OVS switch type for hosted-engine
by Devin A. Bougie
Is it possible to setup a hosted engine using the OVS switch type instead of Legacy? If it's not possible to start out as OVS, instructions for switching from Legacy to OVS after the fact would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
2 years, 6 months
Zanata user request
by Temuri Doghonadze
My name is Temuri and I'd like to ask for account for Zanata to help
with translation of ovirt to Georgian.
I've done translation of zoiper, FreeCAD, part of gitlab, protonmail,
parts of gnome and KDE, etc etc etc.
In case of questions feel free to ask.
BR, Temuri
2 years, 6 months
USB3 redirection
by Rik Theys
I'm trying to assign a USB3 controller to a CentOS 7.4 VM in oVirt 4.1
with USB redirection enabled.
I've created the following file in /etc/ovirt-engine/osinfo.conf.d:
01-usb.properties with content
os.other.devices.usb.controller.value = nec-xhci
and have restarted ovirt-engine.
If I disable USB-support in the web interface for the VM, the xhci
controller is added to the VM (I can see it in the qemu-kvm
commandline), but usb redirection is not available.
If I enable USB-support in the UI, no xhci controller is added (only 4
uhci controllers).
Is there a way to make the controllers for usb redirection xhci controllers?
Rik Theys
System Engineer
KU Leuven - Dept. Elektrotechniek (ESAT)
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2440 - B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
<<Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors>>
2 years, 7 months
OVN routing and firewalling in oVirt
by Gianluca Cecchi
how do we manage routing between different OVN networks in oVirt?
And between OVN networks and physical ones?
Based on architecture read here:
I see terms for logical routers and gateway routers respectively but how to
apply to oVirt configuration?
Do I have to choose between setting up a specialized VM or a physical one:
is it applicable/advisable to put on oVirt host itself the gateway
Is there any security policy (like security groups in Openstack) to
2 years, 7 months
Unable to access ovirt Admin Screen from ovirt Host
by louisb@ameritech.net
I've reinstalled ovirt 4.4 on my server remotely via cockpit terminal. I'm able to access the ovirt admin screen remotely from the laptop that I used for the install. However, using the same URL I'm unable to gain access to the admin screen.
Following the instruction in the documentation I've modified the file: /etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/99-custom-sso-setup.conf, to reflect the DNS name and I enter in the IP address. But I'm still unable to access the screen from the server console.
What else needs to change in order to gain access from the server console?
2 years, 7 months
VM failed to start when host's network is down
by lizhijian@fujitsu.com
Post again after subscribing the mail list.
Hi guys
I have an all in one ovirt environment which node installed both
vdsm and ovirt-engine.
I have setup the ovirt environment and it could work well.
For some reasons, i have to use this ovirt with node's networking down(i unplugged the network cable)
In such case, I noticed that i cannot start a VM anymore.
I wonder if there is a configuration switch to enable a ovirt to work with node's networking down ?
if not, may i possible to make it work by a easy way ?
When i tried to start VM with ovirt API, it responses with:
[root@74d2ab9cb0 ~]# sh start.sh
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<detail>[Cannot run VM. Unknown Data Center status.]</detail>
<reason>Operation Failed</reason>
[root@74d2ab9cb0 ~]# sh start.sh
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<detail>[Cannot run VM. Unknown Data Center status.]</detail>
<reason>Operation Failed</reason>
[root@74d2ab9cb0 ~]#
Attached the vdsm and ovirt-engine
2 years, 7 months
Wait for the engine to come up on the target vm
by Vladimir Belov
I'm trying to deploy oVirt from a self-hosted engine, but at the last step I get an engine startup error.
[ INFO ] TASK [Wait for the engine to come up on the target VM]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 120, "changed": true, "cmd": ["hosted-engine", "--vm-status", "--json"], "delta": "0:00:00.181846", "end": "2022-03-28 15:41:28.853150", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-03-28 15:41:28.671304", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "{\"1\": {\"conf_on_shared_storage\": true, \"live-data\": true, \"extra\": \"metadata_parse_version=1\\nmetadata_feature_version=1\\ntimestamp=5537 (Mon Mar 28 15:41:20 2022)\\nhost-id=1\\nscore=3400\\nvm_conf_refresh_time=5537 (Mon Mar 28 15:41:20 2022)\\nconf_on_shared_storage=True\\nmaintenance=False\\nstate=EngineStarting\\nstopped=False\\n\", \"hostname\": \"v2.test.ru\", \"host-id\": 1, \"engine-status\": {\"reason\": \"failed liveliness check\", \"health\": \"bad\", \"vm\": \"up\", \"detail\": \"Up\"}, \"score\": 3400, \"stopped\": false, \"maintenance\": false, \"crc32\": \"4d2eeaea\", \"local_conf_timestamp\": 5537, \"host-ts\": 5537}, \"global_maintenance\": false}", "stdout_lines": ["{\"1\": {\"conf_on_shared_storage\": true, \"live-data\": true, \"extra\": \"metadata_parse_version=1\\nmetadata_feature_version=1\\ntimestamp=5537 (Mon Mar 28 15:41:20 2022)\\nhost-id=1\\nscore=3400\\nvm_conf_refresh_time=5537 (Mon Mar 28 15:41:20 2022)\\nconf_on_shared_storage=True\\nmaintenance=False\\nstate=EngineStarting\\nstopped=False\\n\", \"hostname\": \"v2.test.ru\", \"host-id\": 1, \"engine-status\": {\"reason\": \"failed liveliness check\", \"health\": \"bad\", \"vm\": \"up\", \"detail\": \"Up\"}, \"score\": 3400, \"stopped\": false, \"maintenance\": false, \"crc32\": \"4d2eeaea\", \"local_conf_timestamp\": 5537, \"host-ts\": 5537}, \"global_maintenance\": false}"]}
Аfter the installation is completed, the condition of the engine is as follows:
Engine status: {"reason": "failed liveliness check", "health": "bad", "vm": "up", "detail": "Up"}
After reading the vdsm.logs, I found that qemu-guest-agent failed to connect to the engine for some reason.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/virt/vm.py", line 5400, in qemuGuestAgentShutdown
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/virt/virdomain.py", line 98, in f
ret = attr(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/common/libvirtconnection.py", line 130, in wrapper
ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/common/function.py", line 92, in wrapper
return func(inst, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 2517, in shutdownFlags
if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainShutdownFlags() failed', dom=self)
libvirtError: Guest agent is not responding: QEMU guest agent is not connected
During the installation phase, qemu-guest-agent on the guest VM is running.
Setting a temporary password (hosted-engine --add-console-password --password) and connecting via VNC also failed.
Using "hosted-engine --console" also failed to connect
The engine VM is running on this host
Connected to HostedEngine domain
Escaping character: ^]
error: internal error: character device <null> not found
The network settings are configured using static addressing, without DHCP.
It seems to me that this is due to the fact that the engine receives an IP address that does not match the entry in /etc/hosts, but I do not know how to fix it. Any help is welcome, I will provide the necessary logs. Thanks
2 years, 7 months
Gluster storage and TRIM VDO
by Oleh Horbachov
Hello everyone. I have a Gluster distributed replication cluster deployed. The cluster - store for ovirt. For bricks - VDO over a raw disk. When discarding via 'fstrim -av' the storage hangs for a few seconds and the connection is lost. Does anyone know the best practices for using TRIM with VDO in the context of ovirt?
ovirt - v4.4.10
gluster - v8.6
2 years, 7 months
Mac addresses pool issues
by Nicolas MAIRE
We're encountering some issues on one of our production clusters running oVirt 4.2. We've had an incident with the engine's database a few weeks back that we were able to recover from, however since then we've been having a bunch of weird issues, mostly around MACs.
It started off with the engine being unable to find a free MAC when creating a VM, despite there being significantly less virtual interfaces (around 250) than the total number of MACs in the default pool (default configuration, so 65536 addresses) and escalated into creating duplicate MACs (despite the pool not allowing it) and now we can't even modify the pool or remove VMs (since deleting the attached vnics fail), so we're kinda stuck with a cluster that has running VMs which are fine as long as we don't touch them, but on which we can't create new VMs (or modify the existing ones).
In the engine's log we can see that we've had an "Unable to initialize MAC pool due to existing duplicates (Failed with error MAC_POOL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED and code 5010)" error when we tried to reconfigure the pool this morning (see the full error stack here : https://pastebin.com/6bKMfbLn) and now whenever we try to delete a VM or reconfigure the pool we have a 'Pool for id="58ca604b-017d-0374-0220-00000000014e" does not exist' error (see the full error stack here: https://pastebin.com/Huy91iig), but, if we check the engine's mac_pool table we can see that it's there :
engine=# select * from mac_pools;
id | name | description | allow_duplicate_mac_addresses | default_pool
58ca604b-017d-0374-0220-00000000014e | Default | Default MAC pool | f | t
(1 row)
engine=# select * from mac_pool_ranges;
mac_pool_id | from_mac | to_mac
58ca604b-017d-0374-0220-00000000014e | 56:6f:1a:1a:00:00 | 56:6f:1a:1a:ff:ff
(1 row)
I found this bugzilla that seems to somehow apply https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1554180 however I don't really know how to "reinitialize engine", especially considering that the mac pool was not configured to allow duplicate macs to begin with, and I've no idea what the impact of that reinitialization would be on the current VMs.
I'm quite new to oVirt (only been using it for one year) so any help would be greatly appreciated.
2 years, 7 months
Enroll Host Certificate
by dlotarev@yahoo.com
Hi there! I have a problem to enroll host certificate.
The steps that I took:
1) Move host to maintenance mode (all VMs transferred to another host including HE VM)
2) Enroll certificate via web interface without errors
3) Exit from maintenance mode (transferred all VMs back including HE VM)
4) Restart ovirt-engine service
But my problem that after 6 hours i get message from oVirt engine notifier that my certificate expired soon.
I know that my oVirt installation is old (4.1.9), but what can i do with that? Maybe i missed something. I didn't reboot the host after renewing the certificate
Thank you for any advice!
2 years, 7 months