On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Alexis HAUSER
<alexis.hauser(a)telecom-bretagne.eu> wrote:
I am reinstalling a new Node with a new hosted-engine and I would like to import an iSCSI
storage from a previous ovirt installation.
However, I can see all LUN present on that iSCSI but the one I want... I checked from the
iSCSI array and this disk still exists, it's just not detected from Ovirt (3.6)...
I tried to make a new data domain and chosed that same iSCSI and it's also not
You should see the lun in engine if you are logged in to the iscsi target.
Are you sure this lun is configured properly so the new host can access it?
Do you have correct /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi on the host?
I didn't remove the storage from the Engine interface on the
previous installation, just just turned off all VMs accessing the iSCSI and unplugged the
This is not a good idea, not sure that it is related to your problem,
but what you should do is:
1. Shutdown vms using this storage domain
2. Put storage domain to maintenance
3. Detach storage domain
4. Import storage domain on the other setup - this will work only
after you see the lun on the other setup