adding new node to host engine is getting failed - engine version latest 4.4.8
Hi Team
when I try to add a new node to the cluster, the installation getting failed with below error
Host beclovkvma04.bec.lab installation failed. Task Run PKI enroll request for vdsm and QEMU failed to execute. Please check logs for more details: /var/log/ovirt-engine/host-deploy/ovirt-host-deploy-ansible-20211006191147-beclovkvma04.bec.lab-e9351609-1bf4-4a8e-adcc-af459f8b25a0.log.
log shows as below
oR4K1dI9NIaH1jSEtBnIC0Qycxz1i9", "/knKXJLDKeuRsY2holB/BYbMECe4dpseRO+SJPnoqLbK0S6lEf/F6rIcowcg4KbS", "TYjL8g8P6/mM", "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" ],
"stderr_lines" : [ "Generating a RSA private key", "...............+++++", "........................................+++++", "writing new private
key to '/tmp/ansible.wjc0hdouvdsm'", "-----" ],
"failed" : false,
"item" : {
"changed" : true,
"path" : "/tmp/ansible.wjc0hdouvdsm",
"uid" : 0,
"gid" : 0,
"owner" : "root",
"group" : "root",
"mode" : "0600",
"state" : "file",
"secontext" : "unconfined_u:object_r:user_tmp_t:s0",
"size" : 0,
"invocation" : {
"module_args" : {
"state" : "file",
"suffix" : "vdsm",
"prefix" : "ansible.",
"path" : null
"failed" : false,
"item" : {
"suffix" : "vdsm",
"pending_file" : "keys/vdsmkey.pending.pem",
"req_dir" : "requests"
"ansible_loop_var" : "item"
"ansible_loop_var" : "item"
}, {
"diff" : [ ],
"dest" : "/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/requests-qemu/beclovkvma04.bec.lab.req",
"src" : "/var/lib/ovirt-engine/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1633527734.1252306-38395-243978746272048/source",
"md5sum" : "76137d8fb7063ee3ecce0a1637e991e9",
"checksum" : "37c73f4ac229f1837a9b5f4a84162426547de18e",
"changed" : true,
"cmd" : [ "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/bin/", "--name=beclovkvma04.bec.lab", "--subject=/O=bec.lab
/CN=beclovkvma04.bec.lab", "--san=DNS:beclovkvma04.bec.lab", "--days=398", "--timeout=30", "--ca-file=ca", "--cert-dir=certs"
, "--req-dir=requests" ],
"stdout" : "",
"stderr" : "Using configuration from openssl.conf\nunable to load number from serial.txt\nerror while loading serial number\n139654062544704:error:
0D066096:asn1 encoding routines:a2i_ASN1_INTEGER:short line:crypto/asn1/f_int.c:140:\nCannot sign certificate",
"rc" : 1,
"start" : "2021-10-06 19:12:14.648053",
"end" : "2021-10-06 19:12:14.673708",
"delta" : "0:00:00.025655",
"changed" : true,
"failed" : true,
"invocation" : {
"module_args" : {
"_raw_params" : "\"/usr/share/ovirt-engine/bin/\"\n\"--name=beclovkvma04.bec.lab\"\n\"--subject=/O=bec.bsn\"\n\"\"\n\"--days=398\"\n\"--timeout=30\"\n\"--ca-file
"warn" : true,
"_uses_shell" : false,
"stdin_add_newline" : true,
"strip_empty_ends" : true,
"argv" : null,
"chdir" : null,
"executable" : null,
"creates" : null,
"removes" : null,
"stdin" : null