Hi, as far as I understand Manual Pools should be "stateful" as long as
the admin does not return the vm to the pool (removing the permissions).
In my test lab I did the following:
Created Windows template
Sysprep and Shutdown
Configured a manual pool with the above template
Configure "Initial run" with domain membership and so on
Assigned permissions to the pool
Logged in in the user portal and launched my pool
The vm starts up but in the admin portal I see the vm has a Stateless
snapshot (read-only)
"VM TestPoolMan-1 was restarted on Host kvm02 as stateless"
Then in the user portal I shut down the vm and the stateless snapshot is
"VM TestPoolMan-1 is down. Exit message: User shut down from within the
I powered up it again and now it is stateful (no snapshot)
"VM TestPoolMan-1 was started by c.mammoli(a)apra.it (Host: kvm02)."
So it's like the first time a user starts a vm in a manual pool it is
stateless and from the second start it becomes stateful...
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