VM CPU Topology
by nelson.lameiras@lyra-network.com
We are currently running oVirt 4.3.10
Our oVirt hypervisors (HV) have 2 cpu sockets * 6 cores * HT = 24 vcpu
Our VMs (centos7) range globally from 2vcpu to 8vcpu
oVirt allows to configure - per VM - the following 3 advanced parameters : virtual_sockets : cores_per_virtual_socket : threads_per_core
We make sure that threads per core is always 1 (so no question there)
But, for the other 2 parameters, we are unsure of the correct configuration, and if there is a performance penalty on bad configuration.
Let's consider a 4vcpu VM
1- Is there a performance difference betwenn 1:4:1 and 4:1:1 configuration ?
2- When should we opt for one or another configuration ?
2- Our VMs total CPU provisionning sum is twice the hypervisors capacity, but they are mostly idle so it is not an issue, but can this influence configuration choice above ?
Thank you for any information that can enlighthen us, since we are worried that we are suffering from bad performance due to naive cpu configuration choices.