On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 4:15 AM, Alan Murrell <lists(a)murrell.ca> wrote:
I am attempting to install oVirt 3.6 on a CentOS7 host. it is a
server, so I am trying to install a self-hosted engine. I am able to
install oVirt 3.5 self-hosted engine, but am having some problems doing it
with 3.6.
Everything appears to go fine; the engine-setup completes successfully. On
the host, I pressed"1" to indicate engine-setup was complete, and it can
connect to the webadmin but the host never becomes operational.
I am able to log in to the webadmin, and indeed the host is in a
non-operational state. When I click on the host then click on the "Virtual
networks" tab, all my interfaces are showing a red arrow.
When I click on "Setup Host Networks", my "ovirtmgmt" network is
Believing this to be why my host is not operational (since it is under
"Required"), I assigned it to my management interface, but the interfaces
still remain red. In addition, the "ovirtmgmt" network does have a green
arrow, but also the icon indicating "Out of sync". If I click on "Sync
Networks", I get the following error:
"Error while executing action SyncAllHostNetworks: Network is currently
being used"
which makes sense, since "ovirtmgmt" is assigned/in use. I am unable to
unassign ovirtmgmt.
Current status is this:
- All network interfaces are showing the red "down" arrow
- "ovirtmgmt" is assigned to my management NIC, but indicating that it is
out of sync
- I am unable to unassign the "ovirtmgmt" network (or at least, if I do,
the "OK" button is greyed out)
I could destroy the engine VM and go through the setup again, with the idea
of once it is installed and waiting for the host to become operational, I
could do a "Sync All Networks" and see if the networks turn green and go
from there.
I wanted to see what sort of insight I could get from here first. I am not
sure what logs would be useful to you, so let me know what you want to see
and I and make them available (I will likely zip them up and post a link)
from host:
/var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-*/* (-setup and -ha)
from engine:
If last one is empty, it means the engine did not manage to get
host-deploy logs. Please check and try to copy what you find from /tmp
of the host while waiting for host-deploy ("Waiting for the host to
become operational").
Something else I could try if this becomes a "puzzler" is to do a 3.5.x
self-hosted engine then perform an in-place upgrade to 3.6 and see if that
works? I would rather try to help make a direct 3.6 install work, though...
Did you principally do exactly the same thing in 3.5 and 3.6?
In both cases just had a simple network interface (no vlan/bonding/whatever)
and input it when asked?
What exact versions (OS and ovirt)?
I also changed the subject.