[Users] freeipa and ovirt can't add domain
by Jesse Brandeburg
I have been trying for a week or so to be able to get a domain based on freeipa
added to my ovirt/F16 setup so that I can add users.
I started out with 3.0.0 rpms from the ovirt repos, I've since built my
own rpms from git, 3.1.0.
I've set up ipa and can log in with kinit. I get this error when I run
[root@barleyville ~]# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: admin(a)BVTEST.ORG
Valid starting Expires Service principal
04/25/12 18:17:07 04/26/12 18:17:05 krbtgt/BVTEST.ORG(a)BVTEST.ORG
[root@barleyville ~]# engine-manage-domains -action=add -domain=bvtest.org -user=admin -passwordFile=/root/dompass
Error: Authentication Failed. Please verify the fully qualified domain name that is used for authentication is correct.. Problematic domain is: bvtest.org
Failure while applying Kerberos configuration. Details: Authentication Failed. Please verify the fully qualified domain name that is used for authentication is correct.
Is there some other logs I can provide? Thanks for any help, I'm about to give up.
12 years, 9 months
[Users] Failed to start VM
by Mohsen Saeedi
I setup ovirt with vdsm on the CentOS 6.2 x64 . I configured anything
correctly. I defined ISO Domain and Data Domain for iso file and virtual
machine file under NFS storage. I made new virtual server with CentOS
6.2 x64 and assigned redhat 6.2 x64 as linux type.
But when i start VM it failed to start. I read libvirtd log and it write
a error on libvirtd.log:
2012-04-25 21:04:59.952+0000: 1705: error :
qemuProcessReadLogOutput:1005 : internal error Process exited while
reading console log output: Supported machines are:
pc RHEL 6.2.0 PC (alias of rhel6.2.0)
rhel6.2.0 RHEL 6.2.0 PC (default)
rhel6.1.0 RHEL 6.1.0 PC
rhel6.0.0 RHEL 6.0.0 PC
rhel5.5.0 RHEL 5.5.0 PC
rhel5.4.4 RHEL 5.4.4 PC
rhel5.4.0 RHEL 5.4.0 PC
What is the problem. I'm experience user on RHEL with 10 more years work
as administrator and i have good knowledge about KVM and virt manager
but i'm semi-pro on ovrit!
Thanks for help
12 years, 9 months
[Users] high availability via fencing
by Ian Levesque
I'm testing ovirt for potential deployment and one of the metrics for its success relies on the high availability feature. In my research on this feature, I found scattered documentation indicating that fencing is a prerequisite. On my test hardware, I don't have any LOM/IPMI but I see that APC managed PDUs are supported, which I do have.
The problem is when I try to configure Power Management to use the "apc" type, I get this error:
Test Failed, Host Status is: unknown. The fence-agent script reported the following error:
Failed: You have to enter plug number Please use '-h' for usage
ovirt-engine/engine.log tells me:
2012-04-20 11:32:44,595 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.FencingExecutor] (http-- Executing <Status> Power Management command, Proxy Host:heilig, Agent:apc, Target Host:, Management IP:134.174.x.x, User:ovirt, Options:port=22,secure=true,slot=1
2012-04-20 11:32:44,598 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] (http-- START, FenceVdsVDSCommand(vdsId = 6de5e3fa-8a33-11e1-b3f9-003048c85226, targetVdsId = 60087c5e-8a3b-11e1-b15d-003048c85226, action = Status, ip = 134.174.x.x, port = , type = apc, user = ovirt, password = ******, options = 'port=22,secure=true,slot=1'), log id: 57f86a56
2012-04-20 11:32:44,696 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.FenceVdsVDSCommand] (http-- FINISH, FenceVdsVDSCommand, return: Test Failed, Host Status is: unknown. The fence-agent script reported the following error: Failed: You have to enter plug number
Please use '-h' for usage
I've tried to add "port=1" to the Options field but that seems to have no effect.
Any ideas? Is there any way to configure a "dumb" power management / fencing configuration for testing?
12 years, 9 months
[Users] webadmin: Open Console button not working
by Adam Litke
I am running bleeding-edge ovirt-engine and I am finding that the Open Console
button in the webadmin does not work. The VM is spice-enabled and the button in
the gui is active. Clicking the button seems to have no effect. I do see this
message being thrown in Firebug each time I click the button:
Wed Apr 25 16:43:13 GMT-500 2012 com.google.gwt.logging.client.LogConfiguration
SEVERE: Cannot find constant 'VdcActionType___SetVmTicket'; expecting a method
name java.util.MissingResourceException: Cannot find constant
'VdcActionType___SetVmTicket'; expecting a method name at Unknown.e3d(Unknown
Source) at Unknown.kDj(Unknown Source) at Unknown.gDj(Unknown Source) at
Unknown.tWg(Unknown Source) at Unknown.a_h(Unknown Source) at
Unknown.Y$h(Unknown Source) at Unknown.X_h(Unknown Source) at
Unknown.__h(Unknown Source) at Unknown.MXc(Unknown Source) at
Unknown.eA(Unknown Source) at Unknown.GA(Unknown Source) at
Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source) at Unknown.Gh(Unknown Source) at
Unknown.Jh(Unknown Source) at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source) at
Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source)
Is this a known issue?
Adam Litke <agl(a)us.ibm.com>
IBM Linux Technology Center
12 years, 9 months
[Users] No Balloon Device
by David Metcalf
I have installed the memory balloon driver in my Windows guest but the
driver says it can not start. I have also found no reference to the
balloon device when looking at the qemu command line arguments of the
process. Is there some way to add the balloon device I missed?
12 years, 9 months
[Users] REST API query syntax
by Hui Kai Ran
Hi, all
I learned some query language from "REST API User Guid" to get a
reduced result list, for example:
it works. but the following querys do not work
I don't know what is the difference between them, and which property
can be act as the part of query ?
12 years, 9 months
[Users] ovirt and NAT/Internal Networks
by Dead Horse
I have tried to create a NAT network within ovirt for guests to use via
libvirt/virsh as the vdsm@rhevh on an ovirt node.
Something like this:
virsh # net-info nat
Name nat
UUID b09d09a8-ebbd-476d-9045-e66012c9e83d
Active: yes
Persistent: yes
Autostart: yes
Bridge: natbr0
virsh # net-list --all
Name State Autostart
nat active yes
vdsm-natbr0 active yes
vdsm-ovirtmgmt active yes
virsh #
virsh # net-edit nat
<forward mode='nat'/>
<bridge name='natbr0' stp='on' delay='0' />
<mac address='52:54:00:9D:82:DE'/>
<ip address='' netmask=''>
<range start='' end='' />
Set net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 in sysctl.conf
This is basically the default libvirt NAT network. Connecting a VM directly
to it via cli (qemu-kvm) works perfectly fine on the ovirt host itself but
the ovirt manager UI does not seem to pick up on it or allow for creation
of such a network for guests to use.
Since the ovirt manager UI did not allow I dug into the database and added
entries which seem to have been necessary by hand to the following engine
database tables:
table: network
table: network_cluster
table: vds_interface
table: vds_interface_statistics
The result was the network did show up under cluster logical networks.
However the network still does not show up under the host Network
Interfaces UI. Was able to create VM and attach the natbr0 network to it
and NAT was indeed working. (EG: DNSmasq assigned address). The guest was
able to communicate out and without extensive testing things seemed to work.
This was very painful to do (and hacky). Thus it would be very nice if
since this is OOB functionality of libvirt/KVM, if ovirt would allow for it
to be used. The ability to provide NAT or internal networks to guests would
quite useful.
12 years, 9 months
[Users] modifying a template
by Nathanaël Blanchet
please, anyone can tell me if it is possible to modify a template
instead of making a new one?
Nathanaël Blanchet
Supervision réseau
Pôle exploitation et maintenance
Département des systèmes d'information
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax 33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
12 years, 9 months
[Users] error in multipath.py
by ovirt@qip.ru
This is a message in Mime Format. If you see this, your mail reader does not support this format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
i tried the latest releases of vdsm from jenkins.ovirt.org, but found t=
hat they did'n work. Vdsmd cycles and corrupted my multipath.conf. =0A=
=0Aerror is in =0A=0A/usr/share/vdsm/storage/multipath.py=0A=0Athis is t=
he diff with my py=0A=0A# diff multipath.py.bad multipath.py=0A88,89c88,=
89=0A< first =3D mpathconf[0]=0A< second =3D mpa=
thconf[1]=0A---=0A> first =3D mpathconf.split('\n', 1)[0]=0A=
> second =3D mpathconf.split('\n', 1)[1]=0A=0A--
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
i tried the latest releases of <span id=3D"nicSpell_0" class=3D"nicSpell=
Word">vdsm</span> from <span id=3D"nicSpell_1" class=3D"nicSpellWord">je=
nkins</span>.<span id=3D"nicSpell_2" class=3D"nicSpellWord">ovirt</span>=
.org, but found that they did'n work. V<span id=3D"nicSpell_3" cla=
ss=3D"nicSpellWord">dsm</span>d cycles and corrupted my <span id=3D"nicS=
pell_4" class=3D"nicSpellWord">multipath</span>.<span id=3D"nicSpell_5"=
class=3D"nicSpellWord">conf</span>. <br><br>error is in <br><br>/<span=
id=3D"nicSpell_6" class=3D"nicSpellWord">usr</span>/share/<span id=3D"n=
icSpell_7" class=3D"nicSpellWord">vdsm</span>/storage/<span id=3D"nicSpe=
ll_8" class=3D"nicSpellWord">multipath</span>.py<br><br>this is the diff=
with my py<br><br># diff <span id=3D"nicSpell_9" class=3D"nicSpellWord"=
>multipath</span>.py.bad <span id=3D"nicSpell_10" class=3D"nicSpellWord"=
>multipath</span>.py<br>88,89c88,89<br><  =
; first =3D mpath<span id=3D"n=
icSpell_11" class=3D"nicSpellWord">conf</span>[0]<br>< &nb=
sp; second =3D mpa=
th<span id=3D"nicSpell_12" class=3D"nicSpellWord">conf</span>[1]<br>---<=
br>>  =
; first =3D mpath<span id=3D"nicSpell_13" class=3D"nicSpellWord">c=
onf</span>.split('\n', 1)[0]<br>> =
second =3D mpath<span id=3D"nicSpel=
l_14" class=3D"nicSpellWord">conf</span>.split('\n', 1)[1]<br><br><br><b=
12 years, 9 months
[Users] Can't install engine from latest jenkins build
by ovirt@qip.ru
This is a message in Mime Format. If you see this, your mail reader does not support this format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
during engine-setup=0A=0Aerror in step=0A=0ACreating Database... =
[ ERROR ]=0A=0A#tail engine-db-install-2012_0=
4_22_23_03_50.log=0ACreating stored procedures from audit_log_sp.sql ...=
=0ACreating stored procedures from base_disks_sp.sql ...=0ACreating stor=
ed procedures from bookmarks_sp.sql ...=0ACreating stored procedures fro=
m business_entity_snapshot_sp.sql ...=0ACreating stored procedures from=
common_sp.sql ...=0ACreating stored procedures from custom_actions_sp.s=
ql ...=0ACreating stored procedures from disk_image_dynamic_sp.sql ...=
=0ACreating stored procedures from disk_lun_map_sp.sql ...=0ACreating st=
ored procedures from disks_sp.sql ...=0Apsql:disks_sp.sql:93: ERROR: ty=
pe "disks" does not exist=0A=0A--
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
during engine-setup<br><br>error in step<br><br>Creating Database...&nbs=
p; &nbs=
p; &nbs=
p; [ ERROR ]<br><br>#tai=
l engine-db-install-2012_04_22_23_03_50.log<br>Creating stored procedure=
s from audit_log_sp.sql ...<br>Creating stored procedures from base_disk=
s_sp.sql ...<br>Creating stored procedures from bookmarks_sp.sql ...<br>=
Creating stored procedures from business_entity_snapshot_sp.sql ...<br>C=
reating stored procedures from common_sp.sql ...<br>Creating stored proc=
edures from custom_actions_sp.sql ...<br>Creating stored procedures from=
disk_image_dynamic_sp.sql ...<br>Creating stored procedures from disk_l=
un_map_sp.sql ...<br>Creating stored procedures from disks_sp.sql ...<br=
>psql:disks_sp.sql:93: ERROR: type "disks" does not exist<br><br><=
12 years, 9 months