ignoring it in the refresh until migration is don=
e<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,647 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.Vd=
sUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-7) [2795d6dd] VM testCen=
tos6 e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed moved from MigratingFrom --> U=
p<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,648 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.Vd=
sUpdateRunTimeInfo] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-7) [2795d6dd] Adding VM =
e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a1e9-147d120474ed to re-run list<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,=
664 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VdsUpdateRunTimeInfo]
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-7) [2795d6dd] Rerun vm e9f0cc95-d6be-4c00-a=
1e9-147d120474ed. Called from vds moses<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,714 INFO&nbs=
p; [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.MigrateStatusVDSCommand] (poo=
l-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] START, MigrateStatusVDSCommand(HostName =3D moses=
, HostId =3D 6c8c87a1-b98b-46ea-b66e-81afa0d2e794, vmId=3De9f0cc95-d6be-4c0=
0-a1e9-147d120474ed), log id: 70b00eb8<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,719 ERROR [or=
g.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.BrokerCommandBase] (pool-3-thread-4=
4) [2795d6dd] Failed in MigrateStatusVDS method<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,721 =
ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.BrokerCommandBase] (pool-3=
-thread-44) [2795d6dd] Error code migrateErr and error message VDSGenericEx=
ception: VDSErrorException: Failed to MigrateStatusVDS, error =3D Fatal err=
or during migration<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,722 INFO [org.ovirt.engine=
.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.BrokerCommandBase] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd]
Command org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.MigrateStatusVDSCommand =
return value <br> StatusOnlyReturnForXmlRpc [mStatus=3DStatusForXmlRpc=
[mCode=3D12, mMessage=3DFatal error during migration]]<br>2013-05-16 17:08=
:22,723 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.BrokerCommand=
Base] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] HostName =3D moses<br>2013-05-16 17:08:=
22,724 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.VDSCommandBase] (pool-3-threa=
d-44) [2795d6dd] Command MigrateStatusVDS execution failed. Exception: VDSE=
rrorException: VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to MigrateSta=
tusVDS, error =3D Fatal error during migration<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,725 I=
NFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.MigrateStatusVDSComman=
d] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] FINISH, MigrateStatusVDSCommand, log id: 7=
0b00eb8<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,854 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.Vd=
sSelector] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d6dd] VDS moses
6c8c87a1-b98b-46ea-b66e-81afa0d2e794 is the same host the VM is currently =
running on VDS abed2 4754a27a-b95e-45ba-b114-d671ae752d9a have failed runni=
ng this VM in the current selection cycle<br>2013-05-16 17:08:22,855 WARN&n=
bsp; [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand] (pool-3-thread-44) [2795d=
6dd] CanDoAction of action MigrateVm failed. Reasons:ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS=
_VM_CLUSTER,VAR__ACTION__MIGRATE,VAR__TYPE__VM<br>2013-05-16 17:08:28,187 I=
NFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDire=
ctor] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-8) [36d19f8e] No string for UNASSIGNED=
type. Use default Log<br><br>Peter<br><br><br>--- On
<b>Wed, 5/15/13, Thom=
as Scofield <i>&lt;tscofield(a)gmail.com&gt;</i></b>
wrote:<br><blockquote st=
yle=3D"border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-l=
eft: 5px;"><br>From: Thomas Scofield
: Re: [Users] drac5 power management test<br>To: "Itamar Heim"
&lt;iheim(a)redhat.com&gt;<br>Cc: "users"
&lt;users(a)ovirt.org&gt;, "Eli Mesi=
ka" &lt;emesika(a)redhat.com&gt;, "Peter Reilly"
br>Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 8:20 PM<br><br><div
div dir=3D"ltr"><p>Are you able to run the fence_drace5 command from
the co=
mmand line? I had some trouble getting the fence agent working on a d=
rac6 management interface, I made some notes in the wiki <a rel=3D"nofollow=
" target=3D"_blank"
When testing make sure to specify an action, the default action is to reboo=
t.<br>=0A</p>=0A<div class=3D"yiv669340114gmail_quote">On May
14, 2013 1:37=
AM, "Itamar Heim" <<a rel=3D"nofollow"
om" target=3D"_blank"
at.com</a>> wrote:<br><blockquote
class=3D"yiv669340114gmail_quote" styl=
e=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);paddin=
g-left:1ex;">=0A=0AOn 05/14/2013 12:58 AM, Peter Reilly
quote class=3D"yiv669340114gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px
order-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex;">=0A2013-05-13 17:5=
7:33,355 ERROR
- Illegal value in PM Proxy Preferences string ,<br>=0Ask=
ipped.<br>=0A</blockquote>=0A<br>=0Athis seems to be the
- thoughts?<br>=0A<br>=0A<blockquote
class=3D"yiv669340114gmail_quote" sty=
le=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);paddi=
ng-left:1ex;">=0A2013-05-13 17:57:33,356 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.<=
u></u>FenceExecutor]<br>=0A(ajp-- Failed to run Power
agement command on Host<br>=0A, no running proxy Host was found.<br>=0A2013=
-05-13 17:57:38,963
compat.PropertyInfo]<br>=0A(ajp-- Unable to get value of p=
roperty: pmSecondaryUser<br>=0Afor class
u>businessentities.VdsStatic<br>=0A2013-05-13 17:57:38,965
.0.0.1-8702-4) Unable to get value of property: pmSecondaryUser<br>=0Afor c=
013-05-13 17:57:38,967
dsCommand] (ajp--<br>=0A[2c6aea20] Running command: Update=
VdsCommand internal: false. Entities<br>=0Aaffected : ID: 6c8c87a1-b9=
8b-46ea-b66e-<u></u>81afa0d2e794 Type: VDS<br>=0A2013-05-13 17:57:38,995
r>=0A(ajp-- Unable to get value of property: pmSecondaryUs=
er<br>=0Afor class
Static<br>=0A2013-05-13 17:57:38,996 WARN<br>=0A[org.ovirt.engine.core.comp=
Unable =
to get value of property: pmSecondaryUser<br>=0Afor class org.ovirt.engine.=
.1-8702-4) [2c6aea20] Illegal value in PM Proxy Preferences<br>=0Astring , =
skipped.<br>=0A2013-05-13 17:57:41,609 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.<u>=
</u>FenceExecutor]<br>=0A(ajp-- [2c6aea20] Failed to run P=
ower Management<br>=0Acommand on Host moses, no running proxy Host was foun=
d.<br>=0A<br>=0A<br>=0A--- On *Mon, 5/13/13, Itamar Heim /<<a
ollow" ymailto=3D"mailto:iheim@redhat.com" target=3D"_blank"
=0A<br>=0A From: Itamar Heim <<a
rel=3D"nofollow" ymailto=
=3D"mailto:iheim@redhat.com" target=3D"_blank"
Subject: Re: [U=
sers] drac5 power management test<br>=0A To: "Peter
Reilly" &l=
t;<a rel=3D"nofollow" ymailto=3D"mailto:preilly88@yahoo.com"
t;<br>=0A Cc: <a rel=3D"nofollow"
t.org" target=3D"_blank"
irt.org</a><br>=0A Date: Monday, May 13, 2013, 3:42
br>=0A On 05/13/2013 10:01 PM, Peter Reilly
wrote:<br>=0A =
; > I'm using
=0A > &
.iso<br>=0A > I have a two host cluster, both
hosts u=
p and functioning correctly.<br>=0A > I can
manually =
log into both hosts drac5 card.<br>=0A > Both
hosts a=
re in the same cluster/data center.<br>=0A
bsp; > When I save a host the eventlog
says:<br>=0A &=
nbsp; > Host power management was verified
sp; ><br>=0A >
When I test power mana=
gement it saws:<br>=0A > Test Failed, Host
Status is:=
unknown. The fence-agent script reported<br>=0A
> th=
e following error: There is no other host in the data center<br>=0A
nbsp; that can<br>=0A > be used to test the
power man=
agement settings.<br>=0A
><br>=0A =
> My settings are:<br>=0A > Enable
Power managemen=
t (yes)<br>=0A > Concurrent
(no)<br>=0A =
> Address (an ip address)<br>=0A
> Username =
(root)<br>=0A > password (verified correct
br>=0A > type (drac5)<br>=0A
> =
Slot (blank)<br>=0A > Options
(blank)<br>=0A &n=
bsp; > Secure (yes)<br>=0A >
Source (blank)<=
br>=0A ><br>=0A
> Is anyone suc=
cessfully using a drac5 fence in ovirt 3.1?<br>=0A
br>=0A > Thanks,<br>=0A
=0A ><br>=0A
><br>=0A &nb=
sp; >
=0A > Users mailing list<br>=0A
t; <a rel=3D"nofollow" ymailto=3D"mailto:Users@ovirt.org"
ose?to=3D<a rel=3D"nofollow" ymailto=3D"mailto:Users@ovirt.org"
><br>=0A > <a
rel=3D"nofollow" target=3D"_blank" h=
r>=0A engine log for
ng list<br>=0A<a rel=3D"nofollow"
ymailto=3D"mailto:Users@ovirt.org" target=
r>=0A<a rel=3D"nofollow" target=3D"_blank"